earth wind and fire

earth wind and fire




earth wind and fire earth wind and fire

地,風與火Earth, Wind & Fire)是由Maurice White帶領的美國男子演唱組合 ,1969年於芝加哥伊利諾州成立。曾獲六次葛萊美獎及二十次提名。他們擁有超過五十張金唱片及白金唱片。至今,他們唱片的全球銷量超過9000萬張。邁爾士·戴維斯(Miles Davis)曾評EW&F為“他的最愛”及“最佳”。昆西·瓊斯(Quincy Jones)也曾表示他從第一天開始便是EW&F的超級歌迷。EW&F成員之一的拉爾夫·詹森(Ralph Johnson)曾驕傲地說:“根據統計,在每1分38秒鐘內,全球就會有一家電台播放我們的歌曲。”


這個組合的隊長及成立者Maurice White在1941年出生於田納西州孟菲斯。他搬到芝加哥及在Chess Records擔任短期鼓手。




Maurice White (born December 19, 1941 in Memphis, Tennessee; vocals, drums and percussion, 1970 - present)

Verdine White (born July 25, 1951 in Chicago, Illinois; bass, 1970 - present)

Philip Bailey (born May 8, 1951, Denver, Colorado; vocals and percussion, 1972 - present)

Ralph Johnson (born July 4, 1951 in Los Angeles, California; drums and percussion, 1972 - present)

B. David Whitworth (percussion and vocals, 1996 - present)

earth wind and fire earth wind and fire

John Paris (born 1968; drums, 2001 - present)

Myron McKinley (keyboards, current musical director 2001 - present)

Greg "G-Mo" Moore (guitar, 2004 - present)

Morris O'Connor (guitar, 2008 - present)

Kim Johnson (vocals, 2005 - present)


Ronnie Laws (born October 3, 1950 in Houston, Texas; soprano, tenor saxophone and flute)

Andrew Woolfolk (born October 11, 1950 in San Antonio, Texas; saxophone and flute)

Larry Dunn (born June 19, 1953 in Denver, Colorado; keyboards)

Johnny Graham (born August 3, 1951, Louisville, Kentucky, guitar, percussion and trumpet)

Al McKay (born February 2, 1948, New Orleans, Louisiana, guitar and percussion)

Fred White (born January 13, 1955 in Memphis, Tennessee; drums, 1975 - 1987)

Sheldon Reynolds (born September 13, 1959; vocals and guitar, 1987 - 2002)

Bobby Gonzales (guitar, 2001 - 2004)

Jessica Cleaves (born December 10, 1948 in California; vocals)

Wade Flemons (September 25, 1940 in Coffeyville, Kansas - October 13, 1993 in Battle Creek, Michigan; vocals, 1970 - 1973)

Roland Bautista (guitar, 1972 - 1973 and 1981 - 1983)

Sonny Emory (drums, 1987 - 1999)

Fred Ravel (keyboards, Musical Director,1992-1995)

Morris Pleasure (musical director, keyboards, 1996 - 2002)

Mike McKnight (keyboards, 1996 - 1998)

Robert Brookins (musical director, keyboards, 1998 - 2004)

David Romero (percussion, 1996 - 2001)

Daniel de los Reyes (percussion, 2001 - 2004)

Vadim Zilberstein (guitar, 2004-2008)


earth wind and fire earth wind and fire

Earth,Wind & Fire這支樂團的風格能夠包含爵士、靈魂、放克、福音、藍調、非洲民族音樂、搖滾及舞曲等各式領域,又兼而融為一體,形成獨一無二的樂風,他們的字典里沒有悲傷。從二十世紀七十年代初成軍以來,Earth,Wind & Fire一直維持著七、八人的多人次編制,而歷年來每一位加入過這支樂團的成員都是多才多藝,既能創作,又精通多樣樂器,而且個個歌藝不凡的實力樂手,像是出身著名爵士樂團Ramsey Lewis四重奏的Maurice White、從小同受專業音樂教育洗禮的White兄弟、高亢歌聲可以跨越四個八度、後來單飛後的個人專輯亦相當受到歡迎的歌手/打擊樂手Philip Bailey等等,論個人表現各能令人折服,而共同合作的整體效果則更造成讓人為之傾倒的璀璨魅力。Earth,Wind & Fire的魅力不僅反映在多張多白金銷售紀錄的專輯熱賣度,多次葛萊美獎的肯定也在在證明了他們堅強的實力。一共獲得過20項葛萊美提名,贏得了其中6個獎項。不過,他們成立之後長期都沒有贏得主流媒體的重視,大器晚成型樂隊。


電影《觸不可及》 電影《觸不可及》

在法國電影《觸不可及》中,地球,風與火樂隊是男主角德瑞斯(driss)最喜歡的樂團,並播放了成名曲《september》。在生日派對的歌為《 Boogie Wonderland》

美國電影《最後的維加斯 Last Vegas》中,地球,風與火樂隊的《september》在party中演奏。


