Iron Eyes Cody

tain (1941)Western (1935)Chan


姓名: Iron Eyes Cody
性別: 男
星座: 牡羊座
生卒日期: 1907-04-03 至 1999-01-04
出生地: 美國,路易斯安那州,Gueydan
職業: 演員
更多外文名: Espera Oscar DeCorti (本名) / The Crying Indian (暱稱)
imdb編號: nm0002014


Ernest Goes to Camp (1987)
Grayeagle (1978)
How the West Was Won (1978)
The Quest (1976)
太陽盟 A Man Called Horse (1970)
禿鷲 El condor (1970)
黃金爭奪戰 The Fastest Guitar Alive (1967)
萬里殲仇 Nevada Smith (1966)
The Great Sioux Massacre (1965)
Heller in Pink Tights (1960)
Rawhide (1959)
大淘金 Bonanza (1959)
Gun for a Coward (1957)
狂野達科他 The Wild Dakotas (1956)
白翎毛 White Feather (1955)
Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (1954)
Sitting Bull (1954)
發現任丁丁 The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin (1954)
集市上相見 Meet Me at the Fair (1953)
The Big Sky (1952)
Montana Belle (1952)
脂粉雙槍俠之子 Son of Paleface (1952)
紅山 Red Mountain (1951)
最後的基地 The Last Outpost (1951)
倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951)
折箭為盟 Broken Arrow (1950)
克羅基特大敗印第安人 Davy Crockett, Indian Scout (1950)
易洛魁小道 The Iroquois Trail (1950)
麥克夫人 Mrs. Mike (1949)
沙 Sand (1949)
塔爾薩 Tulsa (1949)
牛仔和印第安人 The Cowboy and the Indians (1949)
Blood on the Moon (1948)
脂粉雙槍俠 The Paleface (1948)
血戰保山河 Unconquered (1947)
內華達天空下 Under Nevada Skies (1946)
忘情歡歌 Can't Help Singing (1944)
鬼城的侵入者 Raiders of Ghost City (1944)
幻影奇俠 The Phantom (1943)
不是冤家不聚頭 My Gal Sal (1942)
Don Winslow of the Navy (1942)
尼卡的危險 Perils of Nyoka (1942)
西點十君子 Ten Gentlemen from West Point (1942)
太陽穀 Valley of the Sun (1942)
Springtime in the Rockies (1942)
King of the Stallions (1942)
The Valley of Vanishing Men (1942)
克朗岱克的狂怒 Klondike Fury (1942)
This Woman Is Mine (1941)
Saddlemates (1941)
復仇巡行者 King of the Texas Rangers (1941)
Western Union (1941)
亞利桑那 Arizona (1940)
Untamed (1940)
西部先鋒 Pioneers of the West (1940)
Young Buffalo Bill (1940)
科羅拉多 Colorado (1940)
Too Many Girls (1940)
和平聯盟 Union Pacific (1939)
Man of Conquest (1939)
歷史謎團:鹽湖奇蹟 The Historical Mystery: Miracle of Salt Lake (1938)
烽火邊境 Flaming Frontiers (1938)
狂野西部 Wild West Days (1937)
Riders of the Whistling Skull (1937)
The Phantom Rider (1936)
卡斯特的最終立場 Custer's Last Stand (1936)
Ride Ranger Ride (1936)
Rose-Marie (1936)
農夫娶妻 The Farmer Takes a Wife (1935)
Chandu on the Magic Island (1935)
奇蹟車手 The Miracle Rider (1935)
Fighting Shadows (1935)
愛的彈丸 Annie Oakley (1935)
The Return of Chandu (1934)
紅字 The Scarlet Letter (1934)
野性少女 Wild Girl (1932)
Texas Pioneers (1932)
Fighting Caravans (1931)
大追蹤 The Big Trai (1930)
Back to God's Country (1919)


