
Laura Chase's older sister Iris, married at eighteen to a politically prominent industrialist but now poor and eighty-two, is living in Port Ticonderoga, a town dominated by their once-prosperous family before the First War. While coping with her unreliable body, Iris reflects on her far from exemplary life, in particular the events surrounding her sister's tragic death. Chief among these was the publication of The Blind Assassin, a novel which earned the dead Laura Chase not only notoriety but also a devoted cult following. Sexually explicit for its time, The Blind Assassin describes a risky affair in the turbulent thirties between a wealthy young woman and a man on the run. During their secret meetings in rented rooms, the lovers concoct a pulp fantasy set on Planet Zycron. As the invented story twists through love and sacrifice and betrayal, so does the real one; while events in both move closer to war and catastrophe. By turns lyrical, outrageous, formidable, compelling and funny, this is a novel filled with deep humour and dark drama.


瑪格麗特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)於1939年11月18日出生加拿大首都渥太華,在家排行老二,有一兄,一妹。父親是森林植物學家,母親畢業於多倫多大學,主修家政。阿特伍德七歲時,全家移居多倫多,父親則任教多倫多大學。
阿特伍德就讀於里賽高中時即展露文才,在校刊發表散文及詩作,之後就讀多倫多大學的維多利亞學院,師事諾若普·佛萊等教授。畢業時榮獲伍卓·威爾森(Woodrow Wilson)獎學金,繼續在哈佛大學攻讀維多利亞時期英國文學,師承傑隆·巴克利,二十三歲獲碩士學位,隨即留在哈佛攻讀博士課程。1966年自從她的第二本詩集《圈戲》出版後,阿特伍德在加拿大文學界就聲名大噪。目前阿特伍德與小說家格姆·吉伯森及女兒潔思定居多倫多市。

