2005-2009年 四川大學華西藥學院,本科
2014- 四川大學華西藥學院藥物化學系,講師
1. Gao, L.;Lu, J.;Song, Z. L.;*Lin, X. L.; Xu, Y. J.; Yin, Z. P. "[1,5]-Brook Rearrangement: An Overlooked but Valuable Silyl Migration to Synthesize Configurationally Defined Vinylsilane. The Unique Steric and Electronic Effects of Geminal Bis(silane)" Chem. Commun.2013, 49, 8961-8963.
2. Gao, L.;Lu, J.;Song, Z. L.*"Recent efforts to construct the B-ring of bryostatins" Chem. Commun.2013, 49, 10211-10220.
3. Gao, L.;Lin, X. L.;Lei,J.; Song, Z. L.;*Lin, Z. "Bissilyl Enal: A Useful Linchpin for Synthesis of Functionalized Vinylsilane Species by Anion Relay Chemistry"Org.Lett. 2012, 14(1), 158-161.
4. Gao, L.;Zhang,Y. B.; Song, Z. L.*"Exploration of Versatile Geminal Bis(silane) Chemistry" Synlett2013, 24, 139-144.
5. Song, Z. L.;* Lei, Z.; Gao, L.;Wu, X.; Li, L. J. "Efficient Approach to 3,3-Bissilyl Carbonyl and Enol Derivatives via Retro-[1,4] Brook Rearrangement of 3-Silyl Allyloxysilanes" Org. Lett. 2010, 12(22), 5299-5302. [Highlight in SYNFACTS, 2011(2), 0194.]
6. Gan, Z. B.; Wu, Y.; Gao, L.;Sun, X. W.; Lei, J.; Song, Z. L.;*Li, L. J. "Studies on retro-[1,4] Brook rearrangement of 3-silyl allyloxysilanes. Observation of the formation of unusual 3,3-bissilyl enols" Tetrahedron, 2012, 68(34), 6928-6934.
7. Li, L. J.; Ye, X. C.; Wu,Y.; Gao, L.; Song, Z. L.;*Yin,Z. P.; Xu, Y. J."Sakurai Reaction of 3,3-Bis(silyl) Silyl Enol Ethers with Acetals Involving Selective Desilylation of the Geminal Bis(silane). Concise Synthesis of Nematocidal Oxylipid" Org. Lett. 2013, 15(5), 1068-1071.
8. Wu,Y.;Li, L. J.; Li,H. Z.;Gao, L.; Xie, H. M.; Zhang,Z. G.;Su,Z. S.;Hu,C. W.; * Song, Z. L.*"Regioselective Nucleophilic Addition of Organometallic Reagents to3?Geminal Bis(silyl) N?Acyl Pyridinium"Org. Lett. 2014,16(7), 1880-1883.
9. Lin, X. L.;Ye, X. C.; Sun, X. W.; Zhang,Y. B.; Gao, L.; Song, Z. L.*"[1,5]-Anion Relay via Intramolecular Proton Transfer To Generate 3,3-Bis(silyl) Allyloxy Lithium: A Useful Scaffold for Syn-Addition to Aldehydes and Ketones" Org. Lett. 2014, 16(4), 1084-1087.