for your entertainment

for your entertainment

adam這次的專輯風格想體現的是70s的華麗搖滾精神,專輯在製作之初就吸引了眾多金牌製作人和流行藝人的的參與:Max Martin(britney/BSB/Pink/kellyClarkson), Linda Perry(Christina "beautiful"), Robert Cavallo(Greenday/my chemiael romance),Dr.Luke(Avirl),Lady GaGa, Muse, P!NK 等等等等。這張專輯的14首曲目幾乎都獨具一格,涵蓋了時下流行的多種元素,電子、舞曲、搖滾、另類,你總能找到一首自己喜歡的歌曲。專輯首單For Your Entertainment為電音舞曲,二單Whataya Want From Me為抒情搖滾。值得一提的是,其中Time For Miracles 一曲為年度大片《2012》的主題曲。



專輯名稱:For Your Entertainment

歌手:Adam Lambert



風格:舞曲,搖滾,New Age



這張專輯在製作之初就吸引了眾多金牌製作人和流行藝人的的參與:Max Martin(britney/BSB/Pink/kellyClarkson), Linda Perry(Christina "beautiful"), Robert Cavallo(Greenday/my chemiael romance),Dr.Luke(Avirl),Lady GaGa, Muse, P!NK 等等等等。製作人中既包括十分有商業眼光,擁有數首Hit的流行製作人Max Martin,也有備受格萊美青睞,藝術氣息濃厚的Linda Perry,因此能保證專輯具備一定的流行度,但同時能體現adam在artistry方面的造詣。

這張專輯的14首曲目幾乎都獨具一格,涵蓋了時下流行的多種元素,電子、舞曲、搖滾、另類,你總能找到一首自己喜歡的歌曲。專輯首單For Your Entertainment為電音舞曲,二單Whataya Want From Me為抒情搖滾。值得一提的是,其中Time For Miracles 一曲為年度大片《2012》的主題曲。




01. Music Again

02. For Your Entertainment

03. Whataya Want From Me

04. Strut

05.. Sure Fire Winners

06. A Loaded Smile

07. If I Had You

08. Pick U Up

09. Fever

10. Sleepwalker

11. Aftermath

12. Broken Open

Bonus Tracks

Time For Miracles

Master Plan (豪華版、國際版)

Down The Rabbit Hole (豪華版、國際版)

No Boundaries(日版)

Voodoo (國際版)

Can't Let You Go (歐洲版)


Music Again


i want your body, mind, soul, et cetera

and one day you'll see, you should give it to me

and i don't want anyone instead of ya

oh babe i'm goin' crazy, come on and give it to me

and i ain't never met nobody betterer

you're someone else's baby

i'm so sick of living for other people

took meeting you to realise

i don't wanna lose ya, i wanna keep ya

put your little hand in mine and

look into my eyes very eyes

oh you make me wanna listen to music again

yeah you make me wanna listen to music again

there had been many moons before i met ya

and i ain't going nowhere

and now you give me back my raison d'être

and i'm inspired again

and i know in some ways i'm kinda evil

got my roots in you, got ties

but my heart's no stranger to upheaval

put your little hand in mine and

look into my eyes very eyes

oh you make me wanna listen to music again

yeah you make me wanna listen to music again

ahhh music again

look in to my eyes very eyes

i just wanna listen to music again

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah wooh oh hey

i'm so sick of living for other people

took meeting you to realise

i don't wanna lose ya, i wanna keep ya

put your little hand in mine and

look into my eyes very eyes, whoa

oh you make me wanna listen to music again, whoa

yeah you make me wanna listen to music again, whoa





































For Your Entertainment

For Your Entertainment

so hot out the box欲望 在出軌

can we pick up the pace? 我們能否加快步伐?

turn it up heat it up i need to be entertained 調高音量 解禁慾念 我需要一點激情消遣

push the limit are you with it baby don't be afraid 勇敢掙脫束縛 寶貝 別畏懼

i'ma hurt you real good 我要讓你體驗前所未有的痛快感

let's go, it's my show,baby do what i say 來吧,這是我的秀場 你只管照我說的去做

don't trip off the bits that i'm gonna display 睜大眼睛 不要錯過我的表演

i told you i'ma hold you down until you're amazed告訴你我要抱緊你直到你全身顫慄

give it to you till you're screaming my name 全情為你演出直至你尖叫我的名字

no escaping when i start 當我開始就別想逃脫

once i'm in i own your heart 一旦我侵略並占領你的心臟

there's no way to ring the alarm 即使拉響警鐘也無濟於事

so hold on until it's over 因此 好好配合我直到落幕吧

oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道你鑽進的是什麼體系嗎?

can you handle what i'm about to do? 你確定你能招架我接下來的行動嗎?

cause it's about to get rough for you 我的暴力狂野只為你釋放

i'm here for your entertainment 讓我來為你娛樂助興

oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我打賭你肯定認為我溫柔又甜蜜

you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以為是天使在使你神魂顛倒

but i'm about to turn up the heat 然而我要如惡魔般點燃你體內的原罪

i'm here for your entertainment我在這裡為你賣力演出

it's all right, you'll be fine,baby i'm in control 別害羞,你會習慣的,一切都在我的掌控之中

take the pain, take the pleasure,i'm the master of both 製造疼痛 撩動快感 都是我的拿手好戲

close your eyes not your mind,let me into your soul 閉上你的雙眼 開啟你的心房 讓我入侵你的靈魂

i'ma work you till you totally blown 我會全力以赴知道你聲嘶力竭

no escaping when i start當我開始了就別想逃脫

once i'm in i own your heart 一旦我侵略並俘虜你的心

there's no way to ring the alarm 你就無處遁形

so hold on until it's over 所以乖乖堅持到落幕吧

oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道你鑽進的是什麼體系嗎?

can you handle what i'm about to do?你確定你能招架我的瘋狂嗎?

cause it's about to get rough for you 我的暴力狂野只為你燃燒

i'm here for your entertainment 我在這裡為你娛樂消遣

oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我確信你認為我溫柔又甜蜜

you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以為是天使在使你神魂顛倒

but i'm about to turn up the heat然而我要惡魔般穿過骨髓魅惑你

i'm here for your entertainment 我在這裡為你娛樂助興

do you like what you see? 眼前的戲法能讓你滿足嗎?

let me entertain you till you scream 讓我來取悅你知道你驚聲尖叫

oh, do you know what you got into? 你知道自己正處於危險地帶嗎?

can you handle what i'm about to do? 你確定你能招架我接下來的進攻嗎?

cause it's about to get rough for you 我的粗野狂暴只為你存在

i'm here for your entertainment 我在這裡為你娛樂排遣

oh, i bet you thought i was soft and sweet 我斷定你認為我溫柔又甜蜜

you thought an angel swept you off your feet 你以為是路西法在使你神魂顛倒(路西法曾是天堂中地位最高的天使,未墮落前任天使長一職)

but i'm about to turn up the heat 然而我要如惡魔般引爆你深處的情慾

i'm here for your entertainment 我保證我們都會很快樂。

這是一首動感舞曲,為Adam新專的首單,性感華麗的MV在iTunes上架15小時內衝上第一名。2009年11月23日,Adam在2009全美音樂獎(即AMA)上壓軸表演了這首歌,當天的現場充分詮釋了歌詞,性感而熱辣,然而由於Adam的 敏感身份(同志),這場表演也在全美引起了廣泛的爭議,ABC更是因此取消了Adam三場已預約的show,這一切對一個剛出道的新人來說通常會是致命的,然而今天,AMA事件已經過去了,Adam的知名度和好評甚至更高,專輯銷量也未受到打擊,這與Adam本人強大的人格魅力是密不可分的。Adam情商與智商的高超,總能在不經意從他嘴裡蹦出的“連珠妙語”中感受到。謙和但不卑微、溫潤而又敏銳!音樂是經濟基礎,人格魅力是上層建築,Adam是真正令人欽佩且為之著迷的“偶像”!

——Female performers have been doing this for years — pushing the envelope about sexuality — and the minute a man does it, everybody freaks out,” Mr. Lambert said. “We’re in 2009; it’s time to take risks, be a little more brave, time to open people’s eyes and if it offends them, then maybe I’m not for them.---女歌手已經這樣做了很多年-在台上表現性愛(指表演),但如果一個男歌手這樣做,所有人都會覺得他是怪胎。我們在2009年,是時候打破陳規,做些冒險了,是時候讓大家來看看男藝人做這樣的表演,如果這樣的表演冒犯了某些人,對不起,這並不是為你們(某些人)而表演的。【AMA表演後台的訪問】

——My intention was to interpret the lyrics of my song and have a good time with it.---我的本意就是闡釋我的歌詞,然後好好享受,玩個痛快!

——I'm a performer, not a babysitter. Maybe it's the parents' responsibility to.---我是藝人,而不是一個保姆。也許這些(看管好自己的孩子)是家長應該做的。

——Yes , I'm a homosexual ! deal with it ~ It's really doesn't matter who i am sleeping with , what matters is I am singing , it's my voice !---是的,我是同性戀!那又怎樣呢~我跟誰一起睡並不重要,重要的是我在唱歌,這是我的聲音!【on Barbara Walter's 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009對AMA相關問題】

Whataya Want From Me

Hey, slow it down


What do you want from me


What do you want from me


Yeah, I'm afraid


What do you want from me


What do you want from me


There might have been a time


I would give myself away


Ooh once upon a time


I didn't give a damn


But now here we are


So what do you want from me


What do you want from me


Just don't give up


I'm workin' it out


Please don't give in


I won't let you down


It messed me up,


Need a second to breathe,


Just keep coming around


Hey, what do you want from me


What do you want from me


What do you want from me


Yeah, it's plain to see


That baby you're beautiful


And it's the nothing the wrong with you


(nothing the wrong with you)


It's me I'm a freak


But thanks for lovin' me


Cause you're doing it perfectly


Yeah there might have been a time


When I would let you step away


I wouldn't even try but I think


You could save my life


Just don't give up


I'm workin' it out


Please don't give in


I won't let you down


It messed me up,


Need a second to breathe


Just keep coming around


Hey, what do you want from me


(What do you want from me)


What do you want from me


What do you want from me


(What do you want from me)


J)ust don't give up on me


I won't let you down


No, I won't let you down


So Just don't give up


I'm workin' it out


Please don't give in


I won't let you down


It messed me up,


(It messed me up),


Need a second to breathe


Just keep coming around


Hey, what do you want from me


Just don't give up


I'm workin' it out


Please don't give in


I won't let you down


It messed me up,


Need a second to breathe


Just keep coming around


Hey,What do you want from me


(What do you want from me)


What do want from me


(What do you want from me)


What do want from me


(What do you want from me hey~)



i want to start a revolution

a type of personal solution

we all have got our own pollution

it's all about the execution

you got something to say

your hands are tied

open your mouth, open it wide

let the freedom begin

get on the floor, just let it drive

don't it feel good, don't it feel hot?

feel the fire within

i wanna see you strut (strut, strut)

c'mon walk for me

strut (strut, strut)

how you wanna be

everybody's looking for some love

but they don't know

how to let it all hang out

and that's why they're solo (solo, solo)

don't wanna be solo (solo, solo)

don't wanna be solo

we're a complicated nation

and now we're in a situation

let's take a maybelline vacation

and get yourself some validation

everybody's lookin' for some love

i'll be a leader

darling, let your hair down

show me what you're working with and let me see you

strut (strut, strut), strut(strut, strut)

how you wanna be

strut for me and show me what you're working with


soaked to the bone

sink like a stone

walk on alone

it's not the first time

it's not the worst crime

your soul will be ok

and you've had enough

searching for love

and you miss the touch

of someone new

burned by your dreams

it's never how it seems

cold crushed esteem

take shelter

and hide forever

your soul will be ok

and you've had enough

i will take you home

our souls will be ok

《Sure Fire Winners》

we're coming up like killing machines

our big guns gonna shatter your scene

it's pandemonium on the floor

'cause everybody wants a little more

they wanna ride on the rocket ship

ride around the moon for a velvet kiss

'cause all the girls and the boys wanna know

how far this bad wild child's gonna go

we are the sure fire winners

uh-oh yeah big time hitters

bringing the heat and the word is out

giving you something to shout about

we are, yeah, we are, we are the sure fire winners

sure fire winners, sure fire winners, sure fire winners

flick the switch and the missile will fire

i'm a heat seeker when i'm full of desire

we're all drawn to the heat of the flame

'cause you wanna be a star in the hall of fame

i was born with glitter on my face

my baby clothes made of leather and lace

and all the girls in the club wanna know

where did all their pretty boys go?

winners winners

ooh yeah, take a walk on the wild with me

gonna take you to the top to the brink of what you believe

never gonna stop 'til we reach the top

you'd better get out of the game it's never gonna be the same

move over 'cause a new boy's calling it time

ooh yeah yeah-oh yeah yeah yeah

yeah we are, yeah, we are, we are the sure fire winners

《Loaded Smile》

if i say i'm sorry

it's just me telling a lie

when you're in my arms

i feel emptier inside

i never felt so satisfied

everything falls into place but

i think i need a little more time

and yeah i know my life has changed but

honestly i don't know if we'll survive

a loaded smile

an empty glass

and one last dance

walking hand in hand

you are all i ever want

and when you're not around yeah

don't even notice that you're gone

we are barely hanging on

everything falls into place but i

think i need a little more time

and yeah i know my life has changed but

honestly i don't know if we'll survive

makes me want you baby

can't you feel it, can't you feel it, can't you feel it?

i do still want to baby

it's a certain kind of complicated

if i had you if i had you

gonna take you to the top to the brink of what you believe

《If I Had You》

so i got my boots on, got the right amount of leather


and i'm doing me up with a black colour liner


and i'm working my strut but i know it don't matter


all we need in this world is some love


there's a thin line between the dark side and the light side baby tonight


it's a struggle gotta rumble tryin' to find it


but if i had you, that would be the only thing i'd ever need


yeah if i had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete


if i had you, life would be a party it'd be ecstasy


yeah if i had you


you y-y-y-y do y-y-y-y-y do y-y-y-y-y do

if i had you


from new york to la getting high rock and rolling


get a room trash it up 'til it's ten in the morning


girls in stripper heels, boys rolling in maseratis


what they need in this world is some love


there's a thin line between the wild time and a flatline baby tonight


it's a struggle gotta rumble tryin' to find it


if i had the flashing of the lights


it might feel so good but i got you stuck on my mind, yeah


the flashing and the stage it might get me high right


but it don't mean a thing tonight


that would be the only thing i'd ever need


yeah if i had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete


if i had you, life would be a party it'd be ecstasy


that would be the only thing i'd ever need


yeah if i had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete


(never could compete with you)


if i had you, life would be a party it'd be ecstasy


(it'd be ecstasy with you)


if i had you


《Pick U Up》

Jumpin' out the window

movin' on, groovin' on

which way will the wind blow?

we can't be wrong, so say 'solong'

i'mma pick you up, i'mma pick you up

what're you tryin' to say to me?

catch the train out to what you're tryin' to do

are you gonna play with me?

all my life, i've been waiting

pass my time, procrastinating now

it's a trip on a flip

and flash right through the scene

can't you see what i mean?

breaking through the boundaries

rollin' on, strollin' on

they won't ever find me

and after all, we'll have a ball

we're gonna see where we can go

this is how i live, this is what i give

and you're the one i want to know

tiny minded two-tone suckers

same old faces make me shudder

countless times i've screamed 'oh brother!'

where are you? i need someone to be my lover

all my life, i've been waiting

it's a trip on a flip

and flash right through the scene

can't you see what i mean?


there he goes

my baby walks so slow

sexual tic-tac-toe

yeah i know we both know

it isn't time, no

but could you be m-mine?

we'll never get too far

just you 'n' me and the bar

silly ménage à trois, sometimes

would you be m-mine?

oh baby, light's on

but you're mom's not home

i'm sick of laying down alone, hey

with this fever fever, yeah

my one and own

i wanna get you alone

give you fever, fever, yeah

there it goes

you're still my soul and so

'cause, sweetheart

no-no-nobody a-kno-kno-knows me

or can find me ooh

time to be m-mine, mine

let's get inside your car

just you 'n' me and the stars

kind of ménage à trois, sometimes

yeah yeah yeah

oh baby oh baby oh baby oh baby you're mine

baby you're mine, mine, you're mine

but you're mom's not home

i'm sick of laying down alone

with this fever, fever, yeah

yeah give you fever, fever yeah

give you my f-f-fever my f-fever

give you fever, fever, yeah


i saw a picture of you

hanging in an empty hallway

i heard a voice that i knew

and i couldn't walk away

it took me back to the end

of everything

i taste it all i taste it all

the tears again

outside the rain's fallin' down

there's not a drop that hits me

scream at the sky but no sound

is leavin' my lips

it's like i can't even feel

after the way you touched me

i'm not asleep but i'm not awake

after the way you loved me

i can't turn this around

i keep running into walls that i can't break down

i said i just wander around

with my eyes wide shut because of you

i'm a sleepwalker walker walker

let me out of this dream

everywhere that i go

i see another memory

and all the places we used to know

they're always there to haunt me

i walk around and i feel so lost and lonely

you're everything that i want

but you don't want me

let me out of this dream, dream


have you lost your way?

livin' in the shadow of the message that you made

and so it goes

everything inside your circle starts to overflow

take a step before you leap

into the colours that you seek

you give back what you give away

so don't look back on yesterday

wanna scream out, no more hiding

don't be afraid of what's inside

gonna tell ya you'll be alright

in the aftermath

anytime anybody pulls you down

anytime anybody says you're not allowed

just remember you are not alone

in the aftermath

you feel the weight

of lies and contradictions that you live with every day

it's not too late

think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play

take a step before you leap

into the colours that you seek

you give back what you give away

so don't look back on yesterday

before you break you have to change your own mind

take a trip and fall into the pit

tell a stranger that their view is full

so all you feel is love, love

all you feel is love, love

wanna tell you you'll be alright

《Broken Open》

broken pieces, break into me

so imperfectly what you should be

i don't want you to go

don't wanna see you back out in the cold

air you're breathing out fills you with grey

don't run away, find me

i know the battles of chasing the shadows of who you are babe

it doesn't matter, go on and shatter

i'm all you need

lay here, it's safe here, i'll let you be broken open

hide you, confide to you so we can be broken open

let's alight in the night

we can fall away, slip out of sight

when you drop your guard

melt it in time, so it'll try crying


《Time For Miracles》


it's late at night and i can't sleep夜已深我無法入睡

missing you just runs too deep對你的思念太深

oh i can't breathe thinking of your smile想念你的笑容我幾乎不能呼吸

every kiss i can't forget每個親吻我都無法忘記

this aching heart ain't broken yet每顆疼痛的心還沒有碎

oh god i wish i could make you see上帝我希望我能讓你了解

cuz i know this flame isn't dying因為我知道激情還沒有消退

so nothing can stop me from trying所以沒有什麼能阻止我努力

baby you know that親愛的你知道

maybe it's time for miracles也許已是奇蹟降臨的時刻

cuz i ain't giving up on love因為我不能對愛放棄

you know that你知道

maybe it's time for miracles也許已是奇蹟降臨的時刻

cuz i ain't giving up on love因為我不能對愛放棄

no i ain't giving up on us我不能放棄我們

i just want to be with you我只想與你在一起

cuz living is so hard to do因為生存是如此不容易

when all i know is trapped inside your eyes當我只知道要沉淪在你的眼裡

the future i cannot forget對於未來我無法忘記

this aching heart ain't broken yet這個疼痛的心還沒有碎

oh god i wish i could make you see上帝我希望我能讓你了解

cuz i know this flame isn't dying因為我知道激情還沒有消退

so nothing can stop me from trying所以沒有什麼能阻止我努力

baby you know that親愛的你知道

maybe it's time for miracles也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻

cuz i ain't giving up on love因為我不能對愛放棄

you know that你知道

maybe it's time for miracle也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻

cuz i ain't giving up on love因為我不能對愛放棄

no i ain't giving up on us我不能放棄我們

baby can you feel it coming親愛的你能感覺到它的來臨嗎

you know i can hear it, hear it, the souls你知道我能聽見它聽見它靈魂聽得到

baby, you feel, they feel you親愛的你感覺他們感覺到你

you know it's time你知道是時候了

baby you know that親愛的你知道

maybe it's time for miracles也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻

cuz i ain't giving up on love因為我不能對愛放棄

you know that你知道

maybe it's time for miracles也許已是奇蹟來臨的時刻

cuz i ain't giving up on love因為我不能對愛放棄

you know i ain't giving up on us你知道我不會放棄

you know i ain't giving up on你知道我不會放棄

oh i ain't giving up on us我不會放棄

《Master plan》

You run away from everything that you fear 你逃開所有讓你懼怕的

So afraid, don't wanna be a part of it 如此膽怯,不想捲入其中

You see the fake in everything that is real 所有真實在你眼中都是虛假的

You hate the paradox, you put us in a box 你討厭悖論,你將我們放進箱子

We don't define what makes us right or wrong 我們不定義是非對錯

Waste of time, though we're just living it 浪費時間,不,我們只享受生活

I wanna see you, touch you, one on one 我想要私下見你,撫摸你

Won't stop until we're done 我們不會停止,直到結束

We've only just begun 我們才剛開始

We are the face of a new generation 我們是新一代

We are the ones who have no reservation 我們毫無保留

Don't give a damn about your cold calculation 不在乎你的冷漠算計

Welcome to the master plan 歡迎來到我們的世界

Don't care if you understand 不在乎你理不理解

Don't care if you understand 不在乎你理不理解

Welcome to the master plan 歡迎來到主人的計畫中

Your skin is burning at the sight of me 看見我你的皮膚就發燙燃燒

Your mask can't hide what you're thinking 你的面具掩藏不了你的心

Don't ask, don't tell, just take what you need 別問,別說,選你想要的

I'm an open book, so go on and take a look 我是你的教科書,盡請參觀學習

We are the face of a new generation 我們是新一代

We are the ones who have no reservation 我們毫無保留

Don't give a damn about your cold calculation 不在乎你的冷漠算計

Welcome to the master plan 歡迎來到我們的世界

Don't care if you understand 不在乎你理不理解

Don't care if you understand 不在乎你理不理解

Welcome to the master plan 歡迎來到主人的計畫中

There's you, there's me, I feel your energy 這有你,有我,我能感覺到你的能量

I hope you'll see things ain't what they used to be 我希望你看到,一切都已經跟之前不同

Look at the face, look at the face 看看這些臉,看看這一張張面孔

We are the face of a new generation 我們是新一代

We are the ones who have no reservation 我們毫無保留

Don't give a damn about your cold calculation 不在乎你的冷漠算計

Welcome to the master plan 歡迎來到我們的世界

Don't care if you understand 不在乎你理不理解

Don't care if you understand 不在乎你理不理解

Welcome to the master plan 歡迎來到主人的計畫中

Don't care if you under- 不在乎你是否理解

Welcome to the master plan 歡迎來到主人翁的世界

Don't care if you understand 不在乎你理不理解

《Down The Rabbit Hole》

Break out of the mechanical 衝破呆板的桎梏

Step right up to the freaky and tangible 踏上這光怪陸離的境界

Hands uncuffed, take the leash on this animal 掙脫束縛,放手駕馭這欲望之獸

Hip is gettin' high fear, hit me with a night seed 後庭高玉樹,予吾夜瓊漿

Slip right into your stripper shoes 穿上高跟鞋

Roll the dice, I got snake-eyes and déjà-vu做愛做的事,恍惚中似曾相識的場景

Poppin' off, fire mountin' with ballyhoo 於是釋放灼熱,用呼喊燃燒整個巔峰

Tune in, (tune in), turn on, (turn on), drop out (到處充斥著)曖昧、激情與迷離

Going down the rabbit hole 沉淪於這迷幻的世界

Get away from all we know 拋開所有意識

Come on, follow, come on and follow me 來吧,跟上,和我一起

Goin' down the rabbit hole 沉溺於這迷亂

Even hoes and gigolos 即使成為浪女盪男

Come on, follow, come on and follow me 來吧,跟上,和我一起

Quick, slow, high or low 時急時緩,時起時伏

You're never gonna know for sure 那感覺你無法琢磨

See in stereo 目眩神迷

Down the rabbit hole, ooh 沉湎於這迷幻無法自拔,噢~~~

Catnip and honey 來點貓薄荷與“甜點”

See it's happenin' all over town (all over town, all over town) 時下坊間正風靡

House is a candy 這裡是真正的夢幻之地

Build ‘em up and then burn ‘em down (burn ‘em down, just burn ‘em down) 可以盡情肆意地享用

It melts in your face and not in your arm 煙霧柔化了你的臉龐,可你的臂彎依然有力

It starts in the base and it ends in the crystal bowl, yeah 將安非他命在水晶煙鍋中點燃(整個過程多么令人神往)耶~~~

Going down the rabbit hole 沉淪於這迷幻世界

Get away from all we know 拋開所有意識

Come on, follow, come on and follow me 來吧,跟上,和我一起

Goin' down the rabbit hole 沉溺於這迷亂

Even hoes and gigolos 即使成為浪女盪男

Come on, follow, come on and follow me 來吧,跟上,和我一起

Disco rodeo 耳邊是交錯的DISCO樂聲

My kaleidoscope 眼前的世界如萬花筒般五光十色

Cleopatra knows 只有放浪形骸才能體會

What’s down the rabbit hole 這迷幻之妙

Going down the rabbit hole 沉淪於這迷幻的世界

Get away from all we know 拋開所有意識

Come on, follow, come on and follow me 來吧,跟上,和我一起

Goin' down the rabbit hole 沉溺於這迷亂

Even hoes and gigolos 即使成為浪女盪男

Come on, follow, come on and follow me 來吧,跟上,和我一起

Quick, slow, high or low 時急時緩,時起時伏

You're never gonna know for sure 那感覺你無法琢磨

See in stereo 目眩神迷

Down the rabbit hole 沉湎於這迷幻無法自拔

Who are you?你是誰?

Who are you? 你是誰?

Who are you? 你是誰?

Who are you? 你是誰?

Who are you? 你是誰?

Who are you? 你是誰?


Moonshine on the bayou

Love shrine, break the taboo

I wanna know what's in your potion

Bound by total devotion

I was looking for love all over

You're the hunter, and I'm your prey

Now I'm lost in a love hangover

I try to leave but I have to stay

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Swamp sings, a little bizarre

Snake bites, aligning stars

I'm enraptured, there is no cure

No sanctuary from your love

I was looking for love all over

You're the hunter, and I'm your prey

Now I'm lost in a love hangover

I try to leave but I have to stay

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Coz the voodoo you do is all that can do to make me into your fool

Coz you do voodoo I'm just like a doll that the pins keep pushing into

So every time I try to break this trance

I'm so afraid I'll miss my chance, to be bewitched bothered by you

I just gotta say I want your hex, I don't want to live without your hands

I'm so obsessed with your sexiness, yeeee---ah

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,under your spell

Obsessed with your sexiness

《can't let you go》

Guess it was not meant to be

It's not as bad as it seems

It only burns when I breathe

You saw the way that I fell

But I'm better off by myself

That's the tale I like to tell

But it's not that easy for me to say goodbye

Everything in me wants you back in my life

Can't let you go

Can't let you go

It feels like the dawn of the dead

Like bombs going off in my head

Never a moment of rest

Nothing kills more than to know

That this is the end of the road

And I know I gotta let go

But it's not that easy for me to say goodbye

Everything in me wants you back in my life

Can't let you go

Can't let you go

Can't let you go

Can't let you go

Wish I could just find a way

To have all your memories erased

Cos constantly they're haunting me

But it's not that easy for me to say goodbye

Everything in me wants you back in my life

Can't let you go

Can't let you go

Can't let you go

Can't let you go

I can't let you go

I can't let you


鑽藍染色的黑髮,視覺煙燻妝、皮衣皮褲、雙手塗著黑指甲,這是Adam Lambert的舞台造型,當受到質疑時,Adam很自然地會答“我就喜歡這樣的裝扮。”早前爆出他與男性親密的照片更是引起巨大風波,而這絲毫沒有影響這個天賦異稟的歌手在舞台上的發揮——類歌劇化的表演方式,極度華麗揮霍的高音,激情四射的舞台表現,勇敢無畏的歌唱創意,他用一場又一場演唱會級別的演出攻陷著每一位挑剔聽者的耳朵,評審們難得口徑一致地把喜愛之情傾注在Adam身上,連一向毒舌的Simon都在節目中對這位才華出眾的選手起立鼓掌。

“今年的美國偶像絕對是Adam Lambert的個人秀”這是美聯社對於Adam的褒獎。無論比賽周主題變換,Adam都可以用自己的風格來詮釋獨到的感覺並贏得雷鳴般的掌聲,連擔任美偶音樂指導的大師們聽到Adam的嗓音後都紛紛驚嘆“他絕對是天生的藝人”。包括美聯社、《電視周刊》等媒體都把冠軍“押注”在Adam身上,認為他是歷屆參賽者中質素最強的,從Simon的一句“Adam應該會成為冠軍”,到《娛樂周刊》提早奉上的封面報導,博彩公司為他奪冠開出的賠率甚至小於1,種種跡象都預示著Adam的冠軍相。


當然,Adam與冠軍無緣不能歸咎於性取向問題,但這絕對是一個重要因素。決賽夜前,美聯社就在標題位置指出,“美國偶像準備接納同志’當冠軍了嗎?”早先更有著Clay Aiken因為性向成謎而成為了《美國偶像》亞軍的例子。對此,亞當並沒有承認或者否認,他在接受《娛樂周刊》採訪時表示,“我知道我是誰。我是一個誠實的人,我只是想繼續唱歌罷了。”不過一些看過照片的美國民眾還是坦言不能接受,這也從一定層面上代表著最為普通的民眾聲音。

從歷屆美偶冠軍來看,除去去年搖滾黑馬David Cook成為冠軍外,其餘幾屆的偶像無一例外是笑容可掬的“美國甜心”,Adam無論從音樂風格、造型、性取向而言,都是讓那些主流投票者難以接受的。事實上前三強爭奪賽結果就預示著Adam潛藏的“弱勢”——異類的Adam對壘溫情的Kris和Danny。當Danny被淘汰時,雖然Adam票數領先 Kris100萬票,但Danny的冬粉轉而投給Kris的可能性絕對高於Adam。如今看來,傳統保守老少鹹宜的表演路線依然美國大眾的最愛。


台北時間5月21日上午(美國當地時間5月20日),《美國偶像》第八季決賽在洛杉磯諾基亞劇院落下帷幕。來自阿肯色州的23歲大學生Kris-艾倫 (Kris Allen)憑藉選票優勢爆冷,戰勝此前一直被評審看好的Adam-蘭伯特(Adam Lambert),摘走本季冠軍。不過本屆冠軍爭霸賽雖精彩紛呈,卻備受爭議。

獲得亞軍的蘭伯特現年27歲,從比賽伊始就展現出驚人的實力,這位舞台劇出身的歌手音域寬廣,現場表演感染力十足,被專業人士盛讚為《美國偶像》歷史上實力最強的一位,而本屆評審蘭迪-傑克遜 (Randy Jackson)、Simon-考威爾(Simon Cowell)和寶拉-阿布杜(Paula Abdul)此前都預言他將最終登頂。







這一結果也讓本屆比賽的四位評審感到意外,他們此前曾在不同場合預測蘭伯特會最終登頂,卻不料艾倫以“黑馬”姿態先後PK掉多位好手進入決賽,並爆冷力克“大熱門”蘭伯特奪冠。以眼光精準和“毒舌”著稱的評審Simon-考威爾(Simon Cowell)失望之極,罕見地拒絕起立為冠軍艾倫鼓掌。而他曾在本屆早前的比賽中被蘭伯特一首絕美的《瘋狂世界》(Mad World)所感動,在擔任評審8年來首次起立為選手的精彩演繹鼓掌。



美聯社以《Kris-艾倫扭轉美偶賽前預測》為題報導稱,艾倫在獲得勝利後說:“Adam應該得冠軍,我很抱歉,我不知道現在該想什麼,這太瘋狂了。” 文章認為,“蘭伯特寬廣的音域和出色的舞台表現力,以及評審對他的喜愛一度讓美國偶像比賽變成Adam-蘭伯特演唱會現場……但最後的結果證明,那些投票的電視觀眾並沒有一直青睞這名愛塗黑色指甲油的自信選手”。

《紐約時報》的評論則說:“美國人選擇Kris-艾倫而不是 Adam-蘭伯特也許暴露了我們這個國家的某種情緒,即電視觀眾太拘泥於遵循傳統而不願把一位俊美陰柔的獨立歌手送上神壇……最後獲勝的艾倫先生唱的不錯,但他和其他優秀歌手沒有區別,而蘭伯特先生的歌唱則是最頂級的,那種觸人靈魂的高音再也找不出第二個。”


《波士頓論壇報》則說:“Kris-艾倫奪冠後再次演唱了前一天的那首冠軍歌《沒有邊界》(No Boundaries),恩,現在他已經兩次證明自己無法駕馭這首歌……在他演唱的時候,鏡頭切給了坐在台下的第二屆冠軍魯本-史坦德(Ruben Studdard),他在那年獲勝後事業碰到障礙。這不言而喻,今天的偶像明天很容易成為隨便坐在台下看比賽的觀眾。”


權威娛樂網站eonline:“蘭伯特依然微笑著給對手擁抱表示祝賀,評審蘭迪-傑克遜 (Randy Jackson)、寶拉-阿卜杜(Paula Abdul)和凱拉-迪奧嘉蒂(Kara Dioguardi)也都站了起來鼓掌,儘管他們對結果都表現出驚訝。”

《巴爾的摩太陽報》的專欄則稱:“這就像“乖寶寶”里基-尼爾森(Ricky Nelson)和叛逆者“貓王”艾爾維斯之間的對決,我們選擇了有著情景喜劇中招牌笑容的陽光男孩,而不是一股衝破音樂框框和超越文化邊界的自然力量…… 我們至少應該在2009年為迎接一名藝術家而不是普通表演者做好準備。”


2009年11月23日剛剛落下帷幕的全美音樂獎頒獎典禮上,亞當蘭伯特以一計男男“斷背吻”為頒獎禮封存上又一抹娛樂效應,成為人們茶餘飯後所津津樂道的聊資。而他上演“斷背吻”的這首歌,就是新專輯的同名單曲《For Your Entertainment(娛樂為你)》,大概再沒有哪個國家比得上美國有娛樂意識,也沒有哪個國家能像美國一樣,能夠將“娛樂意識”作為常識標準之一實踐,也更沒有哪個國家的明星,能夠把自己的“娛樂功能”看的如此透徹犀利,並作不遺餘力的實踐了――早年有麥當娜的錐形胸罩,布蘭妮的女女激吻,今朝有Lady GaGa的“雷風”陣陣,當然我們還不能落下這位亞當蘭伯特。

比賽終究是比賽,總得為自己的“前途”顧慮,亞當蘭伯特在美偶比賽的表現還沒有如此般放得開,而當選手變成歌手成為藝人,他骨子裡那股子娛樂勁兒就猛然的爆發開來,壓根兒不存在所謂從選手到歌手的藩籬,索性首張處子專輯就叫做《For Your Entertainment(娛樂為你)》――“是的,我就是為你娛樂而存在的。”

如果你緊跟流行風潮,如果你緊跟布蘭妮,膜拜Lady GaGa,那么這張專輯就一定不會讓你失望。從妖艷的封面開始,你大可把這張專輯想像成會唱歌劇的“男版布蘭妮”,性感中帶著悶騷,悶騷中帶著深沉,偶爾英國頑童米卡似的花腔一現,時而又如搖滾悍將一般黑暗而熱情。

正如他為之獻唱的末日大片《2012》一般,《For Your Entertainment》有著不短的篇幅,但卻不帶絲毫沒有半絲疲倦感,正所謂聽完容易聽膩難,14首作品一氣呵成,非但沒有任何冗長之感,反而讓人意猶未盡。

開篇《Music Again》情緒沖天而上,復古節奏加上搖滾基調,時不時的花腔與Mika像極,亢奮出一股Pop的色彩。接下來的《For Your Entertainment》劇情急轉直下,亢奮轉成了那股子酷勁兒,早有AMA的首演,充滿性暗示和SM的一抹黑暗勁兒,節奏精準的腳趾不斷隨之節拍。《Whataya Want From Me》則放緩了調子,主歌壓抑而副歌高亢,在前兩首歌的亢奮後是很好的一首歇息之作。

稍息片刻《Strut》瞬間抓起電音,合成器營造的節點更加躁動,不曉得是不是亞當給美寶蓮做了代言,歌詞中“Let’s take a Maybelline vocation”著實令人驚艷了一把,看來女性視角的確在亞當蘭伯特身上有著明顯體現,以致這首作品從編曲到演唱都帶著一股布蘭妮的味道,同樣的還有《If I Had You》,簡直就是布蘭妮《Blackout》或者《Circus》的漏網之魚一般,亞當蘭伯特帶出的那股俏皮很好的權衡在了其搖滾基調中,又如Lady GaGa般對於節奏有著精準的掌控力,並不至於矯揉造作。

《Soaked》是除了《Time For Miracles》(《2012》主題曲)之外,唯一一首極致展現亞當蘭伯特歌劇功底的一首作品,幾乎可以稱之為是後者的姐妹篇,用華麗的樂器編配搭配亞當蘭伯特大氣的唱法,氣場一下子就豐盈起來,情緒逐層漸進,瀰漫一股頹廢的末日之之感,其實要比《Time For Miracles》更適合做《2012》的主題曲。

而時至今日,再討論克里斯艾倫與亞當蘭伯特誰更應該是美偶冠軍已經不具有任何意義,《Sure Fire Winners(絕對冠軍)》似乎給出了明顯答案;“We are the sure fire winners”,似乎是向支持他的廣大歌迷的一種回應,也是炮火搖滾味兒體現的最為出彩的一首作品,亞當蘭伯特強調的十分硬朗。

如果把亞當蘭伯特比作是一隻變色龍,那么這隻變色龍在前半張專輯中大抵變幻出極其負於熱烈張力的暖色調,而接下來由《A Loaded Smile》分隔開的後半張專輯,就開始展現出不一樣的色彩可能性。《A Loaded Smile》《Sleepwalker》《Broken Open》一頭扎進迷幻色彩的Trip-Pop中,帶著冰冷的配器將亞當蘭伯特得聲線襯托的更為神秘且迷人;《Pick Up》則從復古搖滾中汲取精髓,收斂了熱情卻依然豪放;《Fever》又帶電卻隨性出一股鄉村的牛仔色彩,是最像米卡的作品。

《Aftermath》是專輯中比較不一樣的作品,亞當蘭伯特在處理上並沒有過多運用歌劇技巧,反倒是壓低嗓子帶出性感的沙啞感,實不多見。用《Time For Miracles》作為結束,好似布幕華麗落下,變色龍變回最本真的顏色,深沉的整體效果與積極向上的歌詞基調形成反差,帶著絕望中的希望,華麗收場。

縱觀全輯,《For Your Entertainment》將這隻變色龍的五顏六色盡極儘可能的都挖掘了出來,藉由“娛樂為你”的大前提本質,亞當蘭伯特很知道人們需要什麼,也很清楚自己適合什麼,所以整張專輯在娛人娛己的情況下,很好的展現了亞當蘭伯特技巧、風格上的優勢,讓人深深體會娛樂精神的同時,也不得不佩服亞當蘭伯特的過人才華。娛樂你,娛樂我,《For Your Entertainment》聽完容易聽膩難。



不羈的黑髮,魅惑的眼線,雙手塗著黑色指甲油,這已經成為Adam Lambert的標誌,這位被譽為“Rock God”的音樂天才,這位剛出道便已贏得眾多關注的樂壇新星,他用一場又一場演唱會級別的演出,攻陷著每一位挑剔聽者的耳朵;他用華麗揮霍的嗓音,激情四射的舞台,陽光燦爛的笑容,善良幽默的品性與攝人心魄的魅力,虜獲了無數歌迷的心。Adam Lambert風暴已經席捲而來,這不僅昭告著“Glam Rock”的強勢回歸,更標誌著迷惑搖滾在新流行樂時代的復活和與之融合。


英文全名:Adam Mitchel Lambert







家鄉:San Diego Rancho Penasquitos ,CA


國小:Deer Canyon Elementary School

中學:Mesa Verde Middle School

高中:Mt. Carmel High School

最喜歡的男藝人:Michael Jackson,David Bowie,Freddie Mercury,Lenny Kravitz,Prince

最喜歡的女藝人:Madonna ,Katy Perry ,Pink ,Lady Gaga,Christina Aguilera ,Beyonce Knowles,Britney Spears









Adam Lambert版“Mad World” 獲選《時代》雜誌年度TOP10精選文娛類十大單曲



首張專輯《For Your Entertainment》獲選公告牌票選年度最佳專輯NO.4,十年最佳專輯NO.6






單曲Whataya Want From Me的mv 獲得加拿大MMVAs“最喜愛國際MV”



