英文名稱:The Weakness Of The Bolshevik
別名:La Flaqueza Del Bolchevique
電影導演:Manuel Martín Cuenca
電影演員:Luis Tosar .... Pablo López
Mar Regueras .... Sonsoles
María Valverde .... María
2002年秋天的馬德里。Pablo López,一個平凡的男人,30來歲,在投資銀行上班,對一切感到厭倦。一天早上9點,就在馬德里市中心的一場交通堵塞中,他的車子撞上了富豪小姐的一輛敞篷車。這次事故使他遇上了麻煩,警察和保險公司找他算帳,他心裡更恨不得殺死這個女子。但一天他卻發現自己墮入如詩痴情的愛河,而對象正是女富豪的妹妹,一個僅有15歲的小女孩。
Pablo López is a dull businessman who engages in an unusual relationship with a fourteen-year-old, María. This will change his perception of life in a way he would never have suspected.
Based on a brilliant novel by Lorenzo Silva (who also co-writes the screenplay), the movie is quite loyal to the original text, although some pivotal parts seem to have been lost somewhere in between the novel and the script (the meaning of the title is not explained, for instance). Nevertheless, the writers are to be praised for their marvelous dialogs, which make the characters more real and unaffected.
The two leading actors (Luis Tosar and teen María Valverde) provide excellent performances. Valverde's performance is extremely unaffected for a debut, while Tosar once more shows his natural skill and versatility. It's a pity two fine actresses such as Mar Regueras and Nathalie Poza are left with not much more than a couple of scenes each, but the focus of the story is clearly and understandably set on the leads.
Given that this is only director Martín Cuenca's first film, I am eager to see what he will be directing in the future.