
曾主持和參加多項國家自然科學基金面上項目,美國NIH研究項目的工作,在Cell,Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology,Hypertension,Kidney International,Cell Research,American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology,Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism,The Journal of Neuroscience,Journal of Neurochemistry,Neuroscience,Neuroscience Letters,Experimental Neurology,Neuropharmacology,Brain Research,Acta Physiologica 等國際國內著名雜誌發表論文40餘篇。參與研究生《Human Physiology》(人類生理學),《Ion channels》(離子通道學),《現代生理學進展》和《高級生理學》等課程教學工作。
1. Durham WJ*, Aracena-Parks P*, Long C*, Rossi AE, Goonasekera SA, Boncompagni S, Galvan DL, Gilman1 CP, Baker M, Shirokova N, Protasi F, Dirksen R, Hamilton SL. (2008) RyR1 S-Nitrosylation underlies environmental heat stroke and sudden death in Y522S RyR1 knock-in mice. Cell. 133: 53-65 (* 共同第一作者)。
2. Long C, Cook LG, Wu GY, Mitchell BM. (2007) Removal of FKBP12/12.6 from endothelial ryanodine receptors leads to an intracellular calcium leak and endothelial dysfunction. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 27: 1580-1586.
3. Long C, Cook LG, Hamilton SL, Wu GY, Mitchell BM. (2007) FK506 binding protein 12/12.6 depletion increases endothelial nitric oxide synthase threonine 495 phosphorylation and blood pressure. Hypertension. 49: 569-576.
4. Long C, Yang L, Evans MS, Faingold CL. (2007) Excitatory amino acid receptor-mediated responses in periaqueductal gray neurons are increased during ethanol withdrawal. Neuropharmacology. 52: 802-811.
5. Long C, Chen MF, Sarwinskia S, Chen PY, Si ML, Hoffer BJ, Evans MS, Lee TJF. (2006) Monoamine uptake inhibitors block a7-nAChR-mediated cerebral nitrergic neurogenic vasodilation. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 291: H202-H209.