中文名稱:嗜血判官 第二季
英文名稱:Dexter Season 2
版本:12集全[HDTVRip]+[HR HDTV]+[720P]
演員:Michael C. Hall .... Dexter Morgan (11 episodes) (2006)
Julie Benz .... Rita Bennett (11 episodes) (2006)
Jennifer Carpenter .... Debra Morgan (11 episodes) (2006)
Erik King .... Sergeant Doakes (11 episodes) (2006)
Lauren Vélez .... Lt. Maria Laguerta (11 episodes) (2006)
David Zayas .... Angel Batista (11 episodes) (2006)
James Remar .... Harry Morgan (11 episodes) (2006)
C.S. Lee .... Vince Masuka (10 episodes) (2006)

【片 長】:平均45分鐘
【集 數】:本季共12集
【字 幕】:射手網外掛中英文字幕
【伺服器】:S-files ED Server ( 連線埠:80)
相信大家還對戴克斯特在第一季中的精彩表演記憶猶新。但在第二季中,因為殺死自己親身哥哥留下了心理陰影的戴克斯特發現自己無法對獵物下殺手了。察覺到戴克斯特身上有點不對勁的多克斯也一直跟蹤他,想在他身上發現蛛絲馬跡。戴克斯特的妹妹戴波拉還生活在冰車殺手帶來的恐懼下。但戴克斯特秘密拋棄的屍體被邁阿密警方意外的發現,警方迅速成立了特偵組,並請來了FBI協助破案,戴波拉也把找出兇手當成了自己目前的奮鬥目標。而茹迪也發現前夫的入獄似乎和戴克斯特有關,一切都亂成了一團。究竟戴克斯特能不能繼續逍遙法外?沒有小說為依據完全原創的劇本能不能把這部劇推上一個新的高度? 《嗜血判官》第二季將會位我們揭曉這些答案。
Based on Jeff Lindsay's novel "Darkly Dreaming Dexter," this new crime thriller tells the story of a strange man named Dexter Morgan. Once an abused and abandoned child, Dexter is now a successful forensics pathologist...but lurking just beneath his charismatic personality is a terrible truth. Dexter has corralled his innate homicidal urges into a closely guarded second career: He hunts down and brutally murders those vicious criminals who have managed to avoid the clutches of the law.