
馮梅 ,女,1977年生,博士中國地質科學院地質力學研究所副研究員。四川宣漢縣人。2000年畢業於北京化工大學機電工程學院,獲學士學位。2004年畢業於巴西聖保羅大學空間與地球物理學院,獲地震學博士學位。2005年到中國地質科學院地質力學研究所工作,2008年晉升為副研究員。以第一作者在SCI收錄期刊雜誌上發表科研論文4篇,EI收錄論文2篇。










Mei Feng, Suzan van der Lee, Meijian An, Yue Zhao, 2010, Lithospheric thickness, thinning, subduction, and interaction with the asthenosphere beneath China from the joint inversion of seismic S-wave train fits and Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves. Lithos, in press.

Mei Feng, An M., 2010, Lithospheric structure of the Chinese mainland determined from joint inversion of regional and teleseismic Rayleigh-wave group velocities. J. Geophys. Res., 115, B06317, doi:10.1029/2008JB005787.

Meijian An, Mei Feng, Changxing Long, 2010. Deep ruptures around the hypocenter of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake deduced from aftershock observations. Tectonophysics, 491(1-4): 96-104. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2009.12.024.

Meijian An, Mei Feng, Yue Zhao, 2009, Destruction of Lithosphere within the North China Craton Inferred from Surface Wave Tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G-cubed), 10(8): Q08 016, doi:10.1029/2009GC002562.

Mei Feng, Meijian An, Lin Zhao, Jizhong Zhang, 2009, Depth and region dependence of b-value for micro-aftershocks of the May 12th, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its tectonic implications. Earthquake Science, 22(6), 589-594.

An Meijian, Feng Mei, Dong Shuwen, Long Changxing, Zhao Yue, Yang Nong, Zhao Wenjin, Zhang Jizhong, 2009, Seismogenic structure around the epicenter of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake from micro-seismic tomography. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 83(4): 724-732.

安美建, 馮梅, 趙琳, 2009, 地震層析成像中的不確定性. CT 理論與套用研究, 18(2), 24-32


Feng M., Van der Lee S., An M., 2008, Region-related features of crustal and upper-mantle velocity structure of the Chinese mainland detected by surface waveform modeling. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 21(2), 118-126.

馮梅,Van der Lee S., 安美建,2008,利用面波波形模擬探測中國大陸地殼和上地幔波速結構的分區特徵,地震學報,30(2),114-122。

馮梅,安美建,王小鳳,等,2007,青海獅子溝油田天然微地震活動及其地質意義,地質力學學報,13(2), 173-178。

Feng M., An M., 2007, Middle and upper crust shear-wave velocity structure of the Chinese mainland. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 20(4), 359-369.

馮梅和安美建,2007,中國大陸上地殼三維剪下波波速結構。地震學報,29(4), 337-347。

Feng M. et al., 2007, Upper mantle structure of South America from joint inversion of waveforms and fundamental-mode group velocities of Rayleigh waves. J. Geophys. Res. 112, B04312, doi:10.1029/2006JB004449.

Feng M. et al., 2004, Group-velocity tomography and lithospheric S-velocity structure of the South American continent. Phys. Earth Planet. Ints., 147, 315-331.

安美建,馮梅,王小鳳和馬寅生,2005,被動地震勘探新方法在礦產勘探和地質災害監測中的套用, 以科學發展觀促進科技創新(上),中國科學技術出版社,384-388。



