Night parrot

Night parrot

Kakapo is a species of occidentalis): is a small parrot endemic to Australia, the body length of 23 cm.Mao parti - colored, green and black.Kakapo were terrestrial, and will only be frightened or in search of water when we fly into the air.Generally nocturnal, who lived on the land of parrots.They originally classified in a separate genus, "BirdLife International" (International Threatened Birds) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has used this species along with ground - dwelling parrots in the genus classification.Budgerigar is their cousin.1912 - 1979 did not see the night parrot, believed to be extinct due to the speculation.Since 1979 it has been rarely see them, but their number is unknown.


Night life in New Zealand parrot is a strange animal Night life in New Zealand parrot is a strange animal . it their Latin name occidentalis) is translated as" owl face, soft feather " it their Latin name occidentalis) is translated as" owl face, soft feather ".
as it name implies, the parrots faces like owls, big and round, around the body feathers other than birds also have a more soft as it name implies, the parrots faces like owls, big and round, around the body feathers other than birds also have a more soft . this animal the strangest, and yet attractive, that her government was make every effort to make its extinction of fate this animal the strangest, and yet attractive, that her government was make every effort to make its extinction of fate .

Morphological Feature

Surviving kakapo are finer and reach a length of 23 cm Surviving kakapo are finer and reach a length of 23 cm The bird is variegated with yellow - green body feathers, dark brown, black and yellow spots before
yellow neck, chest, flank, abdomen and under tail coverts are bright yellow, underwing flight feathers have pale yellow fringes, dark brown tail and yellow beak, which was composed of striped brown iris yellow neck, chest, flank, abdomen and under tail coverts are bright yellow, underwing flight feathers have pale yellow fringes, dark brown tail and yellow beak, which was composed of striped brown iris . .
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the black tail is relatively short is different from other birds, the parrot is a medium to fat in the body to store an enormous amount of energy they the black tail is relatively short is different from other birds, the parrot is a medium to fat in the body to store an enormous amount of energy they . is the world's heaviest parrot, the body weight is between approximately 4 and 9 pounds, then the height is about 24 ft is the world's heaviest parrot, the body weight is between approximately 4 and 9 pounds, then the height is about 24 ft .
Night parrot

Habitat Environment

habitat in the dry and dusty of western and central Australia, prefers to live in inland arid place habitat in the dry and dusty of western and central Australia, prefers to live in inland arid place . other early reports indicate that night parrot away from the water, never deviated from the actual other early reports indicate that night parrot away from the water, never deviated from the actual .

Living Habits

's only flightless parrot, the Kakapo won't fly 's only flightless parrot, the Kakapo won't fly . on their short wings only for balance or provide support, but cannot be used for flight on their short wings only for balance or provide support, but cannot be used for flight .
also precisely because they cannot fly, their feathers than many other birds is soft and is good at running also precisely because they cannot fly, their feathers than many other birds is soft and is good at running . night parrots have a strong pair of legs, as this enables them to run faster, climb high night parrots have a strong pair of legs, as this enables them to run faster, climb high .
on the ground, the night parrot - like walking posture, with coarse Shuo legs, they can climb tall trees on the ground, the night parrot - like walking posture, with coarse Shuo legs, they can climb tall trees . from the branches of the lower ones, the little wings has played a role of parachute from the branches of the lower ones, the little wings has played a role of parachute .
encounter shock, not feeling much more dangerous to approach,Night parrot would stay up, hoping to be picked and blends with the encounter shock, not feeling much more dangerous to approach,Night parrot would stay up, hoping to be picked and blends with the . originally, in the face of an eagle which rely on visual determination of the position of the natural enemies prey when it is stationary so that the tactic has worked, but later some mammals have been introduced to the New Zealand, this Strategy would die like originally, in the face of an eagle which rely on visual determination of the position of the natural enemies prey when it is stationary so that the tactic has worked, but later some mammals have been introduced to the New Zealand, this Strategy would die like .
nocturnal Kakapo come out only at night, the daytime will drill a hole in the ground or on branches rest nocturnal Kakapo come out only at night, the daytime will drill a hole in the ground or on branches rest . pleasant odors due to their nocturnal habits, Kakapo have evolved their olfactory pleasant odors due to their nocturnal habits, Kakapo have evolved their olfactory .
to bring his team - mates can find themselves in the darkness of the night, nocturnal parrot with a "somewhat musty - sweet taste!" to bring his team - mates can find themselves in the darkness of the night, nocturnal parrot with a "somewhat musty - sweet taste!" . Unfortunately,This smell also makes predators found their whereabouts Unfortunately,This smell also makes predators found their whereabouts .
friendliness Maori and early European colonists, fish and frog night parrot as a pet friendliness Maori and early European colonists, fish and frog night parrot as a pet . Even a wild night parrots also like being close to human Even a wild night parrots also like being close to human .
British ornithologist George Edward Gray described the track, his pets Kakapo treat him and his friends the way "than a bird, more like a dog!" British ornithologist George Edward Gray described the track, his pets Kakapo treat him and his friends the way "than a bird, more like a dog!" . 1 1.
Night parrot


During breeding, the male will beat several night parrot, converged, is attracting attention as fiercely competitive During breeding, the male will beat several night parrot, converged, is attracting attention as fiercely competitive . male will be in a rock beside the banks of the river or dig a pit, it transmits a whispering Big male will be in a rock beside the banks of the river or dig a pit, it transmits a whispering Big .
via acoustic waves is reflected, "whump" sound may be transmitted to the outside of the female ear 3 miles via acoustic waves is reflected, "whump" sound may be transmitted to the outside of the female ear 3 miles . 20 to 30 in in the sound "whump, after a" night parrot would shift to a high - pitched tinkling "Chi Chi" 20 to 30 in in the sound "whump, after a" night parrot would shift to a high - pitched tinkling "Chi Chi" .
acoustic length of about 2 to 4 months of estrus, the male night parrot every night "Puff", "Chi Chi" and called on the eight - hour - long Kakapo are slow growing, they were 4 male to reproduce,Females are more will have to wait for the 6 - year - old acoustic length of about 2 to 4 months of estrus, the male night parrot every night "Puff", "Chi Chi" and called on the eight - hour - long Kakapo are slow growing, they were 4 male to reproduce,Females are more will have to wait for the 6 - year - old . night parrot has the longest life span can reach 90 - year - old night parrot has the longest life span can reach 90 - year - old .
Night parrot

Distribution Range

in Australia's inland western and central in Australia's inland western and central .

Subspecies Differentiation

single species and no subspecies single species and no subspecies .

Present Situation Of Population


From the Maori settlement in New Zealand, the Kakapo living conditions began to deteriorate, and later with European colonists of accession, the situation is getting worse From the Maori settlement in New Zealand, the Kakapo living conditions began to deteriorate, and later with European colonists of accession, the situation is getting worse . humans not only dominate the night parrot habitat, also introduced cats, rats, ferrets and other night parrot cannot handle humans not only dominate the night parrot habitat, also introduced cats, rats, ferrets and other night parrot cannot handle .
predator from the 1880s onwards, only a small amount of reliable and objective report, the latest of which was held in 2006 in south - western queensland found Kakapo cadavers predator from the 1880s onwards, only a small amount of reliable and objective report, the latest of which was held in 2006 in south - western queensland found Kakapo cadavers . before 2005, in the state of Western Australia's Pilbara observed three night parrots before 2005, in the state of Western Australia's Pilbara observed three night parrots .
1990 in remote areas of Queensland also found a corpse,and in 1979 by the team of the south australian museum scientists in northern South Australia saw a cluster of similar Kakapo 1990 in remote areas of Queensland also found a corpse,and in 1979 by the team of the south australian museum scientists in northern South Australia saw a cluster of similar Kakapo . ornithologist looking for survivors of the Kakapo, even in the zebra finch nests in search of night parrot feathers ornithologist looking for survivors of the Kakapo, even in the zebra finch nests in search of night parrot feathers .
Night parrot


In the 1980s, the New Zealand Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a plan to save the Kakapo, including Kakapo population moved without threat of predators the islands, as they establish a dedicated boarding facility, to help it artificial incubation and parental tasks such as In the 1980s, the New Zealand Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a plan to save the Kakapo, including Kakapo population moved without threat of predators the islands, as they establish a dedicated boarding facility, to help it artificial incubation and parental tasks such as . through these initiatives, people managed to make the night parrot from extinction, but at the beginning of 2012, the number of vehicles on the night of wild parrots only 126 only through these initiatives, people managed to make the night parrot from extinction, but at the beginning of 2012, the number of vehicles on the night of wild parrots only 126 only .
night parrot of unknown amount, the estimated condition of the road to extinction night parrot of unknown amount, the estimated condition of the road to extinction . endangered "by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2012 IUCN Red List ver 3.1 Endangered (EN)


