有了 <Westlife>的鋪墊, <Coast to Coast> 成為英國冠軍專輯應該是很正常的事,但更具有象徵意義的是, <Coast to Coast>是驕傲地踢掉Spice Girls的 <Forever> 後登上寶座的,為前者惋惜的同時,我們也要對Westlife成功接過青春流行樂隊的接力棒而擊掌叫好,儘管他們的音樂實際意義和他們的前任一樣都不大。
英國的流行音樂氣候總是讓人捉摸不透,Boyzone的方向一片迷茫,拆夥的陰雲密布;Spice Girls幾乎一夜間從波峰一下跌到谷底。而現在Westlife的五子擁有代表成功的一切裝備。熱門的歌曲,必殺的外型,巨大的銷售數字和可觀的歌迷團體。相比之下,Five的嘻哈樂似乎更適合愛蹦愛跳的美國佬,而不是“安靜的"不列顛人。
Bryan, Shane, Nicky, Mark和Kian這回慷慨地給歌迷們帶來了19首歌!單從歌曲數量上講實在很對得起歌迷。在 <Coast To Coast> 中,民謠的成分有所降溫。它的範圍從好聽的 "My Love" 、 "What Makes A Man" 到 "Close Your Eyes" 、 "You Make Me Feel" ,專輯中也加入了一點新嘗試,比如拉丁風味的 "Soledad" 。比如 "When You're Looking Like That" ,這是一支funk節拍的迪斯科舞曲,很象Prince的 "U Got the Look" ,這不是個壞主意,至少我們知道了Westlife也能作出一道味道純正的美國派。 "My Love" 是一首浪漫的民謠,它使用了大量的鋼琴,許多弦樂器,而表達出的是一種既甜美又苦澀的情感,而Westlife們講,這首歌不僅是一首情歌,還包含了他們對祖國愛爾蘭的深情。What makes a man?這是個難度很大的多學科多角度的問題,不過Westlife們給了男孩們一個方向,也許那是一支體面的歌,如果你是鋼琴基調的民謠歌曲的愛好者,那么就輕輕地搖晃著來欣賞它吧。能和樂界的大牌藝人合作,是一種榮幸,也是一種自豪。'N Sync曾經與拉丁天后Gloria Estefan合作,而Mariah Carey在 "Against All Odds" 中與Westlife成功合作說明Westlife已經正式成為BMG的重要品牌產品之一。這首1984年的老歌被製作人Steve Mac在原有的旋律中加入一些七十年代的funky迪斯科曲風,不知Collins先生會有何看法。 "I Have A Dream" 是一首慢板抒情歌曲,而歌詞不由讓人想起一些美國著名詩人Henry Wadsworth Longfellow的傳世名作。
最後, <Coast to Coast> 這張唱片無疑很長,智力測驗就是要看看人到底笨到什麼程度,而超過50分鐘的唱片毫無疑問是要試試人的耐力強到什麼程度。不過,BMG好象不在乎“每出一張唱片就是一次冒險”的行業老話,而是大膽打牌,但很幸運,它的質量沒有因長度而打太大的折扣,看來只要有男孩子唱著美麗感傷的情歌,自有伴著他們的痛苦而落淚的女孩子,確實不用在乎是否會在公司的帳目上做出一個非常大的壞帳準備,而且,想必Westlife們已經隔洋眺望那座英國歌手們朝思暮想的自由女神了。
01 My Love
02 What Makes A Man
03 I Lay My Love On You
04 I Have A Dream (Remix)
05 Against All Odds (featuring Mariah Carey)
06 When You're Looking Like That
07 Close
08 Somebody Needs You
09 Angel's Wings
10 Soledad
11 Puzzle Of My Heart
12 Dreams Come True
13 No Place That Far
14 Close Your Eyes
15 You Make Me Feel
16 Loneliness Knows Me By Name
17 Fragile Heart

18 Every Little Thing You Do
19 Don't Get Me Wrong
Fragile Heart
Shane: A fragile heart was broken before
I don't think it could endure another pain
But there's a voice from deep inside of you
That's calling out to make you realise
That this new bond gives inspiration
To all that feel no love appeal no more
So how can I break this wall around you
That's aiding both our hearts to grow in pain
So forget your past and we can dream tomorrow
Save our hearts for care and loving too
It's hard I know, but oh one thing's for sure
Don't go and break this fragile heart
Brian:A hurting mind in need of emotion
I don't think it could endure another pain
But baby in you, I've found affection
Affection I have never felt before
So don't let your past destroy what comes tomorrow
Don't go and break this fragile heart
Mark: With all this fire that burns between us
There's so much to lose yet so much more to gain
And if I could choose the world around me
The world I'd choose would all revolve around you
So help me complete the game inside me
And help to mend, to mend this fragile heart