



我們都愛發簡訊的便利。它速度快。除非當你有超過五個字說。或者你在黑暗中或沒有你的眼鏡。或者當您的朋友想念你的意思,並採取進攻。我們都有過這樣的時刻。 這就是為什麼我們創建Rapntok 。它是快速,簡單,有趣的 - 所有的時間。 快。它是快速,因為您只需按下並講話。真的,是不是這么說話比發簡訊更快 您可以為每封郵件一分鐘(或5分鐘,我們的Pro版本)說話。創建儀錶盤充滿了你喜歡的人......你最好的朋友,你的媽媽,你的老闆和保持持續對話整天。 EASY 。跟你的朋友在西海岸,亞洲,歐洲......在世界任何地方。現在你可以讓他們知道你有多在乎,而無需擔心,如果他們都在睡覺,在飛機上或會議。 樂趣。 Rapntok是有趣的使用!你可以發布語音信息到Facebook ,並附加個人Emotones (由您創建或從我們的庫中選擇)到您的語音文本。 Rapntok提醒您的Facebook好友的生日,讓您傳送生日問候與音樂和個人的語音信息。 免費。 Rapntok是免費安裝。送過來的WiFi所有的語音文本是完全免費的。對於您從一個WiFi區域外偶爾語音文本,還有,如果你留在你的計畫的數據限制無額外收費。 PRIVATE。沒有人提供了一個更安全的移動訊息應用程式。 Rapntok是一種基於伺服器的應用程式,存儲在自己的伺服器上郵件。這意味著1 )您的訊息無法從您的智慧型手機砍死2 )您的Rapntok的信箱永遠不會滿。此外,所有聯繫人駐留在您的智慧型手機在任何時候,所以沒有人在Rapntok曾經訪問您的聯繫信息。我們設計的這種方式,以確保沒有人可以剝奪你的聯繫人名單和垃圾郵件您的朋友。希望我們可以為所有的應用程式說的一樣。 下載Rapntok現在開始的樂趣與您的朋友今天。 免費We all love the convenience of texting. It’s fast. Except when you have more than five words to say. Or you’re in the dark or don’t have your glasses. Or when your friend misses your meaning and takes offense. We've all had those moments. That’s why we created Rapntok. It is fast, easy, and fun - all the time. FAST. It is fast because you simply press and talk. And really, isn’t talking so much quicker than texting You can speak for a full minute per message (or 5 minutes with our Pro version). Create a Dashboard full of your favorite people…your best friends, your mom, your boss and keep the conversations going all day. EASY. Talk to your friends on the West Coast, Asia, Europe…anywhere in the world. Now you can let them know how much you care without worrying about if they are sleeping, on a flight or in a meeting. FUN. Rapntok is fun to use! You can post voice messages to Facebook and attach personal Emotones (created by you or selected from our library) to your voice texts. Rapntok alerts you to Facebook friends’ birthdays and lets you send birthday greetings with music and personal voice messages. FREE. Rapntok is free to install. All voice texts sent over WiFi are completely free. For the occasional voice text that you send from outside a WiFi area, there are no additional charges if you stay within your plan’s data limits. PRIVATE. No one offers a more secure mobile messaging app. Rapntok is a server based app that stores your messages on its own servers. This means 1) your messages can’t be hacked from your smartphone 2) your Rapntok mailbox will never be full. In addition, all your contacts reside on your smartphone at all times, so no one at Rapntok ever has access to your contact information. We designed it that way to ensure that no one could strip your contact list and spam your friends. Wish we could say the same for all apps. Download Rapntok now and start having fun with your friends today. FREE Rapntok Features: Send unlimited voice messages (up to 1 minute in length). Build your Dashboard with everyone you communicate with regularly and change anytime. Multi-task with multiple text threads visible on your Dashboard simultaneously. Messages saved for 3 days on the server, not on your phone, so you can’t get hacked. Add Emotones (6 second fun sounds to attach to your voice message to express how you’re feeling). Send Greeting Cards with personal voice messages to your Facebook friends. Create a Favorites page of your top contacts. Try forming a Group so you can experience the ease of group communication with Rapntok.  





