
高翔:中國科學院電漿物理研究所聚變堆總體研究室執行主任,二級研究員、博士生導師。中國科學技術大學(雙聘)教授。 1985年7月畢業於南京工學院(東南大學)獲學士學位; 1990年11月於中國科學院電漿物理研究所獲碩士學位; 1997年6月於中國科學院電漿物理研究所獲博士學位; 1996-1997在日本原子力研究所做訪問學者; 2000-2002被日本原子力研究所邀請為海外特聘研究員(JAERI research fellow)。


是磁約束電漿物理和高溫電漿診斷技術。目前研究方向是在國家大科學工程EAST托卡馬克裝置,發展邊界與台基電漿診斷技術(微波反射儀和切向VUV成像診斷),研究台基結構和邊界局域模相關物理。參與中國聚變工程實驗堆CFETR作總體集成設計、堆芯物理設計,負責CFETR診斷系統概念設計。已在Nuclear Fusion, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Physics of Plasmas等國際學術雜誌上發表論文多篇。目前負責國家自然科學基金面上項目“EAST高約束模的台基湍流及其與台基參數關係的實驗研究”等課題研究。2014-2018年擔任國家科技部ITER專項“長脈衝H模的實現及其機理研究”項目首席科學家。


[1] X.Gao et al., “Experimental study of pedestal turbulence on EAST tokamak”, Nucl. Fusion, Vol.55, No.8, (083015) 2015

[2] X.Gao et al., “Long pulse H-mode scenarios sustained by RF heating on EAST”, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.17, No.6, (448) 2015

[3] X.Gao et al., “Observation of pedestal plasma turbulence on EAST Tokamak”, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.8, (732) 2013

[4] X.Gao et al., “Experimental study of plasma confinement on EAST”, 23rd IAEA fusion energy conference (IAEA-F1-CN-180- EXC/P4-06), Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Oct.11-17, 2010

[5] X.Gao et al., “ICRF wall conditioning and plasma performance on EAST”, J. Nucl. Mater., Vol.390-391, (864) 2009

[6] X.Gao et al., “Particle confinement and transport coefficients in ac plasmas on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak”, Nucl. Fusion, Vol.48, No.3, (035009) 2008

[7] X.Gao et al., " Study of confinement and LHCD efficiency on the HT-7 tokamak", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol.50, No.3, (035006) 2008

[8] X.Gao et al., “Diagnostics for first plasma study on EAST tokamak”, Physics Letters A, Vol.372, No.4 (2286) 2008

[9] X.Gao et al., " Long-pulse discharges by synergy of LHW and IBW heating in the HT-7 tokamak", J. Nucl. Mater., Vol.337-339, (835) 2005

[10] X.Gao et al., "Stationary MARFE and improved confinement mode in a superconducting tokamak", Phy. Rev. E, Vol.65, No.1, (017401) 2002

[11] X.Gao et al., "Evolution of eta-i in JT-60U reverse shear discharges", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol.43, No.12, (1759) 2001

[12] X.Gao et al., "A new regime for studying the high bootstrap current fraction plasma", Chinese Phys. Lett, Vol.18, No.7, (931) 2001

[13] X.Gao et al., "High density operation on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak", Nucl. Fusion, Vol.40, No.11, (1875) 2000

[14] X.Gao et al., "MARFE phenomena in the HT-7 tokamak", J. Nucl. Mater., Vol.279, (330) 2000

[15] X.Gao et al., "Plasma density behavior in the Hefei Tokamak-7", Phys. Plasmas, Vol.7, No.7, ( 2933) 2000

[16] X.Gao et al., "Improved confinement mode induced by the MARFE on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol.41, No.11(1349) 1999

[17] X.Gao et al., “Far-infrared laser diagnostics on the HT-6M tokamak”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol.66, No.1 (139) 1995

[18] X.Gao et al., “Anomalous current diffusion and improved confinement in the HT-6M tokamak”, Physics Letters A, Vol.193, No.4 (397) 1994


