are you the one

are you the one

《Are You The One》這首歌是荷蘭樂隊Within Temptation(誘惑本質)主唱Sharon den Adel與Stratovarius(靈雲樂隊)當家吉他手Timo Tolkki合作的成果。


are you the one are you the one

《Are You The One》這首歌是荷蘭樂隊Within Temptation(誘惑本質)主唱Sharon den Adel與Stratovarius(靈雲樂隊)當家吉他手Timo Tolkki合作的成果。Sharon自96年Within Temptation組團開始便為其主唱。她嗓音獨特,聲線高亢,聽上去有種金屬的質感。隨著這支來自鬱金香國度的樂隊一步步走向成功,她也變得越來越美麗。從樂隊首張專輯《Enter》發售到開始,Sharon的個人魅力越來越強,她的成熟中帶著點點張揚,幾絲魅惑,讓人無可挑剔。

如果喜歡這首歌的話還可以去聽聽Within Temptation的其它歌曲喔,像《Say My Name》, 《Stand My Ground》等,領略一下哥德式搖滾的魅力。

熟悉大名鼎鼎的芬蘭“靈雲樂隊”的朋友們一定都知道它的吉他手Timo Tolkki。Timo Tolkki在Staffan Straaringahlman離開後加入靈雲。由於深受古典音樂的影響,他的加入,馬上給樂隊帶來了不同的風格。這些年來,Timo為靈雲創作出經典樂曲的同時,也致力於個人專輯的製作。

1994年Timo Tolkki首張個人專輯“Classical Variations and Themes”問世,部份內容取材自古典樂曲。

2002年她發表第二張專輯 《Hymn To Life》。《Are You The One》便出自這張專輯。



Are you the one

The traveller in time who has come

To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun

To walk this path with me until the end of time

Are you the one?

Who sparkles in the night like fireflies

Eternity of evening sky

Facing the morning eye to eye

Are you the one?

Who"d share this life with me

Who"d dive into the sea with me

Are you the one?

Who"s had enough of pain

And doesn"t wish to feel the shame, anymore

Are you the one?

Are you the one?

Who"s love is like a flower that needs rain

To wash away the feeling of pain

Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear

Are you the one?

To walk with me in garden of stars

The universe, the galaxies and Mars

The supernova of our love is true


Are You The One—Sharon den Adel&Timo Tolkki

Are you the one?你是那個人嗎

The traveller in time who has come進入我生命的陌生人

To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun治癒心傷,播撒陽光

To walk this path with me until the end of time結伴走在生命的小路上

Are you the one?你是那個人嗎

Who sparkles in the night like fireflies螢火蟲般流彩的目光

Eternity of evening sky對視,在永恆的夜空

Facing the morning eye to eye直至晨曦來將

Are you the one?你是那個人嗎

Who"d share this life with me與我共度此生

Who"d dive into the sea with me與我一起躍入海洋

Are you the one?你是那個人嗎

Who"s had enough of pain受盡創傷

And doesn"t wish to feel the shame, anymore不願再心傷

Are you the one?你會是那個人嗎

Are you the one?你是那個人嗎

Who's love is like a flower that needs rain那個愛就像花兒需要雨露

To wash away the feeling of pain衝去憂傷

Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear不再迷茫彷徨

Are you the one?你是那個人嗎

To walk with me in garden of stars一起走在群星之下

The universe, the galaxies and Mars火星,銀河,宇宙

The supernova of our love is true見證我們愛的迸發


Are You The One—Sharon den Adel&Timo Tolkki


Are you the one? 你是他嗎?

The traveller in time who has come 與我邂逅的陌生人。

To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun 治癒心傷,沐浴陽光,

To walk this path with me until the end of time 結伴同行直至生命的盡頭。

Are you the one? 你是他嗎?

Who sparkles in the night like fireflies 琉璃瑩彩如螢火蟲般的目光,

Eternity of evening sky 在永恆的夜空下凝視,

Facing the morning eye to eye 攜手等待晨光熹微。

Are you the one?你是他嗎?

Who‘d share this life with me 那個願與我共度此生之人,

Who’d dive into the sea with me 那個願與我一起沉入海洋之人。

Are you the one?你是他嗎?

Who‘s had enough of pain 那個傷痕累累,

And doesn’t wish to feel the shame, anymore 不願再心若彷徨之人。

Are you the one?你會是他嗎?

Are you the one?你真的會是他嗎?

Who's love is like a flower that needs rain他的愛如花兒需要沁潤雨露 ,

To wash away the feeling of pain 洗滌憂傷,

Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear 不再失魂徘徊。

Are you the one?你是他嗎?

To walk with me in garden of stars 願與我共沉熠熠星輝之下,

The universe, the galaxies and Mars無論宇宙,銀河,星際,

The supernova of our love is true 刻畫永世不朽的愛戀。


Are You The One—Sharon den Adel&Timo Tolkki


Are you the one? 你是他么?

The traveller in time who has come 闖進我生活的旅者

To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun 安撫著我的傷痛,引領著我走向光明

To walk this path with me until the end of time 在生命的路上陪伴我,直至時間終結

Are you the one? 你是他么?

Who sparkles in the night like fireflies 是誰在夜晚像螢火蟲那樣閃爍

Eternity of evening sky 在那黑暗的天空中永恆

Facing the morning eye to eye 在黎明時分彼此注視

Are you the one? 你是他么?

Who"d share this life with me 與我共享生活中的點滴

Who"d dive into the sea with me 與我同舟共濟

Are you the one? 你是他么

Who"s had enough of pain 飽受痛苦

And doesn"t wish to feel the shame, anymore 再不願意受到傷害

Are you the one? 你真的是他么?

Are you the one? 你是他么?

Who"s love is like a flower that needs rain 他的愛就像等待雨水的花朵

To wash away the feeling of pain 讓雨水沖刷心中的傷痛

Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear 不會再感到恐懼

Are you the one? 你是他么?

To walk with me in garden of stars 在星空下伴我散步

The universe, the galaxies and Mars 星星,銀河乃至宇宙

The supernova of our love is true 我們的愛超越所有的一切


Are you the one


The traveller in time who has come To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun


To walk this path with me until the end of time


Are you the one?


Who sparkles in the night like fireflies


Eternity of evening sky Facing the morning eye to eye


Are you the one


The traveller in time who has come To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun


To walk this path with me until the end of time


Are you the one?


Who sparkles in the night like fireflies


Eternity of evening sky Facing the morning eye to eye


Are you the one?


Are you the one?


Who"s love is like a flower that needs rain To wash away the feeling of pain

Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear


Are you the one?


To walk with me in garden of stars


The universe, the galaxies and Mars


The supernova of our love is true



Are You The One—Sharon den Adel&Timo Tolkki


Are you the one? 你是他嗎?

The traveller in time who has come闖入我生命中素未謀面的行者

To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun療愈傷痕, 攜伴走向光明

To walk this path with me until the end of time共度餘生直至生命末路

Are you the one?你會是他嗎?

Who sparkles in the night like fireflies絢爛如暗夜螢火般的璀璨

Eternity of evening sky相顧於夜空

Facing the morning eye to eye等待至晨光來臨

Are you the one?真的是他嗎?

Who"d share this life with me共伴分享生活點滴之喜

Who"d dive into the sea with me墜入海洋

Are you the one?是他?

Who"s had enough of pain飽嘗折磨,遍體鱗傷

And doesn"t wish to feel the shame, anymore不願再經受玷辱之傷

Are you the one?你會是他嗎?

Are you the one?你是他嗎?

Who's love is like a flower that needs rain如花般渴慕甘露滋潤

To wash away the feeling of pain沖刷痛苦

Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear掙脫絕望的擺布

Are you the one?你是他吧?

To walk with me in garden of stars漫步於星空

The universe, the galaxies and Mars星海璀璨

The supernova of our love is true黯然失色于堅定地對愛的信仰


Are you the one?


The traveller in time who has come


To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun


To walk this path with me until the end of time


Are you the one?


Who sparkles in the night like fireflies


Eternity of evening sky


Facing the morning eye to eye


Are you the one?


Who"d share this life with me


Who"d dive into the sea with me


Are you the one?


Who"s had enough of pain


And doesn"t wish to feel the shame, anymore


Are you the one?


Are you the one?


Who"s love is like a flower that needs rain


To wash away the feeling of pain


Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear


Are you the one?


To walk with me in garden of stars


The universe, the galaxies and Mars


The supernova of our love is true



第一次聽到“Are you the one”是在一個朋友的部落格上——憂鬱的女聲、孤獨的吉它,在曠野中固執的發問:你是他嗎?是不是那個來陪我走過一生的旅者,是不是也受過那許多傷?會不會陪我一起躍進海洋?


Are you the one?這句問到底只是獨白還是真的需要一個回答,一個保證?哪個陷入愛情中的人不曾問過這句話呢?又有誰,在這世上,不是在尋找屬於自己的the one呢?


Are You The One

來自Scorpions(蠍子樂隊)專輯Pure Instinct

Pure Instinct

1)Wild Child Stereo

2)But The Best For You Stereo

3)Does Anyone Know Stereo

4)Stone In My Shoe Stereo

5)Soul Behind The Face Stereo

6)Oh Girl (I Wanna Be With You) Stereo

7)When You Came Into My Life Stereo

8)Where The River Flows Stereo

9)Time Will Call Your Name Stereo

11)You And I Stereo

12)Are You The One- Stereo

13)She`s Knocking At My Door


Another rainy morning

People rushing by

My head is still in the clouds

I dream with open eyes

Suddenly out of nowhere

She came into my life

Like we know each other

For quite a while

In the sound of silence

Time is standing still

There's some kind of bond between us

That's givin' me the chill

Do you really wonder

That we can burn the sky

It's written a thousand years ago

In the book of life

Are you the one

that God had made for me

Are you the one

who's always in my dreams

The one who keeps me goin'

When I can't go on

The one that I've been waiting for

For so long



Suddenly out of nowhere

She came into my life

Are you the one

that God had made for me

Are you the one

who's always in my dreams

Are you the one

that God had made for me

Are you the one

who's mine eternally

The one who keeps me dreamin'

When I'm sad and tired

Who gives my life a meaning

Till the day I die

Are you the one

Are you the one



