


VOA新聞聽力訓練 特色及評論

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VOA新聞聽力訓練 文章節選

News No.1 Its 16 hours universal time. And here is the news in special English on the Voice of America. Im Bob Douty in Washingtion. 1.1 Oficials from six nations are meeting in Bonn to discuss efforts to end violence in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. American Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called for common action to press Yugoslavia to withdraw security forees from Kosovo. Security forces recently carried out an attack against separatists in Kosovo, where most people are ethnic Albanian. At least 80 people were killed. Yesterday, ethnic Albanican separatists attacked police. Serbian forces reacted by attacking villagers accused of supporting the militants. At least one police officer and two ethnic Albanians were killed. 1.2 Kigali President Clinton says the United States will work with other nations to find a better way to identify countries in danger of mass kilings. He spoke during a brief visit to Rwanda. Mr.Clinton said the world did not act quickly enough against the killings there four years ago. Ethnic Hutu extremists killed at least a half million Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Mr.Clinton met with survivour of the attacks and he announced plans to provide two million dollars for the survivors and 30 million dollars to reform the legal system in Rwanda.


