- neighboring

<美> 鄰近的, 接壤的
"eighborin 鄰近的
<美> 鄰近的, 接壤的
"eighborin 鄰近的
The Establishment, Evolution JIAXIAN territory often in many Neo...
Resources Population Economic Traffic Social基本信息 接[漢語漢字] 文字:接鄭碼:DSZM,U:63A5,GBK:BDD3結構:左右部首:手筆順編號:1214143153...
基本信息 釋義 古籍解釋 常用詞組 方言讀音基本信息【拼音】fù jìn【注音】ㄈㄨˋ ㄐㄧㄣˋ【英譯】nearby;neighboring;close to;in the vicinity【近義詞】旁邊、左右、周圍、近鄰、周邊【反義詞】遙遠、遠處、邊遠...
基本信息 詳細解釋SAT巴朗詞表 錄約3500個核心詞,提高備考效率 提供權威的中英釋義,準確理解記憶 精選經典搭配及例句,強化學習...
SAT巴朗詞表 前 言Historical Evolution Neolithic Age according to archaeological e...
Historical Evolution Public FacilitiesGeographical Environment Geography Kaohsiung's position of longi...
History Urban Planning Industry TrafficNatural Environment Tongcheng intervein lies in median latitude,...
Natural Environment Historical EvolutionClimate And Geography Guangde County of Anhui Province is locate...
Customs Historical Evolution