why not[Higher Brothers演唱歌曲]

why not[Higher Brothers演唱歌曲]

《Why Not》是中國內地說唱組合Higher Brothers演唱的一首說唱歌曲,發行於2017年5月27日,並且,該歌曲也被Higher Brothers收錄在2017年6月1日發行的首張團隊專輯——《Black Cab》中。


三文魚 5碗飯 塞進 胃裡 why not

I stuffed salmon with five bowls of rice into my stomach why not

young asian got dreads romantic why not

young asian got dreads romantic why not

air jordan skinny jeans polo shirt why not

air jordan skinny jeans polo shirt why not

higher gang rockin band turn fuck up why not

higher gang rockin band turn fuck up why not

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

making hits 造武器 轟炸每一天

making hits making weapons, dropping bombs everyday

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

ace hood kris wu 都是我的fans

ace hood kris wu are all my fans

im king kong im james bond 舞池裡面被我染的鮮紅 還沒 掏槍 你就先慫 象徵和平的鴿子又飛上天空

I’m King Kong I’m James Bond I dyed the dance floor red, didn’t even pull out my gun and you got spooked like doves flying into the sky

當金剛狼把爪子伸出來 代表有人馬上要被大卸八塊

When Wolverine shows his claws, it means you about to get fucked up

14厘米厚的鐵門一爪打開 這一幕把電視前的你給嚇呆

One swipe of his claw to open a 14cm thick iron gate, this scene got you scared shitless in front of the TV

古惑仔 就別問我從哪來 都爬開

Young and dangerous, fuck off and don’t ask me where I’m from


At CDC's Poly Center, ladies call me Andy Lau

錢都溢出口袋 兄弟團結友愛

Money coming out of my pockets, my homies stick together

vodka martini 舌頭上面塗上魚子醬

Vodka Martini caviar on my tongue

見棺材不落淚why not 快讓你兄弟們一起上

No tears when I see the coffin, why not let your homeboys go together

我不怕自然的災害 也活得下來因為比你胖

Not afraid of natural disasters, I can live through it because I’m fatter than you

電話關機我在飛機上 要到芬蘭尋找北極光

Phone’s in airplane mode, going to Finland to find the Northern Lights

穿越到侏羅紀 降落在部落里 隨時隨地都在嘴裡唱

Pass through the Jurassic Period, landed in a tribe rapping anytime and anywhere

三文魚 5碗飯 塞進 胃裡 why not

I stuffed salmon with five bowls of rice into my stomach why not

young asian got dreads romantic why not

young asian got dreads romantic why not

air jordan skinny jeans polo shirt why not

air jordan skinny jeans polo shirt why not

higher gang rockin band turn fuck up why not

higher gang rockin band turn fuck up why not

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

making hits 造武器 轟炸每一天

making hits making weapons, dropping bombs everyday

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

ace hood kris wu 都是我的fans

ace hood kris wu are all my fans

傷腦筋 不要不高興 你要怪就怪你自己沒有主角命

Don’t be mad bro, life just gave you less

壞毛病 搞不定 我們說 話情不自禁的押韻

No handle on your bad habits, we can’t help but rhyme when we speak

純白色的T 丟進洗衣機 保證每次登台亮相穿的很乾淨

Throwing my white tee into the laundry guarantees I look fresh on stage every time

你身體著了魔 房頂也著了火 看死神來了1234沒人熬得過 跑得脫

You’re possessed by a demon and the roof is on fire, watching Final Destination 1234 nobody can stay nor run away

ha 人群裡面沖個浪 ha 全人類說中國棒

Ha the crowd is like a wave Ha the whole world loves China

ha 狂得像在野生動物園 ha 獅子老虎睡在我旁邊

Ha mad like a zoo Ha lions and tigers sleep next to me

很抱歉我們的玩笑開的大 稱霸的範圍到火星地帶

Sorry if our jokes are too harsh, breaking the boundaries to Mars

登上了山頂冰雪被融化 歷史注定會把我記載

Climbing mountain tops the snow has melted, I’ll go down in history

我聽說 你打了16套軍體拳卻被捅了32刀 哎 真倒霉 該怪誰

I heard you did 16 military drills got stabbed 32 times, ay that sucks who can you blame

你要知道 在你挑釁之前 我都 已經能 看到你遺體

Before you provoke me know that I already have a target on you

有 人說我條件很好 給你一個機會把身份對調

People say I’m in good shape, I’ll give you a chance to swap identities with me

從頭再來一樣能夠辦到 在猶豫什麼 行動吧why not

Even if I reset I could do it again so why you hesitating, just do it why not

三文魚 5碗飯 塞進 胃裡 why not

I stuffed salmon with five bowls of rice into my stomach why not

young asian got dreads romantic why not

young asian got dreads romantic why not

air jordan skinny jeans polo shirt why not

air jordan skinny jeans polo shirt why not

higher gang rockin band turn fuck up why not

higher gang rockin band turn fuck up why not

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

making hits 造武器 轟炸每一天

making hits making weapons, dropping bombs everyday

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

take crazy chance do a crazy dance

ace hood kris wu 都是我的fans

ace hood kris wu are all my fans  



