M110 (半自動狙擊手系統)號稱是反物質和反人員狙擊步槍發射7.62毫米子彈。 At the moment, it is being heralded as the best sniper rifle of its kind and has already seen action in Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne Division with excellent results.目前,它是被譽為最好的狙擊步槍的種類和已經看到在阿富汗行動的美軍第82空降師的良好效果。 The system was developed in response to the shortcoming presented by the M24 SWS (Sniper Weapon System), specifically when using the bolt-action platform in a target rich environment.該系統是在針對缺點提出的M24 SWS的(狙擊手武器系統) ,特別是當使用螺栓行動平台的目標豐富的環境。
The basic premise behind the development of the M110 centered around the principle of self-defense for the sniper.的基本前提後面的發展,圍繞M110的原則,自我防衛的狙擊。 Being a semi-automatic magazine-fed weapon, complete with a 10- or 20-round box of ammunition, the M110 can easily be turned from an offensive performer to a defensive one should the need arise.作為一個半自動雜誌饋武器,完成了10 -2 0輪中的彈藥, M 110可以很容易地變成一個進攻表演防禦之一如有需要。 And based on battlefield data from up to five years, the M110 was born directly from these after-action reports where one to many instances saw the sniper or spotter in trouble from advancing enemy threats.並根據戰場數據最多的五年里,出生M110直接從這些行動後的報告在一至很多情況下看到了狙擊手或檢舉麻煩推進敵人的威脅。 As a semi-automatic weapon with no bolt-handle to operate, the sniper need not be distracted with the operation of loading the next round into the chamber.作為一個半自動武器,沒有螺栓處理操作,狙擊手不必分心的運作負荷下一輪進入室內。 The M110 now offers the sniper a more dynamic battlefield role in which his own - and his spotter's - livelihood are now in better hands.現在的M110狙擊提供了更有力的戰場的作用,他自己的-和他的檢舉的-現在生活在更好的手中。
The M110 is fielded with a suppressor, detachable folding bipod and the XM151 spotting 3.5-10x variable scope on the MIL-STD-1913 rail system.在M110是派出了抑制,可拆卸摺疊式兩腳架和XM151發現的3.5倍變數範圍上的MIL - STD - 1913年鐵路系統。 A hard or soft case is also part of the SASS package as are the varying-count magazines, user documentation and maintenance tools, cleaners and equipment.硬或軟的情況下還參加了科學院所包的各種計數雜誌,用戶文檔和維修工具,清潔劑和設備。
Designation: M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System (SASS) 稱號: M110半自動狙擊手系統
Classification Type: Sniper Rifle 分類類型: 狙擊步槍
Manufacturer: USA 製造商:美國
Country of Origin: United States 原產地:美國
Operation: Semi-Automatic 操作:半自動
Caliber: 7.62mm 口徑: 7.62毫米
Rounds: 10- or 20-round box magazine 輪: 10 -2 0輪框雜誌
Performance: 性能:
Rate of Fire: Not Available 射速:不詳
Range: 2,624 feet (800 meters) 範圍:二千六百二十四英尺( 800米)
Length and Weights: 長度和重量:
Length: 40.5 inches (1,028 mm) 長度:四十〇點五英寸(一〇二八毫米)
Empty Weight: Not Available 空重:不詳
Loaded Weight: 17.3 lbs (7.84 kg) 負載重量:十七點三磅( 7.84公斤)
性能特點 發展歷史 結構特點 裝備現狀 榮譽殿堂 -
介紹 奪魁經過 追根溯源 系統描述 改裝 -
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概述 天文學 M110狙擊步槍 -
M110 SASS半自動狙擊步槍
設計要求 生產公司 M110SASS系統 特點 尺寸介紹 -
遊戲設定 主角介紹 配置要求 特色系統 遊戲評價 -
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