
2012年4月9日G1遊戲競技冠軍聯賽第三季線下決賽在上海落幕, DK戰隊憑藉著勝者組的一場優勢和首日的2:0,以總比分3:0零封對手WE並奪得冠軍。也蟬聯了G1遊戲競技冠軍聯賽第二屆、第三屆的冠軍。


中文解說: 伍聲2009、 老鼠沈佳麒、 海濤、皮卡秀
英文解說: David“GoDz”Parker、 David“LD”Gorman
1. 勝利方式:一方認輸率先打出GG或者摧毀對方基地;
Determiningvictor: one side calls GG in game or a Throne gets destroyed.
2. 比賽模式:隊長模式(當前版本錦標賽)
Mode: Captains Mode(current tournament version)
3. 以投硬幣形式確定隊伍的陣營(天輝和夜魘),天輝方固定先BAN先選。(選手在上場之前進行,雙方隊長確認結果)。
The faction willbe decided by coin flip (Radiant and Dire). The Radiant gets priority to banfirst (captain in each team should confirm the result before entering the stageto compete).
4. 允許借給同一路的隊友下列恢復性物品:治療指環、虛無寶石、恢復戒指、藝人面罩,但不得長時間持有,若同一路隊友分開但不歸還物品,裁判有權根據當時情況進行警告,警告無效後,可將此戰隊判負本場比賽;
It is permittedto lend teammates in the same lane the following restorative items: Ring ofHealth, Void Stone, Ring of Regen and Sage's Mask. However, the teammate cannothold the item for a long time. If the teammate does not stay in the same lane,the items should be returned. The referee reserves the rights to warn theoffender. When the warning is ignored, the referee can choose to judge the teamloses the game.
5. 如果隊員需要在比賽中進行遊戲暫停,必須先請示裁判,裁判允許暫停後方可執行。或者在遊戲內公屏打“P”表示請求暫停。如果有隊員在未做出上述2個舉動下私自暫停遊戲,影響比賽,第一次口頭警告,第二次扣除下一場該隊比賽BP時間20秒,第三次升級為扣除下一場該隊比賽BP時間90秒。
If players needto pause, please notice the referee by raising hand or sending ‘p’ to the in-gamepublic channel in advance. The game can only be paused when the referee allowsto do so. If players pause the game of their own accord without noticing thereferee, the offender will be warned for the first time, his team will bepenalized 20 seconds for BP of next game for the second time, and penalized 90seconds for BP of next game for the third time.
6. 若出現冒名頂替、代打、假賽、作弊等有違比賽公平原則的情況,一經查實,將直接取消此選手本賽季所有比賽的成績與參賽資格,並在以後的賽季中審核其參賽資格。
If any player isinvolved in ringing, match-fixing, hacking, or otherwise cheating in contraryto the spirit of fair play, once verified, the offender will have all priorresults rendered null and void, and disqualified from that point on. G1Organizing Committee will also reserve the right to withhold participationprivileges in future competition.
主機選擇(About the host selection):
1. If team or playercannot participate the game due to late arriving, it will be handled in thefollowing manner:
(1). the teamwill begin the game as scheduled. If the player cannot arrive at the stage in 5minutes, the time for BP will be penalized by 50 seconds.
(2).if the playercannot arrive at the stage in 10 minutes, the time for BP will be penalized 90seconds.
(3).if the playercannot arrive at the stage after 10 minutes, the teams will be judged asabandoning and losing the game.
2. 比賽伺服器為G1特定線下伺服器。雙方隊伍隊員進入主機之後,必須將遊戲ID修改正確,並更換隊標。
2. The host is aspecific G1 LAN server. Before joining the server for official games, allplayers should ensure that their in-game ID and team logos are theirappropriate relevant appearances.
遊戲掉線說明(About the disconnection):
1. 比賽正式開始後,如有雙方負責BP的選手在Ban/Pick階段掉線,則掉線方有權選擇重新BP,但雙方之前的BP結果必須完全還原。
When the gamebegins, if the player in charge of Ban/Pick is disconnected in either side, thedisconnected side has rights to choose to re-ban/pick. All previously confirmedbans and picks will remain in their entirety.
2. 比賽正式開始後,如果發生隊員掉線或者其他意外情況,雙方各有5次要求暫停遊戲,等待掉線隊員斷線重連的權利。如果該掉線選手無法連回遊戲,將進行讀檔,檔為最後一次比賽的成績存檔。
Upon beginning anofficial game, in the case of any disconnect or other emergencies, each teamhas 5 pause requests to use. If the disconnected player cannot reconnect to thegame, the latest game save will be loaded.
3. 若發生存檔不可用或者長時間無法讀檔的情況,
In case gamecannot be loaded or it takes a long time to load the game:
If the gamehas been in play for less than 5 minutes, the game will be re-made. Heroes,items, ward placement, and laning arrangements should all be reproduced in theexact same manner. If the First Blood was drawn during this period, then FirstBlood must be given in the same manner.
If the gamehas been in play for more than 5 minutes, but less than 20 minutes, the gamewill be re-made. Picks and lanes should all be reproduced in the exact samemanner.
In the eventthat the game has been in play for over 20 minutes, and the disconnected playercannot re-load the game. The referee will determine the game result taking intoaccount First Blood, the number of kills, lost towers and barracks (1 point perkill, 3 points per tower, 5 points per barrack, 2 points for holding Aegis ofthe Immortal and 2 points for drawing First Blood). The team with higher pointswill be the prevailing team. The captain of prevailing team also has the choiceto rematch or abandon the disconnected player and load the latest save of thegame.
The items ofthe disconnected player who cannot reconnected to the game should NOT be soldor used by teammates (with the exception of Observer Ward, Sentry Ward and TownPortal Scroll).
4. 任何利用遊戲Bug,導致客戶端出錯的情況,一經發現立即判負,組委會將不會接受任何“不清楚、不知道、不小心”等理由;
Any abuse of gamebug that may cause client error or crash, once verified, the G1 OrganizingCommittee will not accept any excuse such as ‘I don’t know’ and ‘I did itcareless’.
5. 場上裁判或者轉播OB掉線,必須暫停等待OB重載遊戲。
If the referee orthe OB is disconnected, the game should be paused and wait for OB to reconnectto the game.
1. 允許共享操作(Share unitcontrol: allowed);
2. 允許殺死隊友(Deny teammate:allowed);
3. 物品限制:無(Item limits:none)。