![runaway[坎耶·維斯特和Pusha T演唱的歌曲]](/img/7/93c/wZwpmLzcjM5MDM2MTOyYDM1UTM1QDN5MjM5ADMwAjMwUzLzkzL3AzLt92YucmbvRWdo5Cd0FmLxE2LvoDc0RHa.jpg)
“坎耶·維斯特搶話筒事件”後,坎耶·維斯特受到了媒體和公眾的排擠,他感覺全世界都在與自己為敵,於是他去夏威夷進行了“自我流放” 。該曲的許多靈感來都來自於關於坎耶·維斯特的各種社會輿論。坎耶·維斯特在歌中加入了許多“一語雙關”的語句,來產生一種“含糊不清”的表達效果。他希望該曲既能表現自己與喜愛女孩的關係,也能表達自己對媒體、社會的想法 。
在錄製過程中,Pusha T和其它錄音人員都原諒了坎耶·維斯特搶泰勒·斯威夫特話筒這一事,全身心投入工作中。在Pusha T開始錄製前,坎耶·維斯特已經完成了該曲的大部分錄製工作。Pusha T害怕自己對該曲的理解不夠深刻,於是多錄了幾次。2010年3月左右,該曲的錄製工作在夏威夷完成 。
![runaway[坎耶·維斯特和Pusha T演唱的歌曲]](/img/7/752/wZwpmL3QTM0YjM1EDMzYDM1UTM1QDN5MjM5ADMwAjMwUzLxAzL2EzLt92YucmbvRWdo5Cd0FmLwE2LvoDc0RHa.jpg)
該曲的鼓點部分對詹姆斯·布朗的歌曲《Funky President (People It's Bad)》、瑞克·詹姆斯的歌曲《Mary Jane》進行了採樣 。單曲封面由美國視覺藝術家喬治·康多拍攝並設計 。
(Kanye West)
(Look at you x 14)
(Look at you x eight)
(Ladies and gentlemen, la-ladies and gentlemen)
(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)
(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)
(And I want to show you how you all look like beautiful stars tonight)
And I always find, yeah, I always find somethin' wrong
You been puttin' up wit' my shit just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast
Let's have a toast for the douchebags,
Let's have a toast for the assholes
Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast to the jerkoffs
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
She find pictures in my email
I sent this girl a picture of my, dick
I don't know what it is with females
But I'm not too good with that, shit
See, I could have me a good girl
And still be addicted to them hoodrats
And I just blame everything on you
At least you know that's what I'm good at
See, I always find
And I always find
Yeah, I always find somethin' wrong
You been puttin' up with my shit just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast
Let's have a toast for the douchebags,
Let's have a toast for the assholes,
Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast to the jerkoffs
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
R-r-ru-ru-ru-run away
Run away from me, baby
(Look at, look at, look at, look at you)
Run away from me, baby
(Look at you, look at you, look at you)
Run away
Run away from me, baby
(Pusha T)
24/7, 365, pussey stays on my mind
I-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit it
Now pick your best move, you could leave or live wit' it
Ichabod Crane with that Lamborghini top off
Split and go where? Back to wearin' knockoffs, huh?
Knock it off, Neiman's, shop it off
Let's talk over mai tais, waitress, top it off
(Inaudible) Wanna fly in your Freddy loafers
You can't blame 'em, they ain't never seen Versace sofas
Every bag, every blouse, every bracelet
Comes with a price tag, baby, face it
You should leave if you can't accept the basics
Plenty whoes in the baller-nigga's matrix
Invisibly set, the Rolex is faceless
I'm just young, rich, but your tasteless
I haven't fucked in so long
You been puttin' up wit' my shit just way too long
I'm so gifted at findin' what I don't like the most
So I think it's time for us to have a toast
《Runaway》是《My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy》整張專輯製作最壯觀宏大的曲目,這首近10分鐘的史詩般的歌曲若看歌曲長度,實在讓人很難把它和嘻哈這個詞聯繫在一起,而這正是坎耶敢為人之不為所在。開始零星的鋼琴泛音瞬時讓人的瞬間安靜下來,在坎耶完成主體的說唱部分後,大提琴的突然加入讓人猝不及防,而這時的坎耶透過合成器發出扭曲變調的誇張聲音,不禁讓人想起了當年《808's & Heartbreak》里的Auto-tune,而同那張專輯一樣,這裡變型失真的聲音同樣是服務於主人公低落的情緒 。
![runaway[坎耶·維斯特和Pusha T演唱的歌曲]](/img/1/13a/wZwpmL1IzM0AzNzQTOyYDM1UTM1QDN5MjM5ADMwAjMwUzL0kzLwUzLt92YucmbvRWdo5Cd0FmL0E2LvoDc0RHa.jpg)
《Runaway》開創了嘻哈音樂的另一種行業標準,或者至少可以說,是另一種表達方式。在音樂中,冷靜而保持勻速的每一顆鋼琴音符墜落,成為了嘻哈的節奏基礎,這似乎不是新鮮的手法,但這次在《Runaway》卻表達很到位,讓人印象深刻 。

《Runaway》的MV以迷你電影的形式呈現,全長35分鐘 。該片由坎耶·維斯特親自執導,瓦妮莎·比克羅夫特擔任藝術指導,Jonathan Lia擔任製作人。坎耶·維斯特受到了《紫雨》《迷牆》《顫慄》等音樂電影啟發拍攝了該片。該片講述了格里芬 (坎耶·維斯特飾)偶遇墜入凡間的鳳凰 ( 賽麗塔·伊班克斯 飾),他向鳳凰展示人類世界,之後與其相愛的故事 。經過一系列的遊歷之後,鳳凰對人類的行為感到失望,最終決定用燃燒自己的方式離開塵世 。短片以莫扎特創作的曲目《安魂曲》第六樂章痛哭之日開場,之後以專輯《My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy》中的許多曲目作為背景音樂 。
時間 | 獎項 | 獲獎方 | 結果 | |
2011年 | 第11屆黑人娛樂電視獎 | 年度最佳音樂錄影帶 | 《Runaway》 | 提名 |
時間 | 場合 | 地點 |
2010年9月13日 | 2010MTV音樂錄影帶大獎頒獎典禮 | 美國洛杉磯 |
發行首周,《Runaway》在美國公告牌百強單曲榜上排行第十二名,這同樣是該曲在單曲榜的最好成績。同時,該曲還以17.4萬的下載次數在公告牌下載榜中排名第四 。