
《Where U At》是完美符合太陽真實情況的歌曲。對於22歲依舊沒有談過一次戀愛的太陽而言,《Where U At》講述的就是對不知在這個世界哪裡生活著的未來女友的期盼,因此也是表達太陽心意的歌曲。
值得關注的是,太陽親自製作了《Where U At》的旋律部分,與製作人Teddy成為了這首歌的共同作曲家。這樣繼去年因solomini專輯而成功獲得音樂性和大眾性的太陽,通過這次作曲,以作曲家身份正式出道。
Where U At--太陽 (bigbang)
i don't even know your name girl
but i'm a get you somehow
just gotta let me know where u at
cause your man's coming
첫눈에 마치 나를 아는 듯한/第一眼就像認識我
너의 낯익은 미소에 마주쳤을 때/碰到你那熟悉的微笑
내 발걸음도 멈췄어 baby/我的腳步也停止了 baby
순식간에 지나간 시간이지만/雖然是一瞬間
그 순간 느낌을 기억해 왠지 불안해/記起那瞬間的感覺 有點不安
다시 볼 수 없을까봐 ye/恐怕再也看不到了 ye
널 다시 보려 나 뒤돌아 봐도/為了再看你 我轉身一看
점점 멀어져가는 너/漸漸遠去的你
day and night high and low
오늘도 나는 너를 찾아 이 자리에 있어/今天我依然在這裡找你
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at 지금 내게 말해줘/where u at where u at 現在請告訴我
나의 사랑이 시작할 수 있게 where u at girl/讓我的愛情開始 where u at girl
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at 언젠가 날 부를 때/where u at where u at 當你叫我時
이미 네 앞에 난 서있을게/我已經站在你的面前
나의 외로움을 다 아는 듯한/好像知道我的孤獨
그 표정이 널 못 잊게해 넌 날 이해해/你的那個表情 我無法忘記 你很了解我
then i wake up and i'm up ma zone
blink twice and then you're gone
혹시 너도 나처럼 힘이들까/或許你也像我一樣筋疲力盡嗎
만약 이 차가운 세상에 부딪혀 지칠 땐 /假如在這冷酷的世界碰到後喪氣時
날 만날 때 까지만 제발 참아줘/見到我之前一定要忍住
널 찾아보려 아무리 달려도/為了找你 無論怎么跑
점점 멀어져 가는 너/漸漸遠去的你
day and night high and low
오늘도 난 하늘너머 널 향해 소리쳐/今天我也穿過天空向你呼喊
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at
지금 내게 말해줘 나의 사랑이 시작할 수 있게/現在告訴我 我的愛情可以開始
where u at girl
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at
언젠가 날 부를 때 이미 네 앞에 난 서있을게/總有一天 當你叫我時 我已經在你面前
now let's go
let me break this down 지금 어디에선가/let me break this down 現在在某個地方
이 노래를 듣고 있을 너에게 지금 약속할게/跟將要聽著這歌的你約定
you are meant for me so i'll be there for you
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at
지금 내게 말해줘 나의 사랑이 시작할 수 있게/現在告訴我 我的愛情可以開始
시작할 수 있게/可以開始
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at
언젠가 날 부를 때 이미 네 앞에 난 서있을게/總有一天 當你叫我時 我已經站在你面前
난 서있을게/站在你面前
i don't even know your name girl
but i'm a get you somehow
just gotta let me know where u at
cause your man's coming
巧奴內 嗎幾 那樂 啦嫩 的他n
鬧也 那起個n 米掃哎 嗎就巧色er 代
內 吧er高樂m都 毛m巧掃 baby
素n系嘎內 幾那嘎n 系嘎你幾嗎n
可 素n嘎n 呢gi木er ki奧給 為n幾 不拉內
他系 不er 素 奧b色er嘎bua Ye
鬧er 大系 寶拉 那 對都拉 bua都
巧m巧m 毛老交嘎嫩 鬧
day and night high and low
奧呢er都 那嫩 鬧樂er 恰加 一 加里也 一掃
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at 起個m 內給 嗎累就
那哎 撒浪一 系加嘎er 素 一給 where u at girl
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at 奧n屆n嘎 那er 不樂er 代
一米 內 啊配 那n 掃一色er給
那哎 為老無木er 大 啊嫩 的他n
可 票覺一 鬧er 毛 一給嘿 鬧n 那 里嘿嘿
then i wake up and i'm up ma zone
blink twice and then you're gone
好g系 鬧都 那巧老m hi米的er嘎
嗎你呀 gi 恰嘎無n 賽桑哎 不低交 幾起er 代n
那er 嗎n那er 代 卡幾嗎n 且吧er 恰嗎就
鬧er 恰加寶啦 啊木里 大聊都
巧m巧m 毛老交嘎嫩 鬧
day and night high and low
奧呢er都 那 那呢er鬧毛 鬧er hi昂嘿 掃里巧
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at
起個m 內給 嗎累就 那哎 撒浪一 系加嘎er 素 一給
where u at girl
i just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at where u at
奧n屆n嘎 那er 不樂er 代
一米 內 啊配 那n 掃一色er給
now let's go
let me break this down
起個m 奧迪也掃n嘎
一 鬧累er 的高 一色er 鬧也給 起個m 呀g掃嘎er給
you were meant for me
so I'll be there for you
I just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at, where u at
起個m 內給 嗎啦就 那哎 撒浪一 系加嘎er 素 一給
I just wanna know if you feel the same
where u at, where u at
奧n屆n嘎 那er 不樂er 代
一米 內 啊配 那n 掃一色er給
I even don't know your name, girl
but I will get you somehow
just got let me know where you at
cuz I'm here, come here
第一眼見到 你仿佛認識我
I just wanna know
where u at
where u at
where u at
where u at, girl
I just wanna know
where u at
where u at
where u at
I just wanna know
where u at
where u at
where u at
where u at, girl
I just wanna know
where u at
where u at
where u at
Let's go
Let me break this time
you are meant for me
so I will be there for you
I just wanna know where u at
where u at
where u at
where u at
where u at, girl
I just wanna know
where u at
where u at
where u at