Life is Good[Jason Mraz 音樂專輯]

Life is Good[Jason Mraz 音樂專輯]
Life is Good[Jason Mraz 音樂專輯]
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《Life is Good》是傑森·瑪耶茲(Jason Mraz)2010年發行的專輯。


發行時間: 2010-10-05

出版者: self-released

Life is good 人生如畫

作詞:Tim Jensen




"Freedom Song"– recorded live in Utica, NY on Sept. 13

"San Disco Reggaefornia"– recorded live in Canton, MA on Sept. 12

"Up"– recorded live in Canton, MA on Sept. 12

"What Mama Say"– recorded live in Utica, NY on Sept. 13

"Coyotes"– recorded live in Bangor, ME on Sept. 11


"Freedom Song"– recorded live in Utica, NY on Sept. 13


"San Disco Reggaefornia"– recorded live in Canton, MA on Sept. 12


"Up"– recorded live in Canton, MA on Sept. 12


"What Mama Say"– recorded live in Utica, NY on Sept. 13


"Coyotes"– recorded live in Bangor, ME on Sept. 11


Hey! what you say. 喂!如你所說Let's get lost and take a big vacation. 讓我們一起度過一個長假A

summer long siesta fun holiday! 一個能享受甜美午睡的夏天Say!

It's our time. 說!那就是我們的世界

To do what we want now when we want it. 過著自由自在的生活

They don't expect too much from us anyway. 他們並沒有對我們抱任何的希望

Tomorrow will tomorrow be today, today. 明天也會變成今天

Anything that people say don't mean a thing. 不用理會別人的言語

Cause it's time for living. 現在正是享受生活的時刻

life is a canvas 生活就像畫布

And the paint is hope and promise. 顏料就是希望和諾言

The world is ours 世界是屬於我們的

No one could ever take it from us 誰都不能從我們這兒奪走

The sky is blue 晴空萬里

The day is new. 這是嶄新的一天

The sun is shining down, 太陽西下

you know life is good. 你知到人生如畫

we got each other and that's all we need. 擁有彼此就等於我們擁有一切

Hey ! it's okay. 嘿!真好

We can paint the world bright any color. 我們能為世界添光加彩

yeah! coming back from nowhere or on the way. 從迷失處或途中歸來

Don't be afraid. 不要害怕

Just be happy that we're not our mothers. 為我們的年輕喝彩

Slaving over PAPA all night and day. 日夜不停的超越著父輩們

the future is the future. 未來就是未來

Que sera serawe can mak some sense of it all. 我們能理解一切

when we get old. 當我們年老時let's do something stupid 才去做那些愚蠢的事情

life is a real gas 生活是充實的

if you take the time to notice 只要你用心去體會

let's live it right now 我們一起生活吧

cause no one can live it for us 因為沒有誰能代替

we got the time the weather's fine 我們擁有美好的時光

the world is spinnin round 地球為我而轉

you know life is good 你知到人生如畫

In it together always you and me 所以總是形影不離你和我

life is a canvas 生活就像畫布

And the paint is hope and promise. 顏料就是希望和諾言

The world is ours 世界是屬於我們的

No one could ever take it from us 誰都不能從我們這兒奪走

The sky is blue 晴空萬里

The day is new. 這是嶄新的一天

The sun is shining down, 太陽西下

you know life is good. 你知到人生如畫

we got each other and that's all we need. 擁有彼此就等於我們擁有一切

life is about us just in case 我們生活中的問題

you didn't notice 你沒有留意到

we're on our way now 如今我倆已並肩而行

and nothing is gonna stop us 沒有什麼能阻止我們

we got the time 我們擁有美好的時光

it's yours and mine 那是屬於我們的

we'll take it on the sun 我們在陽光下盡情的享受

you know life is good 你知到人生如畫

in it forever just you and me 讓我們永遠都享受這美好的一切吧!


