
高志勇:武漢大學生命科學學院教授。學科專業:遺傳學 研究方向:植物抗病基因功能


2000—2006 美國達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth),博士
1988—1992 復旦大學,生物化學系,本科
2011,10- 武漢大學生命科學學院,教授
2006-2011 美國北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校,博士後
1992-1996 瀋陽東北製藥總廠,助理工程師
1. 植物NBS-LRR免疫受體蛋白信號轉導機制;
2. 擬南芥和水稻基因組中NBS-LRR免疫受體蛋白功能研究;
3. NBS-LRR免疫受體蛋白在培育抗病作物上的套用。


1. Gao Z, Chung EH, Eitas TK, Dangl JL(2011). The plant intracellular innate immune receptor RPM1 is activated at, and functions on, the plasma membrane. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(18):7619-24.

2. Chung EH, Cunha L, Wu AJ, Gao Z, Cherkis K, Afzal AJ, Mackey D, Dangl JL (2011). Specific threonine phosphorylation of a host target by two unrelated type III effectors activates a host innate immune receptor in plants. Cell Host & Microbe. 9(2):125-36.

3. Chen YF*, Gao Z*, Kerris RJ 3rd, Wang W, Binder BM, Schaller GE (2010). Ethylene receptors function as components of high-molecular-mass protein complexes in Arabidopsis. PLoS One 5(1): e8640 (Co-first authors).

4. Gao Z, Scaller GE (2009). The role of receptor interactions in regulating ethylene signal transduction. Plant Signal Behav. 4(12): 1152-1153.

5. Gao Z, Wen CK, Binder BM, Chen YF, Chang J, Chiang YH, Kerris RJ 3rd, Chang C, Schaller GE (2008). Heteromeric interactions among ethylene receptors mediate signaling in Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem. 283(35):23801-10.

6. Qu X, Hall BP, Gao Z, Schaller GE (2007). A strong constitutive ethylene-response phenotype conferred on Arabidopsis plants containing null mutations in the ethylene receptors ETR1 and ERS1. BMC Plant Biology 7: 3.

7. Gao Z, Chen YF, Randlett MD, Zhao XC, Findell JL, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE (2003). Localization of the Raf-like kinase CTR1 to the endoplasmic reticulum of Arabidopsis through participation in ethylene receptor signaling complexes. J Biol Chem. 278(36):34725-32.


