Book DescriptionMyron Bolitar screwed up. He was supposed to be protecting a woman. Instead, he fell in love with her – and then she died. So he’s dropped out, and run away to the Caribbean to escape his guilt.
But now everything has come back to haunt him. Esperanza Diaz, his closest friend, is in trouble. Murder trouble. The victim is one of Myron’s own clients, and the case seems to be watertight. It’s inconceivable that Esperanza is involved, but she is refusing to deny it. So, in order to help his friend, Myron must battle for her freedom – against her own wishes…
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)10.8
哈蘭·科本(Harlan Coben),美國三代總統柯林頓、小布希、歐巴馬最喜歡的暢銷書作家,《達·芬奇密碼》作者丹·布朗的伯樂。第一位包攬國際最權威的埃德加·愛倫·坡獎、莎馬斯獎和安東尼獎的美國作家,第一位入選圖書奧斯卡(英國年度圖書獎)的美國人。1995年,他以《Deal Breaker》而走紅,贏得評論家和讀者的廣泛好評。迄今為止,已經連續推出“米隆·波利塔系列小說”(Myron Bolitar series)共十本,並因此獲得諸多殊榮。《紐約時報》稱讚他的小說是“天才作品”,《洛杉磯時報》認為他的小說“充滿洞見”,《休斯頓紀事》指出他的作品“始終給人帶來愉悅”。許多報刊一致認為,哈蘭·科本的作品是必讀書。目前,科本的作品已經至少以三十二種語言出版,每一部作品都是世界範圍的暢銷書,從而牢固地確立了他在神秘懸疑小說(Mystery Suspense Fiction)創作領域裡的卓著地位。