Beihang University

Beihang University

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the University of the People's Republic of China (our) is affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is a comprehensive national key university, a national "Project 985", the "Project 211" universities, is the first batch of 16 national key universities, appeared in the "Mount Everest Program", "2011 plan", "111", "Plan for Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers"," Outstanding Legal Talent Training Plan "is the outcome of the International Astronautical Federation", "Sino", "T................................................ M. E. Alliance", "Chinese - Spanish league....", "University of Science and Technology in China - Russia alliance" members, as in tube vice - ministerial rank in the university, by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, Beijing Municipal Government, and with the Graduate School.Today the BUAA has engineering colleges from the early years of transformation and development become the Blend, with aerospace engineering characteristics and the advantages of comprehensive university, and is rapidly moving towards building empty days the letter has its own feature of universities in the world, to keep pushing on.As of 2013, the school has provided Xue Yuan Road, Shahe two campuses, covering an area of 3,000 mu, total floor area of 150 square meters; there are full time students and people 27811, 14428.99kW

Historical Evolution

One, the Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical era (1952 - 1988) in January 1951, the Chinese government delegation to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union in the negotiations with the assistance of the People's Republic of China aviation industry, the development of higher education and China's aviation in employing Soviet Union experts on matters as important content One, the Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical era (1952 - 1988) in January 1951, the Chinese government delegation to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union in the negotiations with the assistance of the People's Republic of China aviation industry, the development of higher education and China's aviation in employing Soviet Union experts on matters as important content . March 1980 by all universities and colleges started a restructuring program, the former Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, the Division has made a preliminary adjustment: Tsinghua University, Peiyang University, Northwest University and Xiamen University aviation department was merged to become Tsinghua University Aviation Engineering; Yunnan University aviation department was merged with the aviation department of Sichuan University;Central Industrial College of the Aviation Section and the Aviation University of China which merged to become the founding of the Beijing College of Technology (BIT) is the aviation department March 1980 by all universities and colleges started a restructuring program, the former Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, the Division has made a preliminary adjustment: Tsinghua University, Peiyang University, Northwest University and Xiamen University aviation department was merged to become Tsinghua University Aviation Engineering; Yunnan University aviation department was merged with the aviation department of Sichuan University;Central Industrial College of the Aviation Section and the Aviation University of China which merged to become the founding of the Beijing College of Technology (BIT) is the aviation department .
in May 1952, according to Premier Zhou Enlai to specialized aviation is an indication of the CMC and the decision taken by the central Ministry of Education developed national universities in China underwent a restructuring plan, and were further adjusted in May 1952, according to Premier Zhou Enlai to specialized aviation is an indication of the CMC and the decision taken by the central Ministry of Education developed national universities in China underwent a restructuring plan, and were further adjusted . June and served as the center, the center of the Ministry of Education decided, via national approval and consent of the Military Commission of the NPC, was officially prepared for Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical June and served as the center, the center of the Ministry of Education decided, via national approval and consent of the Military Commission of the NPC, was officially prepared for Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical .
1952 October 25, at Tsinghua University and Sichuan University,Beijing College of Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology) (i.e., on the basis of the founding of new China is the first university of aeronautics and astronautics University of Science and Technology Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical 1959, central on at colleges and universities in a number of key decisions of the designated school "specified in 16 colleges and universities started to recruit Chinese graduates, including Beihang 1959, central on at colleges and universities in a number of key decisions of the designated school "specified in 16 colleges and universities started to recruit Chinese graduates, including Beihang .
1960 additional aircraft nuclear power, aviation and engineering Department of Physics, 1961, with further development of the aircraft automatic control system for 1960 additional aircraft nuclear power, aviation and engineering Department of Physics, 1961, with further development of the aircraft automatic control system for ., BUAA has established 10 departments with 35 majors , BUAA has established 10 departments with 35 majors .
resumed in 1977, in colleges and universities throughout the country, and1978 Postgraduate Enrollment resumed in 1977, in colleges and universities throughout the country, and1978 Postgraduate Enrollment . resumed again in July 1978, the establishment of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and resumed in November of 1984 resumed again in July 1978, the establishment of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and resumed in November of 1984 .
, BUAA was listed as a national "Seventh Five - Year" key 15 during the construction of one of the colleges and universities; the same year, the Department of State with the approval of the establishment of the Graduate School of National University one of the 22 , BUAA was listed as a national "Seventh Five - Year" key 15 during the construction of one of the colleges and universities; the same year, the Department of State with the approval of the establishment of the Graduate School of National University one of the 22 .
Beihang University

Academic Research

Research Overview

school scientific research strength school scientific research strength . owns in aeronautical science and technology national laboratory "," Jet Engine Gas Dynamic and Thermodynamic Laboratory "," State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment "," aircraft control Integration Laboratory "," reliability engineering laboratory "" of the State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality "and" National Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory "6 state - level key labs and 15 provincial - level key laboratories including a number of laboratory owns in aeronautical science and technology national laboratory "," Jet Engine Gas Dynamic and Thermodynamic Laboratory "," State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment "," aircraft control Integration Laboratory "," reliability engineering laboratory "" of the State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality "and" National Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory "6 state - level key labs and 15 provincial - level key laboratories including a number of laboratory .
" during the 10th Five - Year Plan, the school has got lots of great influence in the scientific and technological achievements, academic reputation is high,Social and economic benefits are greatly prominent " during the 10th Five - Year Plan, the school has got lots of great influence in the scientific and technological achievements, academic reputation is high,Social and economic benefits are greatly prominent . winning national awards 17 (wherein the Award for the Advancement of Science, the first and second prizes of 15, he won the second prize of National Natural Award, 1 national award), the provincial science and technology item 175, defense - related science and technology progress and 10 first, the "National Excellent 100 Doctoral Dissertation 8 winning national awards 17 (wherein the Award for the Advancement of Science, the first and second prizes of 15, he won the second prize of National Natural Award, 1 national award), the provincial science and technology item 175, defense - related science and technology progress and 10 first, the "National Excellent 100 Doctoral Dissertation 8 .
presided over" 973 "Project 5, co - chaired by 4, undertaken" 863 "item 156; chairing major national defense and the key fund program of 14 National Natural Science Foundation of 326, national defense pre - research item 260, Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, seven programs;Meanwhile, assume responsibility for a number of national key engineering project presided over" 973 "Project 5, co - chaired by 4, undertaken" 863 "item 156; chairing major national defense and the key fund program of 14 National Natural Science Foundation of 326, national defense pre - research item 260, Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, seven programs;Meanwhile, assume responsibility for a number of national key engineering project . research funding to a total 26. 45 billion
schools adhere to talent training, technology development, achievement transformation, product manufacturing, paid particular attention to large - scale projects, co - sponsored - enterprise joint technology research and development center, promoting cooperation in personnel training, scientific research oriented schools adhere to talent training, technology development, achievement transformation, product manufacturing, paid particular attention to large - scale projects, co - sponsored - enterprise joint technology research and development center, promoting cooperation in personnel training, scientific research oriented . 000rmb, has received more than 40 domestic scientific research in the area of the first, the cumulative total of 1050 has received numerous awards and, in terms of cutting - edge research in the field has always been the top domestic universities and colleges of the 000rmb, has received more than 40 domestic scientific research in the area of the first, the cumulative total of 1050 has received numerous awards and, in terms of cutting - edge research in the field has always been the top domestic universities and colleges of the .
(simply) successfully developed and launched by a variety of aircrafts which fills the domestic blank,As China's first light passenger airplane - "beijing - 1", the first asian exploration rocket - "beijing - 2", and China's first unmanned aircraft "Beijing No.5", "Bee" series aircraft, coaxial - rotor unmanned helicopter , etc. In addition, the school also in the field of automation of flight simulator, the field of information and mass information of the multimedia real - time interactive working environment, digital television and multimedia platforms, an integrated air - traffic service gateway cluster platform, applied to a large national conference of the electronic voting system, the material of a high performance amorphous alloy and a functional coating material,Intelligent technology in the field of multi - degree of freedom of the robot, even participating in the Shenzhou spacecraft development gained a series of important achievements, the country's economic development, science and technology and weaponry of its key made an important contribution to
Beihang University

Research Results

For decades, BUAA in personnel training to achieve notable successes in the old alumni and a large number of elites and state managing young graduates in large quantities of fresh talent, Shenshen buaa students from campus made remarkable achievements: its undergraduates for nine consecutive times and has won the "Challenge Cup" National College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition "challenge cup", is the only trophy of nine colleges and universities nationwide; the Aerospace Sci - tech Innovation model of dynamic load of oil projects in the Championship for three consecutive years and won the championship and keep record; in international computer programming competition in the world for Nokia smart mobile applications Challen;ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in Beijing Asian Division tiebreaker - - Gold Medal, awarded in the Competition of China's software development method like For decades, BUAA in personnel training to achieve notable successes in the old alumni and a large number of elites and state managing young graduates in large quantities of fresh talent, Shenshen buaa students from campus made remarkable achievements: its undergraduates for nine consecutive times and has won the "Challenge Cup" National College Student Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition "challenge cup", is the only trophy of nine colleges and universities nationwide; the Aerospace Sci - tech Innovation model of dynamic load of oil projects in the Championship for three consecutive years and won the championship and keep record; in international computer programming competition in the world for Nokia smart mobile applications Challen;ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in Beijing Asian Division tiebreaker - - Gold Medal, awarded in the Competition of China's software development method like . the distinction of becoming the first male volleyball of BUAA into Men's Volleyball National League Matches of College Students in BUAA the distinction of becoming the first male volleyball of BUAA into Men's Volleyball National League Matches of College Students in BUAA .
inheriting the team spirit, always maintain the prestigious Talent inheriting the team spirit, always maintain the prestigious Talent . achieving school in the 11th Five - Year Plan formulated the goal of having new opportunities and challenges, and to adhere to the discipline construction and personnel training center and teachers team building and works hard to build a domestically leading and internationally renowned research institution of achieving school in the 11th Five - Year Plan formulated the goal of having new opportunities and challenges, and to adhere to the discipline construction and personnel training center and teachers team building and works hard to build a domestically leading and internationally renowned research institution of .
Beihang UniversityBeihang University

Science Research Construction

As of 2013, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has one national laboratory, 9 national key laboratories, 4 national engineering research centers and 42 provincial and ministerial key labs, 3 provincial engineering centers and three open labs in Zhongguancun National Laboratory As of 2013, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has one national laboratory, 9 national key laboratories, 4 national engineering research centers and 42 provincial and ministerial key labs, 3 provincial engineering centers and three open labs in Zhongguancun National Laboratory . aeronautical science and technology at Sandia National Laboratories, State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality technology state key laboratories, State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, National Computational Fluid Dynamics laboratory,; State Key Laboratory of Science and Technology, "863" high - tech automation design of CIMS engineering laboratory,State Key Laboratory of inertial technology, reliability and environmental engineering labs, integrated technology of aircraft control laboratory, the national air traffic control (ATC) new navigation system technology Key Laboratory aeronautical science and technology at Sandia National Laboratories, State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality technology state key laboratories, State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, National Computational Fluid Dynamics laboratory,; State Key Laboratory of Science and Technology, "863" high - tech automation design of CIMS engineering laboratory,State Key Laboratory of inertial technology, reliability and environmental engineering labs, integrated technology of aircraft control laboratory, the national air traffic control (ATC) new navigation system technology Key Laboratory .
key laboratory reliability comprehensive aviation Aviation Science and Technology Key Laboratory, digital design and manufacturing technology of Beijing Key Laboratory of Beijing Key Laboratory of network technology, new technology computer lab, mechanics lab, Fluid Mechanics of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Key Laboratory of advanced aerospace avionics, aviation science and technology, special functional materials and thin film technology of Beijing Key Laboratory of,polymer - based composites of Beijing high - tech laboratory, "complex analysis and decision - making", "City operation and emergency support simulation technology of Beijing Key Laboratory of Institute of Aeronautical Institute key laboratory reliability comprehensive aviation Aviation Science and Technology Key Laboratory, digital design and manufacturing technology of Beijing Key Laboratory of Beijing Key Laboratory of network technology, new technology computer lab, mechanics lab, Fluid Mechanics of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Key Laboratory of advanced aerospace avionics, aviation science and technology, special functional materials and thin film technology of Beijing Key Laboratory of,polymer - based composites of Beijing high - tech laboratory, "complex analysis and decision - making", "City operation and emergency support simulation technology of Beijing Key Laboratory of Institute of Aeronautical Institute . and the like is detected, the ATE Technology Institute, Reliability Engineering, Institute of Foreign Languages, Institute of Plant Engineering, Management Institute of Systems Engineering, Robotics Institute, designed and manufactured by the Institute of Automation of the manufacturing engineering institute, Institute of Software Engineering, Computational Science and Engineering Research Institute, aircraft, machine and systems engineering institute, Institute of Solid Mechanics,Flight Design Institute, flight control and simulation of the Institute, thermodynamic, electronic Integrated Systems Research Institute, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, unmanned aircraft design institute, the Institute of Higher Education, Detection and Control Technology Institute, the Institute, the Institute of Space Law, the Institute's Center for the Study of EMC Technology and the like is detected, the ATE Technology Institute, Reliability Engineering, Institute of Foreign Languages, Institute of Plant Engineering, Management Institute of Systems Engineering, Robotics Institute, designed and manufactured by the Institute of Automation of the manufacturing engineering institute, Institute of Software Engineering, Computational Science and Engineering Research Institute, aircraft, machine and systems engineering institute, Institute of Solid Mechanics,Flight Design Institute, flight control and simulation of the Institute, thermodynamic, electronic Integrated Systems Research Institute, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, unmanned aircraft design institute, the Institute of Higher Education, Detection and Control Technology Institute, the Institute, the Institute of Space Law, the Institute's Center for the Study of EMC Technology .
BUAA - CAST research and development center, and micro sensor technology center, Helicopter Research Center, the Microelectronics Research Center, and a GPS engineering research center, stealth and anti stealth Research Center, wind shear technology research center,petrochemical engineering technology development center, an aircraft computer aided design center, probing technology research center, the Air Traffic Control Research Centre, research and development center of the propeller, a biomedical engineering research centers, software research center, unmanned aircraft research center, robot research center, the Composite Materials Research Center, miniature aircraft research center, computer and information research and development center, electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic security advanced technology research and application center BUAA - CAST research and development center, and micro sensor technology center, Helicopter Research Center, the Microelectronics Research Center, and a GPS engineering research center, stealth and anti stealth Research Center, wind shear technology research center,petrochemical engineering technology development center, an aircraft computer aided design center, probing technology research center, the Air Traffic Control Research Centre, research and development center of the propeller, a biomedical engineering research centers, software research center, unmanned aircraft research center, robot research center, the Composite Materials Research Center, miniature aircraft research center, computer and information research and development center, electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic security advanced technology research and application center . International Interdisciplinary Institute in 2012, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics International Interdisciplinary Institute "inaugurated, four top international scientists to settle in the Beihang International Interdisciplinary Institute in 2012, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics International Interdisciplinary Institute "inaugurated, four top international scientists to settle in the Beihang .
International Interdisciplinary Institute has established five research centers, namely by material fatigue and breakage of the field of top international scientists, and member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the royal academy professor Robert Ritchie served as the director of the Center for simulation of natural materials research center; by nuclear physicists in the world's leader, known as the "nucleus" of the valley is a brave Hata served as professor, director of the Center for International Interdisciplinary Institute has established five research centers, namely by material fatigue and breakage of the field of top international scientists, and member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the royal academy professor Robert Ritchie served as the director of the Center for simulation of natural materials research center; by nuclear physicists in the world's leader, known as the "nucleus" of the valley is a brave Hata served as professor, director of the Center for . database by internationally renowned experts, at the Royal Academy in Edinburgh, Scotland at the Royal Academy, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Fan Wen Fei, director of the Center for Data Science and Engineering of large international research centres;The world - famous scientist John Wendell Holmes served as professor and director of the center of clean energy systems and materials research center; by the international bone biomechanics and orthopedic implant in the field of international well - known scientist, Prof. Cheng, director of the Center for Interventional medical instrument of the International Centre for Translational Research Institute
China Engineering Graphic Society, Chinese Society for Composite Materials, Chinese Association for System Simulation, Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics professional branches of power, Guidance Navigation and Control Branch of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Medical Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering lifesaving, professional branches of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics professional branches of composite material,Reliability of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics professional branches, Signal and Information Processing Branch of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the basic theory of Chinese Information Processing Society, under the auspices of the Commission, the China Higher Education Society, the Society for Higher Engineering Education, Vol. 35, Failure Analysis Branch, China Computer User Association image branch, Chinese Society of Space Society Life Committee, China's aviation education. In D. Foreign Language Teaching; Professional Committee of Chinese Association for System Simulation and Virtual Technology Application Professional Committee of
Beihang UniversityBeihang University

Academic Journals

"Propulsion and Power Research", "Frontiers of Computer Science", "Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Sciences Edition)", "Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Natural Science Edition)", "Single - chip Microcomputer and embedded system applications"," Journal of Composite Materials", "College English" aviation knowledge ""Propulsion and Power Research", "Frontiers of Computer Science", "Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Sciences Edition)", "Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Natural Science Edition)", "Single - chip Microcomputer and embedded system applications"," Journal of Composite Materials", "College English" aviation knowledge ".
Beihang University

Teaching Building

school for the full implementation of the "top - notch students training test plan (Mount Everest Program)", "Excellent Engineer Plan", "to explore the basic science and the engineering application of talent training mode", "university internal governance structure reform, perfect the university statutes construction" and "Pilot School" of educational reform pilot program, Beihang University, led by 16 universities in the establishment of the "Engineer Excellence Universities League", was granted the first batch of engineering professional doctor degree of education quality by school for the full implementation of the "top - notch students training test plan (Mount Everest Program)", "Excellent Engineer Plan", "to explore the basic science and the engineering application of talent training mode", "university internal governance structure reform, perfect the university statutes construction" and "Pilot School" of educational reform pilot program, Beihang University, led by 16 universities in the establishment of the "Engineer Excellence Universities League", was granted the first batch of engineering professional doctor degree of education quality by . at the end of 2009 was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China and China Construction Engineering graduate education evaluation at the end of 2009 was organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China and China Construction Engineering graduate education evaluation .
by June 2012,has won the National Excellent 100 Doctoral Dissertation Title 18 by June 2012,has won the National Excellent 100 Doctoral Dissertation Title 18 . Beihang cultivating leading talent leadership "as the goal, creating higher engineering college, the Sino - French Engineer School, Hua Luogeng's Mathematical Ban, knowing and liberal arts classes four innovative talent training demonstration zone, a round - the - engine large aircraft and Ban Ban like project Beihang cultivating leading talent leadership "as the goal, creating higher engineering college, the Sino - French Engineer School, Hua Luogeng's Mathematical Ban, knowing and liberal arts classes four innovative talent training demonstration zone, a round - the - engine large aircraft and Ban Ban like project .
graduate education school has 4 Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of NSFC, 9 of the Ministry of Education and Innovation Team of six defense - related science, technology and Innovation team, also has a state - level personnel training mode 3, and 2 experimental teaching demonstration centerspecialty of 11 and 17 high - quality courses in graduate education school has 4 Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of NSFC, 9 of the Ministry of Education and Innovation Team of six defense - related science, technology and Innovation team, also has a state - level personnel training mode 3, and 2 experimental teaching demonstration centerspecialty of 11 and 17 high - quality courses in . National Teaching Demonstration Center: 2 aerospace experiment teaching center, computer this School - level Center National Teaching Demonstration Center: 2 aerospace experiment teaching center, computer this School - level Center .
: 6 a physical basis experimental center, CAD teaching laboratory, mechanical basis experimental center, majoring in computer science teaching center, computer basic teaching experimental center, electrician and electron experimental center, automatic control and testing and experimental teaching centre of Chemical Experimental Teaching Center : 6 a physical basis experimental center, CAD teaching laboratory, mechanical basis experimental center, majoring in computer science teaching center, computer basic teaching experimental center, electrician and electron experimental center, automatic control and testing and experimental teaching centre of Chemical Experimental Teaching Center . National Excellent Course: aircraft design, the electronic circuit (1), experimental mathematics, linear algebra, theory of mechanics, engineering graphics,Air Traffic Management National Excellent Course: aircraft design, the electronic circuit (1), experimental mathematics, linear algebra, theory of mechanics, engineering graphics,Air Traffic Management .
provincial Excellent Courses: Heat Transfer, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, flight mechanics, signal and system, An Introduction to Deng Xiaoping, Mao Zedong Thought and Introduction toTheoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Optical Engineering, Mechanical Design, Basis of Mechanical Designing provincial Excellent Courses: Heat Transfer, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, flight mechanics, signal and system, An Introduction to Deng Xiaoping, Mao Zedong Thought and Introduction toTheoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Optical Engineering, Mechanical Design, Basis of Mechanical Designing . independent recruitment of students of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Joint University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Xiamen University, Shandong University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat - sen University, Sichuan University, Lanzhou University ("NATO"), and in 2013 continues in the case of Autonomous Enrollment in joint proposition,a written examination, examination and unified sharing independent recruitment of students of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Joint University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Xiamen University, Shandong University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat - sen University, Sichuan University, Lanzhou University ("NATO"), and in 2013 continues in the case of Autonomous Enrollment in joint proposition,a written examination, examination and unified sharing .
each examinee most can be enrolled in three colleges of the university's each examinee most can be enrolled in three colleges of the university's . anounce the mutually parallel relationship, the volunteer is not anounce the mutually parallel relationship, the volunteer is not .
universities according to the examinee for preliminary examination of those application materials submitted by the independent, qualified to participate in the comprehensive university of Autonomous Enrollment in ROTC universities according to the examinee for preliminary examination of those application materials submitted by the independent, qualified to participate in the comprehensive university of Autonomous Enrollment in ROTC . joint examination (except under extenuatory circumstance on a case by case basis and approved by Ministry of Education of the People's Political Department, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics from the national college entrance exam for middle schools with a recent high school graduates, the army is directed enrollment and cultivation of Beijing Flight ROTC students on an accelerated flight joint examination (except under extenuatory circumstance on a case by case basis and approved by Ministry of Education of the People's Political Department, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics from the national college entrance exam for middle schools with a recent high school graduates, the army is directed enrollment and cultivation of Beijing Flight ROTC students on an accelerated flight .
. not matriculate admission batch,without prejudice to other voluntary admissions of normal not matriculate admission batch,without prejudice to other voluntary admissions of normal .
facing 15 provinces (municipalities) of National Defense in the flight, his team is targeting males, a science graduate, and professional training for aircraft engineering "and" Aircraft Design and Engineering "(flight direction) facing 15 provinces (municipalities) of National Defense in the flight, his team is targeting males, a science graduate, and professional training for aircraft engineering "and" Aircraft Design and Engineering "(flight direction) . ROTC enrollment numbers provided by provincial - level specific to the enrollment plan according to the Army ROTC recruiting ROTC enrollment numbers provided by provincial - level specific to the enrollment plan according to the Army ROTC recruiting .
procedures for early admission batch, in accordance with the admission plan and the gaokao exam scores from high to low admission procedures for early admission batch, in accordance with the admission plan and the gaokao exam scores from high to low admission . admitted in the school, the army and the examinee and the guardian must sign a" flight Reserve Agreement on admitted in the school, the army and the examinee and the guardian must sign a" flight Reserve Agreement on .

External Exchange

The college conducts an international, open communion, through the implementation of the international brand plan ", establishes Beihang international exchange and cooperation network platform, comprehensive, multi - tiered and wide - ranging opening pattern, to improve the school's international influence and competitiveness. school to promote the creation of the" student experience international plans to "actively cooperate in Europe, North America, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions, or famous universities, student exchanges and mutual degree awarding, the awarded school to promote the creation of the" student experience international plans to "actively cooperate in Europe, North America, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions, or famous universities, student exchanges and mutual degree awarding, the awarded .
schools joined the International Astronautical Federation, the" allies", "", "Ally of China - Spain Universities","The top European university alliance (T M. E)" and the like of the League of Nations and academic organizations, wherein the localizer (LLZ) of "Sino - French Engineer School of" Chinese - foreign cooperative education has become the successful apotheosis of the 2011 People's Republic of China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China approved the establishment of the schools possess independent authority 2011 People's Republic of China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China approved the establishment of the schools possess independent authority .
BUAA has with the world nearly 200 colleges, research institutions and multinationals to establish a long - term stable cooperative relations, granted over 150 international famous experts and scholars as emeritus professor, visiting professor and consultant professor, hiring the short and long - term foreign experts to 1,000 prisoners, hosted a 40 - odd bilateral or international conferences, and also saw the creation of the"Sino - German Joint Software Institute", "China - UK Workshop on Space Science and Technology Laboratory on the Sino - French Joint Lab material" and "French research center" and a number of other high - end platform for international cooperation in BUAA has with the world nearly 200 colleges, research institutions and multinationals to establish a long - term stable cooperative relations, granted over 150 international famous experts and scholars as emeritus professor, visiting professor and consultant professor, hiring the short and long - term foreign experts to 1,000 prisoners, hosted a 40 - odd bilateral or international conferences, and also saw the creation of the"Sino - German Joint Software Institute", "China - UK Workshop on Space Science and Technology Laboratory on the Sino - French Joint Lab material" and "French research center" and a number of other high - end platform for international cooperation in .

Social Assessment

BUAA in 2013 by Netbig Chinese University Ranking of rankings: the university ranks the country 10th, the university is ranked 5th in the country, the Reputation of Universities in the country ranked No 9, the university's academic achievement ranked seventh in China, college material resources the country ranked 8th, academic resources the country ranked 14th, the university teacher resources the country ranked 13th at the 2013 People's Congress (NPC) BUAA in 2013 by Netbig Chinese University Ranking of rankings: the university ranks the country 10th, the university is ranked 5th in the country, the Reputation of Universities in the country ranked No 9, the university's academic achievement ranked seventh in China, college material resources the country ranked 8th, academic resources the country ranked 14th, the university teacher resources the country ranked 13th at the 2013 People's Congress (NPC) . Beihang ranked: national rankings to No 11 Beihang ranked: national rankings to No 11 .
BUAA in 2013, China, Taiwan and the ranking of the universities in Taiwan and the Chinese is No. 25, in which the mainland universities ranked 12th in the rankings of Beihang University alumni: comprehensive research; five - star;China's first - class Beihang University alumni: comprehensive research; five - star;China's first - class .

Cultural Tradition

Educational Philosophy

Suntech's pragmatic, truth - seeking innovation ", in eastern China's pragmatic, truth - seeking innovation" is the idea of aeronautics and astronautics, aeronautics and astronautics is a reflection of the tradition and school - running characteristics, school - running and future development of the basic concept, teaching staff and students at Beihang University for the construction of the common ideological foundation for the Suntech's pragmatic, truth - seeking innovation ", in eastern China's pragmatic, truth - seeking innovation" is the idea of aeronautics and astronautics, aeronautics and astronautics is a reflection of the tradition and school - running characteristics, school - running and future development of the basic concept, teaching staff and students at Beihang University for the construction of the common ideological foundation for the .
Beihang University


have both ability and political integrity, unity and integrity, "i.e., an excellent student, staff and students from both the requirement to be of high moral integrity, have the moral high ground; also has rich cultural knowledge, good comprehensive quality and strong working ability, discovery, analysis, problem solving, remain upright, serious work, scholarship, and strive to become a morality, observe disciplines and law, culture, creativity and talent with " unity of knowledge and requirements of our staff would put an end to the pursuit of truth, are eager to learn to be brave in practice, dares to innovate, combining theory with practice, the practice and learning,constant improvement and to create, apply their knowledge to solve practical problems " unity of knowledge and requirements of our staff would put an end to the pursuit of truth, are eager to learn to be brave in practice, dares to innovate, combining theory with practice, the practice and learning,constant improvement and to create, apply their knowledge to solve practical problems .
also persevering faith, words and deeds, it seems also persevering faith, words and deeds, it seems .
Beihang University

School Spirit



Signs throughout the outside of the inner and outer layers of concentric circle - shaped, while the natural harmony, the symbolic universe of infinite far - reaching, a spatiotemporal Hun and differences in the multilayered structure of Signs throughout the outside of the inner and outer layers of concentric circle - shaped, while the natural harmony, the symbolic universe of infinite far - reaching, a spatiotemporal Hun and differences in the multilayered structure of . its core pattern of the double arrow spacecraft of the abstract pattern, and the deployment of the book, the ellipse of the satellite orbit and constellation scintillation of space, collectively known as the BUAA one kind of cultural spirit, has highlighted the Beihang - tech features" at "symbol in 1952 with the words, not only is the northing of the 1990s, when a special historical angle protrude from Beihang University people, historical missions,That is a national issue and a national millennium of hope for its core pattern of the double arrow spacecraft of the abstract pattern, and the deployment of the book, the ellipse of the satellite orbit and constellation scintillation of space, collectively known as the BUAA one kind of cultural spirit, has highlighted the Beihang - tech features" at "symbol in 1952 with the words, not only is the northing of the 1990s, when a special historical angle protrude from Beihang University people, historical missions,That is a national issue and a national millennium of hope for .
sakyamuni s inscribed the names of Chinese and English names in stark comparison system: Cultural Implication of Chinese calligraphy, now on display and long - standing cultural tradition inherit and develop; English names shows that in the new historical period, internationalization, modernization of the resolve of the sakyamuni s inscribed the names of Chinese and English names in stark comparison system: Cultural Implication of Chinese calligraphy, now on display and long - standing cultural tradition inherit and develop; English names shows that in the new historical period, internationalization, modernization of the resolve of the . sign as the basic shade of the blue, so it's open, rigorous, steady - going, aggressive connotation, exhibits a unique culture in Beihang's ambition in the blue sky, all of you. It is a special affection for the man poured in BUAA one color
Beihang University

Student Organization

BUAA campus activities are abundant, there are over 100 student organizations in the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics BUAA campus activities are abundant, there are over 100 student organizations in the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics . Tennis Association Tennis Association (USTA) was founded in 1998, and in 2003 and has 650 members of student groups, and facilitating the establishment of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics team Tennis Association Tennis Association (USTA) was founded in 1998, and in 2003 and has 650 members of student groups, and facilitating the establishment of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics team .
Tennis Association during the year, he founded the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Open), championships are held twice a year, the contestants from Beijing - based university and Chinese Academy of Sciences Department of the Tennis Association during the year, he founded the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Open), championships are held twice a year, the contestants from Beijing - based university and Chinese Academy of Sciences Department of the . in the sport continues to this day, the Beijing college students has become an important tennis tournament in the sport continues to this day, the Beijing college students has become an important tennis tournament .
Feng Ru Cup "Feng Ru Cup"extracurricular science and technology work competition "from contested since 1990, has been an annual event Feng Ru Cup "Feng Ru Cup"extracurricular science and technology work competition "from contested since 1990, has been an annual event ." Feng Ru Cup "is meant to mark a flight as " Feng Ru Cup "is meant to mark a flight as .
hero Feng Feng Ru Cup participating objects undergraduates in 2005, an increase of the paper in the form of entries hero Feng Feng Ru Cup participating objects undergraduates in 2005, an increase of the paper in the form of entries . If one department can be three times consecutively won the first place, can be permanently saved Feng Ru Cup If one department can be three times consecutively won the first place, can be permanently saved Feng Ru Cup .
Beihang university volleyball men's volleyball team's strongest contenders, Beihang 2004 Men's Volleyball successfully cut the National Volleyball League A and relegation for two consecutive years, and became a professional league since China s National A volleyball league for university teams,National for advocating and some of them won, the 2006 men's professional volleyball league in 13th place and Beihang university volleyball men's volleyball team's strongest contenders, Beihang 2004 Men's Volleyball successfully cut the National Volleyball League A and relegation for two consecutive years, and became a professional league since China s National A volleyball league for university teams,National for advocating and some of them won, the 2006 men's professional volleyball league in 13th place and . university students including Art Troupe dance troupe Beihang University Students Art Troupe, Choir, Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and the Orchestra university students including Art Troupe dance troupe Beihang University Students Art Troupe, Choir, Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and the Orchestra .
Beihang University troupe that university students in Beijing Song and Dance Ensemble, Beijing College Students Art Group is one of six outstations Beihang University troupe that university students in Beijing Song and Dance Ensemble, Beijing College Students Art Group is one of six outstations . regiment since its creation, won every Beijing college dance competition for all First Prize, 1996, 1999,In the 2005 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest and theatrical and dance festival in the first place of the regiment since its creation, won every Beijing college dance competition for all First Prize, 1996, 1999,In the 2005 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest and theatrical and dance festival in the first place of the .
Beihang university students is the choir of the China Chorus Association collective members, who for six consecutive terms by the Beijing college student chorus competition, third place in the 1999 National Undergraduate Choral Competition, 2006 won the Eighth China International Chorus Festival Bronze Beihang university students is the choir of the China Chorus Association collective members, who for six consecutive terms by the Beijing college student chorus competition, third place in the 1999 National Undergraduate Choral Competition, 2006 won the Eighth China International Chorus Festival Bronze . Beihang University Students Art Troupe visited Austria, France, Germany, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other countries and regions made friendship performance tours, as well as countries visited has been highly acclaimed by the audience,Beihang Art Troupe of the influence extended overseas to Beihang University Students Art Troupe visited Austria, France, Germany, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other countries and regions made friendship performance tours, as well as countries visited has been highly acclaimed by the audience,Beihang Art Troupe of the influence extended overseas to .
Beihang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Society Ling Ling Peak Peak club is the predecessor of the Beihang climbing club, was founded on 22 June 2001, later renamed Ling Fengshe Beihang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Society Ling Ling Peak Peak club is the predecessor of the Beihang climbing club, was founded on 22 June 2001, later renamed Ling Fengshe . on 4 November 2004 the first time the group of climbers who have successfully climbed many mountains, across the summit peak (Kang Sang Sang Dan 6590m, 2008), the central peak of the Nyenchen Tanglha (7117m, 2007), Sang Jiang Lamb Peak (6536m, 2006), the peak (nowruz 6154m, 2006),April 2006 for the first time in what's known as a on 4 November 2004 the first time the group of climbers who have successfully climbed many mountains, across the summit peak (Kang Sang Sang Dan 6590m, 2008), the central peak of the Nyenchen Tanglha (7117m, 2007), Sang Jiang Lamb Peak (6536m, 2006), the peak (nowruz 6154m, 2006),April 2006 for the first time in what's known as a .
Club Goal is to improve students physique and psychological quality, enrich the school extracurricular life, and advocated "the ultimate challenge in climbing, walking in and exploring the unknown, and self - perfection" Club Goal is to improve students physique and psychological quality, enrich the school extracurricular life, and advocated "the ultimate challenge in climbing, walking in and exploring the unknown, and self - perfection" . BUAA has now become the biggest and most influential associations BUAA has now become the biggest and most influential associations .
Beihang UniversityBeihang University

Campus Environment

There are two campus of Beihang University, Haidian District Xueyuanlu Campus, respectively () and Shahe in Changping Campus (), at the two campuses can be found in the lobby with free school busing, There are two campus of Beihang University, Haidian District Xueyuanlu Campus, respectively () and Shahe in Changping Campus (), at the two campuses can be found in the lobby with free school busing, . headquarters covers in Beijing Beihang university in third behind Tsinghua and Peking headquarters covers in Beijing Beihang university in third behind Tsinghua and Peking .
3,000 schools, covering an area of 200 mu with total floor area of over 150 3,000 schools, covering an area of 200 mu with total floor area of over 150 . 2007, Beihang University in Beijing decided to repurchase the 21st Universiade Village (The Athletes' Village) 2007, Beihang University in Beijing decided to repurchase the 21st Universiade Village (The Athletes' Village) .
2010, Beihang campus in the Shahe starts 2010, Beihang campus in the Shahe starts . Beihang campus is equipped with a bank, hospital, post office, supermarket, counseling center, Beihang campus is equipped with a bank, hospital, post office, supermarket, counseling center,.
the hotel and other facilities at the two campuses were built standard of gymnasium, stadium, natatorium and art gallery (Art Space), wherein the Beihang Library the hotel and other facilities at the two campuses were built standard of gymnasium, stadium, natatorium and art gallery (Art Space), wherein the Beihang Library . Xueyuan Road stadium for the Beijing 2008 Olympic stadium Xueyuan Road stadium for the Beijing 2008 Olympic stadium .
Beihang campus boasts one of the innovation of science and technology hall, museum, concert hall, a natatorium, rock climbing facilities, a museum; in the new campus built China's first international standard of blue rubber runway and Asia is the biggest in intelligent building (New Main Building in Beihang University (BUAA) Beihang campus boasts one of the innovation of science and technology hall, museum, concert hall, a natatorium, rock climbing facilities, a museum; in the new campus built China's first international standard of blue rubber runway and Asia is the biggest in intelligent building (New Main Building in Beihang University (BUAA) . Xueyuan Road) the campus is generally four rooms, dorm rooms, and four Nigerians have on earth,separate toilet Xueyuan Road) the campus is generally four rooms, dorm rooms, and four Nigerians have on earth,separate toilet .
Beihang Shahe () is a four - person dormitory Beihang Shahe () is a four - person dormitory . 24 hours hot water, heating in the winter of the collective, there are 10 or so dining 24 hours hot water, heating in the winter of the collective, there are 10 or so dining .
Beihang campus security patrols, equipped with three infrared security system, access management and monitoring of the probe, the campus is safe and beautiful campus environment, with green fields, lotus ponds, Nanhu, including flowering cherry garden and other facilities, Plaza, fitness equipment and other facilities, as well as fountains, sculpture, landscape and cultural stone Beihang campus security patrols, equipped with three infrared security system, access management and monitoring of the probe, the campus is safe and beautiful campus environment, with green fields, lotus ponds, Nanhu, including flowering cherry garden and other facilities, Plaza, fitness equipment and other facilities, as well as fountains, sculpture, landscape and cultural stone . there by subway, bus and travel facilities, make things convenient for somebody be there by subway, bus and travel facilities, make things convenient for somebody be .
Beihang University


