- fireclay

火泥, 耐火土
火泥, 耐火土
fireclay n. 火泥, 耐火土 ...
Historical Origin Dongsheng District in Xia Dynasty in the conte...
Historical Origin Natural FeaturesOrganization System Evolution Spring and Autumn Period, Xiangyan...
Natural Resources Ethnic Population簡介耐火黏土模,耐火粘土 fireclay,用三角測溫錐試驗時,耐火度高於 19 號( 1520 ℃ )的高嶺土。由 19 至 26 號的稱為低耐火值耐火粘土;由 27 至 30 號的稱為中耐火值耐火粘土;由 31...
簡介 參考資料Introduction Suzhou Municipality is located in the north - most ...
Introduction History PopulationOverview Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province is located in the centra...
Overview Physical GeographyHistorical Evolution Quzhou, and Gu was the result of the countr...
Historical Evolution City HonorsGeographical Environment Yuxian County, Shanxi Province is locat...
Historical Evolution Climate EconomicAdministrative Divisions Fengtai county administers 7 towns, 12 ...
Historical Evolution Resources Industry