I Wish I Could Break Your Heart

I Wish I Could Break Your Heart

your your your




I wish I could break your heart
I wish I could bring you down
Just for a second,
Teach you a lesson,
About being alone in the dark,
I wish I could make you cry,
So hard you can barley breath
Maybe you just might know what it feels like
Well the truth is that
I never ever wanna hurt you baby
But it'd be nice to know I could
Be strong enough to pull you under
Throw you back a little...
Even though I never would
Ohh I wish I could break
I wish I could break your heart ohhh
I wish I could crash your dreams
I wish I could turn back time
Boy I need you one like the fuse dropped a bomb
Just so I need a fist beat
Well the truth is that
I never ever wanna hurt you baby
But it'd be nice to know I could
Be strong enough to pull you under
Throw you back a little thunder
Even though I never would
Ohh I wish I could break
I wish I could break your hearttt
Your haearttt
I wish I could break your haeart
I wish I could make you cry
I wish I could turn back time
Well the truth is that
I never ever wanna hurt you baby
But it'd be nice to know I could
Be strong enough to pull you under
Throw you back a little thunder
Even though I never would
Ohh I wish I could break your heart
I wish I could break your heart
I wish I could break your heart


Cassadee Pope,創作歌手,美國 佛羅里達州流行朋克樂隊 Hey Monday前主唱。2012年單飛後參加了 NBC電視台著名選秀節目 The Voice( 美國之聲)第3季,一路大熱並最終奪冠,比賽中演唱的單曲多次登頂 iTunes下載榜榜首,其中一首《Over You》更是以真實的故事、悽美的旋律和深情的演唱,感動了無數人。2013年6月4日,Cassadee Pope發行了賽後個人首支單曲, Wasting All These Tears,該單曲於上架首日便躋身美國iTunes下載榜前3。



