Dar Um Jeito

Dar Um Jeito

《Dar Um Jeito》是2014年巴西世界盃的巴西世界盃的官方讚歌(Official Anthem),是由墨西哥吉他大師卡洛斯·桑塔納、巴西歌星亞歷山德雷·皮雷斯以及韋克萊夫·讓(Wyclef Jean)和瑞典DJ艾維奇(Avicii)將演唱的歌曲。


When you got nothing to eat (韋克萊夫·讓演唱部分)
and you find it hard to sleep,
how you struggle on the streets,
and you can escape the heat
but your heart could feel that beat
so you get up off your feet,
ain't no mountain you can't reach,
grab a star and make a wish.
We celebrating and we waving all our rags,
we all united even tho we different flags,
we all are one voice, one heart, one soul,
once we set that goal u know we gonna score.
Here we go, oh oh oh oh oh
That's all we know, oh oh oh oh oh
So here we go oh oh oh oh oh
That's all we know
Darum Jeito oh oh ohhhh
We gonna find a way, we gonna find a way
Darum Jeito oh oh ohhhh
We gonna find a way, we gonna find a way
Você nasceu para brilhar (亞歷山德雷·皮雷斯演唱部分)
Está escrito em seu olhar
é to forte a sensao
De vestir uma nao
Quando o jogo comear
Ninguém vai te segurar
Sua determinao
é de um grande campeo
Nós celebramos e vibramos por vocês
O mundo inteiro está torcendo outra vez
Nós somos uma voz, corpo, alma, corao
Ento vamos gritar, explode emoo
Here we go, oh oh oh oh oh (合唱部分)
That's all we know, oh oh oh oh oh
So here we go oh oh oh oh oh
That's all we know
Darum Jeito oh oh ohhhh
We gonna find a way, we gonna find a way
Darum Jeito oh oh ohhhh
We gonna find a way, we gonna find a way
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go, oh oh oh oh oh
That's all we know, oh oh oh oh oh
So here we go oh oh oh oh oh
That's all we know
Darum Jeito oh oh ohhhh
We gonna find a way, we gonna find a way
Darum Jeito oh oh ohhhh
We gonna find a way, we gonna find a way
Here we go


卡洛斯·桑塔納 卡洛斯·桑塔納

卡洛斯·桑塔納(Carlos Santana)是一位墨西哥裔的美國音樂藝術家,成名於20世紀60年代末和70年代初。他創立的樂隊:Santana,率先融合了搖滾和拉丁音樂。《滾石》雜誌在2003年將桑塔納排列在100位最偉大吉他手名單第20名中。至今他已經贏得了10個葛萊美獎和三個拉丁葛萊美獎。

韋克萊夫·讓 韋克萊夫·讓

韋克萊夫·讓(Wyclef Jean)美國說唱樂巨星。1972年出生於海地,後移居美國紐約。他擁有美國和海地雙重國籍,在美國和海地擁有極高知名度,廣受民眾喜愛。他的音樂以說唱樂見長,被譽 為“嘻哈天王”。

Avicii Avicii

艾維奇(Avicii),瑞典國寶級DJ,自小迷戀音樂的他對電音舞曲情有獨鍾,受到了Daft Punk的薰陶,加上瑞典地區發達的電音產業讓他萌生了成為DJ的念頭。2012年全球百大DJ第三名,2013年全球百大DJ第三名和EMA/AMA年度最佳電子音樂藝人。


