風格:電子流行(Electropop), 合成器流行樂(synthpop), 獨立流行(indie pop), 獨立搖滾(indie rock), 另類舞曲(alternative dance)

成員:Michael Angelakos (主唱), Ian Hultquist (鍵盤,吉他), Xander Singh (合成), Jeff Apruzzese ( 貝司), Nate Donmoyer (鼓手)。
10月13號,Passion Pit 作為演唱嘉賓做客SNL(Saturday Night Live)演唱了2012新專輯《Gossamer》中兩首歌曲"Take a Walk" 和 "Carried Away"。
樂隊名字是主唱Michael Angelakos的突發奇想。 在取這個名字之前,他並不知道上世紀80年代有一部同名色情電影《Passion Pit》。
《Chunk Of Change》是樂隊的首張EP。
Release Date(發行日期): 2008.09.16
Label(廠牌): Frenchkiss Records
Styles(風格): Big Beat / Pop / Rock / Soul
據說passion pit的一夜成名,是建立在網路的高效率傳遞信息基礎上的:michael在四個兄弟的合作下寫給女友的作為情人節禮物的歌,一傳十十傳百,先是在校園FTP上下載量節節攀升,最後引得哈佛,MIT周邊名校的人也聞風而至,為他們捧場。之後,那幾首寫給女友的歌便收錄在《Chunk Of Change》里。
Passion Pit組合發行的EP“Chunk Of Change”是人民民眾喜聞樂見的音樂。充滿了陽光向上之情,表達了人民生活美滿的喜悅之情,沒有牛奶沒有股票。MV做得很不錯,音樂更不用說了。
這張EP發行後好評如潮,甚至樂隊被稱為是下一個 MGMT 。
Passion Pit is centered by Boston-based singer-songwriter Michael Angelakos. He originally wrote this EP as a belated Valentine's Day present for his girlfriend. She must have liked what she heard (although it's not too romantic that Passion Pit is also the name of a Traci Lords/John Holmes skin flick from the '80s), because Angelakos started making more copies of the EP and handing them out to friends and acquaintances. Eventually so many people liked what they heard that Passion Pit (which Angelakos fleshes out to a full band when Passion Pit plays live) was voted Best New Local Act in a 2008 WFNX/Boston Phoenix Best Music Poll. The original version of Chunk of Change is augmented here by two additional tracks, "Sleepyhead" and "Better Things."
Review by Amelia Raitt:
The blog-ballyhooed Passion Pit plays a gentle kind of electro-pop that chooses to lilt and sway rather than bump and grind. Chunk of Change, the Boston group's debut EP, is full of flitting falsettos, chirping synths and skittering beats sure to perk up the ears of any Postal Service fan. The good vibes are even on display in song titles: "Smile Upon Me," "Better Things," and the king of the twee heap, "Cuddle Fuddle." The centerpiece here, however, is the sweeping, sample-heavy "Sleepyhead" — the raucous, shout-it-out stomper that feels like a true release after the scampering-about of the first five tracks.
Review By Ethan Stanislawski:
Passion Pit's first EP, a flawed yet charming little electronica ditty, seems too personal and inside-joke laden to get a fair critical take. Chunk of Change was Michael Angelakos' belated Valentine's Day gift for his girlfriend, but it was made public by Frenchkiss, the dudes who brought us Les Savy Fav and the Hold Steady. Chunk of Change almost certainly works better as a mixtape for Angelakos' sweetheart than for a larger audience, but there's still plenty of intrigue and promise to be found mixed in among the more-than-occasional annoyance.
Some see Chunk of Change closer/first single “Sleepyhead” as the standout, but that track doesn't do it for me. "Sleepyhead" simply seems like a late-'90s pop-hip-hop song minus the rap. The song that most grabbed my attention was opener “I've Got Your Number,” maybe the first one I've ever heard that I'd willingly describe as “electro-twee” and certainly the first one close to that style that I liked. It's the only time on the album that Passion Pit was able to draw some genuine pathos that extended beyond in-joke material. The other promising tracks are either bogged down by vague self-righteousness (the funky “Cuddle Fuddle”) or have all their power destroyed by poaching (the chorus of “Smile Upon Me” was stolen directly from “All My Friends”).
Despite Chunk of Change's flaws, Angelakos shows real promise as an innovative electronic-song weaver. Promise is, of course, what EPs are supposed to show, not immediate brilliance. Even still, Passion Pit's style feels dated by a few years. Angelakos certainly has the tools to carve his niche, but he may have to whittle his niche a little differently in the longer term.
01. I've Got Your Number
02. Smile Upon Me
03. Cuddle Fuddle
04. Live To Tell The Tale
05. Better Things
06. Sleepyhead
07. Sleepyhead (Landau 'Wake Up' Remix)
6 首歌曲
《Manners》是Passion Pit 2009年發行的首張完整的錄音室專輯。為了慶祝,樂隊在紐約的一艘Rocks Off 遊船上舉行了新專輯發布party。
In a preview article, Clash Music commented that the album "has every chance to rank as one of the year's best" and that "it reveals additional nuances with each visit: a sure-fire sign of an album with true longevity".
發行公司:Frenchkiss Records
Make Light
Little Secrets
Moth's Wings
The Reeling
Eyes As Candles
Swimming In The Flood
Folds In Your Hands
To Kingdom Come
Let Your Love Grow Tall
Seaweed Song