You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
I love you baby,and if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely night
I love you baby
Trust in me when I say (it's) ok
Oh pretty baby,don't bring me down,I pray
Oh pretty baby,now that I found you stay
And let me love you,oh baby,Let me love you, oh baby
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
I love you baby,and if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely night
I love you baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh pretty baby,don't bring me down I pray
Oh pretty baby,now that I found you stay
And let me love you,oh baby,Let me love you, oh baby

《Can't Take My Eyes Off You》由Bob Gaudio作曲,Bob Crewe填詞,至今已四十多年,各國歌手翻唱無數,有人統計了40個翻唱版本。
歌曲名:Can't Take My Eyes Off You
原唱:Frankie Valli
作曲:Bob Gaudio
作詞:Bob Crewe

Can't Take My Eyes Off You是一首翻唱比較頻繁的老歌,令人驚嘆的是,其版本涵蓋了眾多音樂流派,從 Rock n Roll,到 Motown R&B 和Disco,再到Brit Pop、Punk Rock、Jazz、Pop Dance、Hip Hop……以至於雖然全部是相同的旋律、相同的歌詞,一口氣聽完二十個版本卻渾然不覺厭煩。在各種不同的曲風中,感覺主要有三類比較突出,一類是拉丁抒情的,是戀愛中情侶的傾訴;一類是爵士藍調的,適合兩情人在慢搖吧歡度時光;再一類是搖滾激情的。
八十年代著名的Disco組合Boys Town Gang的翻唱也非常有名……甚至知名度超過了被譽為“迪斯科女皇”的 Gloria Gaynor 的翻唱。
Motown 唱片在 70 年代的兩大組合Supremes和The Temptations的翻唱實在有點粗糙,但 Supremes 中 Diana Ross 的聲音非常甜美。
Andy Williams 和 Engelbert Humperdinck 分別因為“月亮河”與“最後的圓舞曲”,都成為情歌領域的常青樹,他們兩人的翻唱有異曲同工之妙,其中 Andy 的版本曾經在奧斯卡獲獎影片《獵鹿人》中被反覆播放。
Jimmy Somerville 的翻唱走的是 80' Dance 的風格,原本不是很出名,但隨著前陣子的電視影集《Queers as Folk》在全美的轟動,被重新混音的 Jimmy Somerville 翻唱一下子成為美國各大 Club 中熱門的舞曲。
Muse 的搖滾版本很好聽,給這首歌曲一點新鮮的滋味……不過 Track 14 搖滾的最徹底,已經是帶有顛復性的女子朋克了,可惜不知道是哪個樂隊唱的。
Lauryn Hill 的 Hip Hop 夠街頭~~ Morten Harket 則是返樸歸真的流行爵士樂風格。
Pet Shop Boys 翻唱的比較離譜,因為他們把兩首歌曲串在一起了,當這兩個老頑童把“Where the Streets Have No Name”的前半段唱完後,旋律一轉,下半段就變成“Can't Take My Eyes Off of You”……
Sheena Easton 是我不熟悉的女歌手,不過嗓音不錯,有點拉丁的舞曲風格也挺適合這首歌的…… Hermes House Band 是一名性感女子與兩位器樂演奏兼和聲的男子組成的流行舞曲組合,前兩年他們瘋狂翻唱了大量的老歌,而且統統改成火辣辣的舞曲……翻唱的還真不錯呢,試聽曲目就是 Hermes House Band 的版本!
還有四位來自中國歌手的翻唱—— 其一是張惠妹的,唱得還不錯,但後期製作中顯然對人聲進行了過多的混響處理,反而顯得不夠熱情奔放了;與香港的唱片公司簽約的金髮美女 SHelly 帶來的有一些曖昧的慢板爵士,很溫暖;另外一位是台灣音樂人王治平的女兒王若琳,用類似小野麗莎般沙啞的嗓音,有種不同的韻味。香港男歌手黎明也有翻唱。另有羽泉的翻唱。
加拿大獨立樂團 Walk Off The Earth翻唱的不錯,男歌手的嗓音很有磁性,女歌手的嗓音很獨特。總的來說聽著很舒服很好聽。

01. Boys Town Gang - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:23)
02. Andy Williams - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:13)
03. Engelbert Humperdinck - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:43)
04. Supremes & the Temptations - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:07)
05. Boys Town Gang - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (4:22)
06. Boys Town Gang - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Remix) (7:48)
07. Gloria Gaynor - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (5:13)
08. Gloria Gaynor - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Extended Dance Mix) (5:45)
09. Jimmy Somerville - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Almighty Definitive 2000 Mix) (8:50)
10. Jimmy Somerville - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (DJ Amanda Remix) (3:58)
11. Pet Shop Boys - Where the Streets Have No Name (Can't Take My Eyes Off You) (4:32)
12. Hermes House Band - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (4:11)
13. Muse - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:26)
14. Unknown Artist - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (4:31)
15. Lauryn Hill - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:41)
16. Sheena Easton - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (4:13)
17. Morten Harket - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:42)
18.張惠妹- Can't Take My Eyes Off You (5:10)
19. SHelly - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (4:52)
20. Karaoke - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Instrumental) (5:12)
21.王若琳-Can't Take My Eyes Off You(4:12)
23.John Barrowman-Can't Take My Eyes Off You(5:10)
24.Izumi Sakai(Zard的坂井泉水)+Yasuharu Konishi - CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF OF YOU
25.林宥嘉Can't Take My Eyes Off You STAR 4 YOU校園巡迴演唱會版 08/12/20
26.Sowelu-can't take my eyes off of you(4:34)
27.noon-Can't Take My Eyes Off You(Album:Walk With Thee In New Orleans)(3:48)
28.棒棒堂小煜元衛覺醒-Can‘t Take My Eyes Off You(棒棒堂小巨蛋現場版)
29.黎明Can't Take My Eyes Off you(專輯:Leon北京站)
30.張菲Can't Take My Eyes Off you
31.Tommy February6 - Can't Take My Eyes Off You(03:46)
32.Clay Aiken - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (03:17 美國偶像第一屆冠軍)
33.謝東閔-Can't Take My Eyes Off You (3:40 港劇《巴不得媽媽》插曲)
34.櫻井翔-can't take my eyes off you(2000arashi first Concert上演唱有部分rap )
35.kpop 朴再興- Can't Take My Eyes Off You (4:10)
36.李曉姣- Can't Take My Eyes Off You(參加中國夢想秀,這一首比較偏爵士)
37.少女時代-Can't Take My Eyes Off You(少女時代三巡首爾站)
38.常穎&張憶亞-Can't Take My Eyes Off You(第二季《中國好聲音》汪峰組)
39.Lady Antebellum-Can't Take My Eyes Off You(4:45)
40.鄧紫棋&謝安琪-Can't Take My Eyes Off You(1:56)