( Gross World Product)
While the US is the largest economy, growth in world GDP of 5.2% was led by China (11.4%), India (9.2%) and Russia (8.1%). 儘管美國是最大的經濟體,但世界國內生產總值5.2%的增長,分別由中國(11.4%),印度(9.2%)和俄羅斯(8.1%)引領。
Throughout the twentieth century the United States of America has dominated world gross domestic product, or World GDP .在整個20世紀,美國稱霸世界國內生產總值,或世界生產總值。
In 2007, according to the International Monetary Fund, the US GDP was $13.8 trillion. 2007年,根據國際貨幣基金組織,美國國內生產總值為13.8萬億美元。 Since rising from the ashes of World War II, Japan has become the second largest world economy, with a GDP of $4.4 trillion.從第二次世界大戰的廢墟上崛起的日本已成為世界第二大經濟體,國內生產總值為4.4萬億美元。
Germany is Europe's largest economy and the third largest in the world, with an annual gross domestic product of $3.2 trillion.德國是歐洲最大的經濟體和世界第三大經濟體,國內生產總值為3.2萬億美元。
China is close behind Germany at $3.2 trillion, and due to overtake it soon.中國以3.2萬億美元的國內生產總值緊隨其後,並且預計會很快超過德國。 If current growth rates continue, China will become the largest economy in the world somewhere between 2025 and 2030.如果目前的增長速度能夠繼續下去,到了2025~2030年前後,中國將成為世界最大的經濟體。 The United States will be pushed down to second spot.美國將被推到第二位。 At that time, three out of the four largest economies in the world will be Asian – China, India and Japan.屆時,世界上最大的四個經濟體中的三個將在亞洲,它們是中國,印度和日本。
The United Kingdom and France are currently at fifth and sixth spots respectively.英國和法國目前分別在第五和第六位。 UK GDP for 2007 was $2.8 trillion and for France the amount stood at $2.6 trillion.英國2007年國內生產總值為2.8萬億美元而法國的數額為2.6萬億美元。
European countries round out the next two spots in the GDP list.歐洲國家還占據了世界GDP排行榜中接下來的兩位。 Italy is seventh with a GDP amount of $2.1 trillion and Spain is at eighth with $1.4 trillion.義大利是第七位,其國內生產總值為2.1萬億美元,西班牙在第八位(1.4萬億美元)。 Five out of ten top world economies are European.世界前十大經濟體中,歐洲占5個。
Canada and Brazil are also in the Top 10 World GDP List: Canada with GDP of $1.4 trillion and Brazil with $1.3 trillion.加拿大(GDP1.4萬億美元)和巴西(GDP1.3萬億美元)也在世界十大國內生產總值的名單中。
Just outside the top 10, Russia has made significant economic progress in the recent years after the Soviet Union was divided into several countries.恰好出了前十名,但近些年來,在蘇聯解體後,俄羅斯在經濟方面已經取得了重大進步。 In 2007, Russian GDP stood at $1.3 trillion. 2007年,俄羅斯國內生產總值為1.3萬億美元。 India is close behind at $1.1 trillion.緊隨其後的是印度(1.1萬億美元)。
South Korea is staking its claim to importance by becoming the world's 12th biggest economy, and the fourth biggest in Asia, with a GDP just under $1 trillion.韓國以成為世界第12大經濟體以及亞洲第四大經濟體的方式保障了其重要性,其國內生產總值只比1萬億美元少一點。(這句我不太會翻譯,身為高中畢業生,我英語知識實在有限,還請英語大神幫我重譯一下,謝謝。)
Australia has been booming off the back of an extended run up in the prices of commodities, and is now the world's 13th biggest economy with a GDP of $908 billion.澳大利亞的在大宗商品價格方面一直很繁榮,現在以9080萬美元的GDP成為了世界第十三大經濟體。
Boosted by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico has been powering forward with its GDP reach $893 billion.在北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA)的推動下,墨西哥一直在奮勇向前,其GDP已達到8930萬美元。 The gross domestic product of the Netherlands in 2007 was $769 billion and Turkey stood at $663 billion.荷蘭的GDP是7690萬美元,而土耳其的為6630萬美元。