Boddy Mcferrin Jr. Holly Dolly
Here's a little song i wrote, 這是我寫的一首短歌
you might want to sing it note for note, 你或許想一個音符接著一個音符唱
don't worry, be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
in every life we have some trouble, 每個人的人生多少都會遇到困難
when you worry you make it double 當你憂慮,困難就會加倍
don't worry, be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
dont worry be happy now 不要憂慮,現在要快樂
dont worry be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
aint got no place to lay your head, 沒有地方讓你安枕嗎
somebody came and took your bed, 某人搶了您的床嗎
don't worry, be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
the landlord say your rent is late, 房東說您的房租慢了
he may have to litigate, 他或許必須提起訴訟
dont worry (small laugh) be happy, 不要憂慮 (輕笑),要快樂
look at me i'm happy, 看看我,我很快樂
don't worry, be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
i give you my phone number, 我把電話號碼給你
when your worried, call me, 當你憂慮時,就打給我
i make you happy 我會讓你快樂
don't worry, be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
aint got no cash, aint got no style, 沒有錢,沒有品味
aint got no gal to make you smile 沒有女孩能讓你笑
but don't worry, be happy 但不要憂慮,要快樂
cos when you worry, your face will frown, 因為當你憂慮,你會愁容滿面
and that will bring everybody down, 也會讓所有人感到消沉
so don't worry, be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
don't worry, be happy now... dont worry be happy now 不要憂慮,現在要快樂
now there this song i wrote 這就是我寫的歌
i hope you you learned it note for note 我希望你能一個音符接著一個音符學唱
like good little children 就像個乖小孩
dont worry be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
listen to what i say 注意聽我的話
in your life expect some trouble 在你的人生一定會有一些困難
when you worry you make it double 當你憂慮,困難就會加倍
dont worry be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
be happy now 現在要快樂
dont worry 不要憂慮
dont worry be happy 不要憂慮,要快樂
don't worry, don't worry, don't do it, 不要憂慮,不要憂慮,千萬不要這樣做
be happy,put a smile on your face, 要快樂,讓你的臉堆滿笑容
don't bring everybody down like this 不要把消沉帶給其他人
don't worry, it will soon pass whatever it is, 不要憂慮,不論什麼困難很快都會過去
don't worry, be happy, 不要憂慮,要快樂
i'm not worried 我就不憂慮

Bobby Mcferrin出生於1950年3月11日,紐約。他的父母親都是古典音樂歌唱家。在他6歲那年開始學習音樂理論,那時他剛和家裡人搬家到了洛杉磯。鋼琴是在他上中學的時候的主修樂器,後來在大學裡繼續學習(加里福利亞大學)。作為一個鋼琴家,當時他隨著ICE FOLLIES,TOP 40等流行樂隊和舞蹈樂隊巡迴演出。
1977年,他決定做一名爵士歌手,當時他在一個來自NEW ORLEANS的樂隊里演唱,後來去了舊金山,在那裡他的好運氣來了。他碰到了一位喜劇演員bILL COSbY。COSbY幫助MCFERIIN得到在一次很重要的爵士音樂節上表演的機會。表演後的兩年,1982年MCFERRIN錄製了自己第一個爵士專輯。
1983年Mcferrin開始演唱cappella(無人聲伴奏)。這種演唱方法運用在他在1988年創作的一首有名的歌曲中“DON'T WORRY, bE HAPPY”在這首歌曲裡面,所有的聲部的演唱都是他親自演繹的。他可以分別錄製曲子中不同聲部到不同的音軌上,然後再將所有聲部結合起來。
Actors: Bobby McFerrin
Format: Closed-captioned, Color, Dolby, Live, NTSC
Language: English
Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. Read more about DVD formats.)
Number of discs: 1
Studio: Verve
DVD Release Date: October 11, 2005
Average Customer Review: based on 2 reviews. (Write a review.)
This is dvd is a full unedited concert held at a Jazz Festival in Montreal. It features mostly solo songs by Bobby McFerrin. In addition, there are some very talented guests (Jorane, Richard Bona and others) who improvize with McFerrin. The concert is both entertaining and astonishing. I was once told that true art is art that connects you to your deeper Self. This is what I experienced watching. My wife told me I had a permanent grin on my face watching this dvd. The very inspired McFerrin, his astonishing voice (sometimes producing more than one tone at once) his communication and interaction with the audience, and the 'duets' with the guest artists make this concert a very uplifting experience and a joy to watch. From the classical Ave Maria by Bach-Gounod to some jazzy improvizations with Richard Bona, and McFerrin's impression of "The Wizard of Oz".... without any gimmicks or artificial means, this is a very entertaining concert that I recommend everyone to watch.