Having read the first six paragraphs of the text in unit two, I have a deep impression by the devices such as parallelism and repetition the author described and the usage of the verbs and adjectives the writer exerted. For example, in the first paragraph, the adjectives such as intensive, blazing, throbbing, are respectively modified the nouns woman, eyes and voice. Thus, it makes the description vivid. Furthermore, in the fifth paragraph, the successive verbs: went to work, rushed to see, shopped, hurried, and then repaired especially suggests that we do a lot of things in limit time therefore we are tired and complaining about it. However, what we also are doing is showing off. It seems that everyone has something to show off. The second, fourth and sixth paragraphs are written in similar, that is “XX is showing off”. It is called repetition. Such kind of device can make the words strong and achieve the emphasis of showing off.
section 1 for unit 2
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番號的軍隊。(2)[unit;troop]∶軍隊的一部分。駐京部隊2.部分 bùfen(1)[part;section;portion]∶整體中...、史子、集四部。11.部分 [part;section]。如:上部;南部...
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)Unit Six Travel (2)Section 1...?Section 2Part 1 Finding a Garage... This Person?Section 2Part 1 What Did...
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