單 位: 茶與食品科技學院
專業名稱: 茶學
研究方向: 天然產物化學/天然藥物開發與利用
通訊地址: 合肥市長江西路130號
郵政編碼: 230036
1996年畢業於安徽農業大學經濟林專業,1999年6月在中國藥科大學獲碩士學位,2002.8在中國科學院上海藥物研究所獲博士學位。2002.7-2004.7 上海藥物研究所天然藥物化學研究室,助理研究員,期間到諾華公司瑞士總部三個月博士後。2004.7-2008.7 先後在美國亞利桑那州立大學癌症研究所, 亞利桑那大學西南天然產物研究中心,哥倫比亞大學醫學院, 從事天然產物化學作博士後工作。2008.8哥倫比亞大學醫學院的faculty和Associate Research Scientist。研究成果發表在Nature Chemical Biology,Tetrahedron Letters, Journal of Natural Products, Planta Medica等雜誌上。
Professor of the key laboratory of tea biochemistry and biotechnology.
Dr. Bao got Ph.D degree from Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, China Academy of Sciences, majoring in Natural Products Chemistry. From 2004 to 2008, Dr. Bao worked as a Postdoc at Arizona State University, Univeristy of Arizona, and Columbia University Medical Center. From 2008, Dr. Bao worked as a faculty in Columbia University and as an Associate Research Scientist studying on the discovery of Ngal protein small molecule ligand. Papers were published on Nature Chemical Biology,Tetrahedron Letters, Journal of Natural Products, Planta Medica et al.
Teaching courses: Natural Products chemistry, starting from March, 2011
天然產物化學,植物化學,中草藥化學,天然藥物研究與開發,蛋白質純化,蛋白質複合物的製備及其在癌症,腎損傷等疾病方面的功能研究Research Interests: Natural Products Chemistry, Phytochemistry, Traditional Chinese Medicinal Chemistry, Research and Development of therapeutics from natural resources such as plants, fungi, bacteria with the guidance of Traditional Chinese Medincine and modern drug discovery achievements.Protein purification, Protein complex and fuction in human disease such as cancer, kidney injury et al.
Selected Publications:1. George R. Pettit, Rui Tan, Guan-Hu Bao, Noeleen Melody, Dennis L. Doubek, Song Gao, Jean-Charles Chapuis, and Lee Williams, Antineoplastic Agents. 587. Isolation and Structure of 3-Epipancratistatin from Narcissus cv. Ice Follies,Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75 (4): 771-773
2. Bao, Guanhu; Clifton, Matthew; Hoette, Trisha M; Mori, Kiyoshi; Deng, Shi-Xian; Qiu, Andong; Viltard, Melanie; Williams, David; Paragas, Neal; Leete, Thomas; Kulkarni, Ritwij; Li, Xiangpo; Lee, Belinda; Kalandadze, Avtandil; Ratner1, Adam J; Pizarro,Juan (2010) Iron Traffics in Circulation Bound to a Siderocalin (Ngal)-Catechol Complex Nature Chemical Biology 6:602-609
3. Bao, Guan-Hu; Wang, Xiao-Ling; Jin, Hui-Zhi; Tang, Xi-Can; Chiu, Pauline; and Qin,Guo-Wei. (2009) Sinoracutine, a novel skeletal alkaloid Tetrahedron Letters 50:4375-4377
4. Bao,Guan-Hu; Qin Guo-Wei; Wang, Rui; Tang, Xi-Cang. (2005) Morphinane Alkaloids with Cell-protective effect from Sinomenium acutum J. Nat. Prod. 68:1128-30
5. Bao, Guan-Hu; Wang, Li-Quan; Cheng, Kin-Fai; Feng, Yong-Hong; Li, Xiao-Yu; Qin, Guo-Wei (2003) Diterpenoid and Phenolic Glycosides from the Roots of Rhododendron molle Planta Medica 69:434-439