Macintosh 128kCPU
CPU :MotorolaMC68000
CPU Speed: 8 MHz
FPU: none
Bus Speed: 8 MHz
Data Path: 16 bit
ROM: 64 kB
Onboard RAM: 128 kB
Maximum RAM: 128 kB
Monitor: 9" built-in
VRAM: 1 bit 512x342
Floppy Drive: 3.5" 400 kB
Serial: 2
Audio Out: mono 8 bit
Speaker: mono
Codename: Macintosh
Gestalt ID: 1
Power: 60 Watts
Dimensions: 13.6" H x 9.6" W x 10.9" D
Weight: 16.5 lbs.
Minimum OS: 1.0
Maximum OS: System 3.2/Finder 5.3
Introduced: January 1984
Terminated: October 1985
Released with much fanfare in January of 1984, the Macintosh was the first affordable computer to include a Graphical User Interface. It was built around the new Motorola 68000 chip, which was significantly faster than previous processors, running at 8 MHz. The Mac came in a small beige case with a black and white monitor built in. It came with a keyboard and mouse, and had a floppy drive that took 400 kB 3.5" disks--the first personal computer to do so. It originally sold for ,495. Thanks to Eric Rasmussen For OS info.