涅盤樂隊(Nirvana)是一支美國的搖滾樂隊,於1987年在華盛頓州的阿伯丁組建。通過他們專輯Nevermind里的Lithium和Smells Like Teen Spirit兩首作品打入美國主流音樂。由於當時主流媒體的不友好,他們所處的音樂流派被稱為垃圾搖滾。與他們在西雅圖的同類愛麗絲囚徒 (Alice in Chains),珍珠果醬(Pearl Jam)和音園(Soundgarden)一起,涅盤樂隊把大眾的焦點聚集到Grunge音樂上來,使Grunge音樂在20世紀90年代中前期在廣播和音樂電視的播放率上占據了統治性的地位。
Kurt Cobain

科特·柯本(Kurt Cobain,1967—1994)美國已故著名搖滾歌手。1967年2月20日出生於美國西部華盛頓州的阿伯丁市。8歲時,父母離異,他學會了用音樂作為逃避和武器。14歲生日時,得到一把二手電吉他作為生日禮物,從此放下架子鼓操起了吉他。後來組建了震驚世界的Nirvana,代表作《Smells Like Teen Spirit》、《Come As You Are》、《Where did you sleep last night》、《About A Girl》等。1994年4月5日(清明節),因不堪忍受胃痛,藥物及成功帶來的壓力,在西雅圖家中開槍自殺,時年27歲。
My My Hey Hey
原文出自於Neil Young的My My Hey Hey 歌詞
My my, hey hey
Rock and roll is here to stay
It's better to burn out
Than to fade away
My my, hey hey.
My my, hey hey
It's out of the blue and into the black
They give you this but you pay for that
And once you're gone you can never come back
When you're out of the blue
And into the black
The king is gone but he's not forgotten
This is the story of a Johnny Rotten
就像是Johnny Rotten的故事一般
It's better to burn out than it is to rust
The king is gone but he's not forgotten
Hey hey, my my
Rock and roll can never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my
Hey hey, my my…
後因Nirvana(涅盤樂隊)主唱Kurt Cobain(科特·柯本)的遺書而被誤認為是原文。
I'm too much of a neurotic moody person and I don't have the passion anymore,so remember, it's better to burn out, than fade away.
我是個太過反常和抑鬱的小子!我已經沒有任何激情了,所以要記住 “與其苟延殘喘,不如激情燃燒!一路奔跑的赤子之心 !”
To Boddah:

Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complaind. This note should be pretty easy to understand.All the warnings from the Punk Rock 101 Courses over the years, it's my first introduction to the, shall we say ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has been proven to be very true. I haven't felt the excitement of listening to, as well as creating music, along with really writing something for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things,for example when we're backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins. It doesn't affect me in the way which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love and relish the love and admiration from the crowd,which is something I totally admire and envy.
The fact is,I can't fool you, any of you. It simply isn't fair to you,or to me. The worst crime can think of would be to pull people off by faking it, pretending as if I'm having one 100% fun.

Sometimes I feeln as though I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on-stage. I've tried everything within my power to appreciate it, and I do,God believe me, I do, but it's not enough. I appreciate the fact that I, and we, have affected, and entertained a lot of people. I must be one of the narcisists who only appreciate things when they're alone. I'm too sensitive,I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm.But, what's sad is our child. On our last three tours, I've had a much better appreciation of all the people I've known personally, and as fans of our music. But I still can't get out the frustration, the guilt, and the sympathy I have for everybody. There is good in all of us, and I simply love people too much. So much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little sensitive unappreciative pisces Jesus man! why don't you just enjoy it? I dont know!

I have a of a wide who sweats ambition and empadny,and a daughter who reminds me to much of what I use to be.full of love and joy, every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I cant stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable self destructive, deathrocker she become.
I have it good, very good,and I'm grateful, but since the age of seven, I've become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along and have empathy. Empathy only because I love and feel for people too much I guess.Thank you from the pit of my burning nauseas stomach for your letters and concern during the last years.
I'm too much of a neurotic moody person and I don't have the passion anymore,so remember, it's better to burn out than fade away.
Peace, love, empathy, Kurt Cobain Frances and Courtney, I'll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney for Frances for her life which will be so much happier without me. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU!
這是一個飽經滄桑的傻子發出的聲音,他其實更願做個柔弱而孩子氣的訴苦人。這張條子應該很容易理解。所有的警告都來自於這些年來的“朋克搖滾101”,自從我第一次介入那包含著獨立性、應當稱為道德原則的東西之後,你們團結一致的擁戴已證明是非常真實的。我已經好多年都不能從聽音樂、寫音樂以及讀和寫東西中感到激奮了。對於這些事我感到了一種難以形諸文字的負罪感。比如說,當我們來到後台,燈火熄滅,人們狂躁的咆哮響起,這一切對我的影響就遠不如對Freddy Mercury(“QUEEN”樂隊主唱,1991年因愛滋病辭世)影響那么大,他似乎喜歡而且把玩那些從人群中而來的愛與讚美——那正是我讚賞與嫉妒的一切。
我快樂地擁有一切,非常快樂。我充滿感激。可自打我7歲以來,我總的來說就對人類充滿了仇視,僅僅因為人們似乎太過容易地友好相處,而且還會同情,同情!僅僅因為我覺得自己對人們有太多的愛與同情。從我那燃燒而令人慾嘔的胃之深處感激你們所有的人,感激你們在過去歲月里所有的來信和關心。我是個太過反常和抑鬱的小子!我已經沒有任何激情了,所以要記住: “與其 苟延殘喘 ,不如從容燃燒!”
Kurt Cobain
Frances 和 Courtney,
Courtney 請繼續前行,
為了Frances ,為了她的生活