The 2012 Story


出版社: Tarcher (2009年10月15日) 精裝: 496頁
正文語種: 英語
ISBN: 1585427667
條形碼: 9781585427666
產品尺寸及重量: 22.9 x 15.7 x 4.3 cm ; 772 g
ASIN: 1585427667


《The 2012 Story》是一部關於全球毀滅的災難電影,它講述在2012年世界末日到來時,我們的主人公如何掙扎求生。傑克遜•柯蒂斯(約翰•庫薩克飾)帶著孩 子去黃石公園度假,卻發現曾有美好回憶的湖泊已經乾涸,而這個地區也成為了禁區。充滿疑惑的他在黃石附近的營地偶然認識了查理。查理告訴他由於自然環境和 資源長期被人類掠奪性破壞,地球自身的平衡系統已經面臨崩潰,人類即將面臨空前的自然災害。查理說有些國家已經在聯合秘密研製並建造可以躲避這個災難的方 舟。傑克遜以為他是個瘋子,就一笑而過走開了。然而第二天,災難就發生了。強烈的地震、巨大的火山爆發讓眼前熟悉的家園變成了人間煉獄。在地球的其他 地方,各種各樣的自然災害也以前所未有的規模爆發。傑克遜和眾多家庭一樣踏上了求生之路。面對全球性自然災害不知何去何從的他突然想起查理提到過的方舟和 地圖,於是決定前往方舟基地尋找生存的機會。在尋找和前往方舟基地的過程中,傑克遜一家經歷了生死考驗。最終他們終於到達方舟基地。然而已經製造完成 的方舟數量遠遠不能滿足從世界各地聞訊湧來的受災人群。誰去誰留已然成為挑戰整個人類的道德抉擇。面對災難,來自不同國家的人類做出了最重要的抉擇:“所 有人都是平等的,都有平等的生存機會!”最後人們終於在方舟中度過了這一全球性的災害,獲得了繼續繁衍和發展的希望。瑪雅人說2012年12月21日的黑夜降臨以後,12月22日的黎明永遠不會到來。
On December 21, 2012, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, a 5,125- year cycle calendar system pioneered by the Maya, will come to an end. At the same time, the earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy will come together in an extremely rare cosmic alignment. More and more people believe that the world as we know it will experience a transformation in 2012, but few are aware of the complete history or significance of the date. John Major Jenkins, among the most authoritative voices of the 2012 movement, has written a definitive explanation of one of the most thought-provoking phenomena of our time. Drawing from his own groundbreaking research (including his involvement in the modern reconstruction of Mayan 2012 cosmology) and more than two decades of extensive study of Mayan culture, Jenkins has created the crucial guide to understanding the story of 2012-an essential overview of the history, theory, cultures, and personalities that have brought this extraordinary idea into modern awareness. Jenkins provides illuminating answers to some of the most-asked questions about 2012, including:
- How did the early Maya devise the calendar that gives us the cycle ending in 2012, and how does it work?
- How did the calendar come to be rediscovered and reconstructed in our era?
- What controversies and intrigues surround the topic, and what do scholars and researchers have to say about them?
- How can we cut through all the noise about 2012 and gain true wisdom from the Mayan teachings about this moment?


John Major Jenkins is a pioneer of the 2012 movement. The author of nine previous books on the subject, he is credited with helping introduce the topic into the spiritual culture and was the first to voice the concept that 2012 coincides with a galactic alignment of earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy. Jenkins has taught classes at the Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, the Maya Calendar Congress in Mexico, the Esalen Institute, Naropa University, and many other venues both nationally and abroad. His work has been widely discussed on national radio and television.


