★2011年,6月4日,ZEE個人演唱會 在曼谷
Q: 能先自我介紹下嗎?
ZEE:我不太喜歡全色系的。我比較偏愛黑白混搭風,腿部會有一些裝飾. 還有就是圍巾啦 這是必不可少的.
Q: 如果現在你購買了一件衣服你會如何讓它具有時尚感?
ZEE:我會選我超愛圓領汗衫 我會在這件T-shirt上DIY一些超酷的花紋。我覺得這樣看起來會很棒。
Q: 你看上去像外國人,那你是否有混血呢?
ZEE:我是 =印尼/英/泰= 混血兒。但我出生於普吉島。
ZEE:哈哈,我喜歡所有的泰國美食。味道真的很棒! 但我最愛的還是漢堡包,如果有人請我吃漢堡包我會很滿足的。皮膚保養一般都是在睡前,如果是重要的平面照拍攝 我會在拍攝前做一下保養。
Zeeing beyond
Pop diva Zee reinvents the star mould with her boyish charm
Published: 29/09/2010 at 12:00 AMNewspaper section: Outlook
A lot of people didn't really know I'm a girl,'' said Zee, laughing.
''I used to get kicked out of women's toilets because they thought I was a guy, so I asked back: 'Do I have to go home to use the toilet?'''
Before Zee became the handsome girl singer she is today, she was forced to use men's toilets instead.
Matanawee ''Zee'' Keenan, 21, launched her first single, Ngai Ngai Tae Ngao, under the RS record label. The song rocked the charts with its pop-rock style and expressive and genuine lyrics. It tells a love story in Zee's own fashion and makes a very clear statement about her individuality as a singer.
''That single was right out of my own experience,'' she said, smiling.
Zee smiled the whole way through the interview. She portrayed a bouncy mixture of shyness and cheerfulness. She is no doubt a fun and a very interesting character to be around. Other than the exchange of smiles and the toilet story, we did some talking.
Zee recalled being really bratty when she was young. She loved sports. She loved boy's toys. And she didn't exactly know why.
''I only knew that I was bold and gutsy. And I liked being around boys,'' she said.
Zee is English-Indonesian. Her Thai, though with a tint of accent, was very good. Her parents live in Phuket, where she grew up attending Darasamut School.
In grade 7, however, Zee began to notice her boyish character was taking a strong turn.
''My first relationship lasted one year. And it was with a girl. It was very innocent, just comfortable and easy-going. We dined out. We talked a lot. I felt really good,'' Zee recalled.
After her first relationship came more relationships. But still, none of them were with boys. She has never had a boyfriend.
''There were only those who tried to flirt with me. I used to have very long hair, down to my waist.
''I do like guys, just not in that way. I'd like to be just friends,'' she said.
People got the message in good time with the restyling of her hair. She cut it short for the first time when she entered high school.
''It became shorter, shorter and even shorter each and every time. Now there's nothing left,'' she said, laughing.
''Many people have asked how I manage to look so male. And the answer is I don't really know!
''A lot of people think I take hormone pills or have had surgery, but I haven't. I think it's because I was quite sporty as a child and helped my dad carry heavy things. I used my muscles a lot,'' she said.
Zee's mother attempted to change her at one stage during high school by making her wear skirts. But it wasn't very successful.
''I think she gave up,'' Zen said smiling. ''Now she thinks of me as a son and introduces me to her friends that way.''
''There's nothing I can do now to look like a girl. Even if I were to dress like one or grow my hair longer, I would look like a transvestite,'' she said.
“還有很多人真的不知道我是一個女孩,'' ZEE笑了起來。
Matanawee '' ZEE,21,發布了她的第一首單曲,Ngai Ngai Tae Ngao,在RS唱片公司。這首歌震撼了流行音樂排名榜,其流行搖滾風格和表現細利的抒情歌詞。它以ZEE的風格來講述了一個愛情故事,這為她樹立了一個十分清晰個性的歌手風格。
ZEE是英國和印尼混血。她的泰語,雖然還是有一種特色的口音,但還是說得非常好的。她的父母住在普吉島,她是在那邊的 Darasamut學校上學的。
其他人在她改變髮型後 才漸漸明白她。她在進高中前把頭髮剪短。
''我的髮型每一次都變得越來越短,到現在什麼都不剩.= = ''她笑著說。
''我想她放棄了,''ZEE笑著說。 ''現在她把我當作一個兒子和她朋友們也是這樣介紹我。''