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中國微生物學會會員,國家基金委生命科學部通信評審,《Process Biochemistry》、《Journal of Biotechnology》、《Appl Biochem Biotechnol》、《生物工程學報》、《微生物學報》等多家期刊審稿人。


在《Journalof Applied Microbiology》、《Journal of Biotechnology》、《Applied BiochemsitryBiotechnology》、《化工學報》、《生物工程學報》、《微生物學報》等SCI及核心期刊合作發表研究論文90多篇。








近幾年在《Journalof Applied Microbiology》、《Journal of Biotechnology》、《Applied BiochemsitryBiotechnology》、《化工學報》、《生物工程學報》、《微生物學報》等SCI及核心期刊發表研究論文90多篇。獲優秀論文獎2次。申請國家發明專利18項,授權2項。副主編或參編國家規劃教材或專著3部。其中部分代表性論文如下:

1. Zhiming Rao, Zheng Ma, Wei Shen, Huiying Fang, Jian Zhuge. Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae That Produces 1,3-Propanediol from D-glucose. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2008,105:1768-1776

2. Rao Zhiming, Ma Zheng, Shen Wei, Fang Huiying, Zhuge Jian. Transformation of industrialized strainCandida glycerinogenes with resistant genezeocin viaAgrobacterium tumefaciens. Current Microbiology, 2008, 57(1):12-17

3. Rao Zhiming, Ma Zheng, Shen Wei, Fang Huiying, Zhuge Jian. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of industrialized strain Candida glycerinogenes using ScGPD1 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biotechnology,2008 ,36:313

4. Zheng Ma, Zhiming Rao*, Bin Zhuge, Huiying Fang, Xiangru Liao and Jian Zhuge*, Construction of a Novel Expression System inKlebsiella pneumoniae and its Application for 1,3-Propanediol Production. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2010 Sep;162(2):399-407

5. Zheng Ma, Zhiming Rao*, Liyu Xu, Bin Zhuge, Huiying Fang, Xiangru Liao and Jian Zhuge*, Expression of dha operon required for 1,3-PD formation inE. coli andSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Current Microbiology. 2010;60(3): 191-8

6. Zheng Ma, Zhiming Rao*, Liyu Xu, Bin Zhuge, Huiying Fang, Xiangru Liao and Jian Zhuge*, Production of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol by engineeredEscherichia coli using a novel co-expression vector. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (20), pp. 5500-5505, 19 October, 2009

7. Meijuan Xu, Zhiming Rao*, Hong Xu, Haifeng Xia, Wenfang Dou, Xiaomei Zhang, Hongyu Xu, Jian Jin, Zhenghong Xu*. Enhanced production of L-arginine by expression of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin using a novel expression system in Corynebacterium crenatum. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2011,163(6):707-719

8. Xian zhang, Tao-wei Yang, Qing lin, Mei-juan Xu, Hai-feng Xia, Zheng-hong Xu, Hua-zhong Li, Zhi-ming Rao*. Isolation and identification of an acetoin high production bacterium that can reverse transform 2,3-butanediol to acetoin at the decline phase of fermentation. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s11274-y

9. Taowei Yang, Zhiming Rao*, Xian Zhang, Qing Lin, Haifeng Xia, Zhenghong Xu, Shangtian Yang. Production of 2,3-butanediol from glucose by GRAS microorganism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s12011-z

10. Fu-Zhuan Wang, Wei Shen, Zhi-Ming Rao, Hui-Ying Fang, Xiao-Bei Zhan and Jian Zhuge. Construction of a flocculating yeast for fuel ethanol production. Biotechnology Letters, 2008, 30(1):97-102

11. Zhang Yongguang, Shen Wei, Rao Zhiming, Fang Huiying, Zhuge Jian. Deletion of the CgTPI gene encoding triose phosphate isomerase of Candida glycerinogenesis inhibits the biosynthesis of glycerol, Current Microbiology. 2007, 55(2):147-151.

12. Xianzhong Chen, Huiying Fang, Zhiming Rao, Fang Huiying, Zhuge Jian.. Cloning and characterization of an NAD+-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene from Candida glycerinogenes, an industrial glycerol producer. FEMS Yeast Research,2008, 30(4):508-14

13. Xianzhong Chen, Huiying Fang, Zhiming Rao, Wei Shen, Bin Zhuge, Zhengxiang Wang and Jian Zhuge,An efficient genetic transformation method for glycerol producer Candida glycerinogenes, Microbiological Research, 2008, 163(5): 531-537

14. Shen, Wei; Wang, Zheng-Xiang; Rao, Zhi-Ming; Zhuge, Jian; Zhuge, Bin. A genetic transformation system based on trp1 complementation in Candida glycerinogenes. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 27(4) 1005-1008

15. Hong Xu, Wenfang Dou, Hongyu Xu, Xiaomei Zhang, Zhiming Rao, Zhongping Shi, Zhenghong Xu. A two-stage oxygen supply strategy for enhanced L-arginine production byCorynebacterium crenatum based on metabolic fluxes analysis. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2009,43:41-51

16. 馬正、饒志明*、沈微、方慧英、諸葛健*. 一步法產1,3-丙二醇釀酒酵母基因工程菌的構建.微生物學報,2007,47(4):598-603

17. 丁春生,饒志明*,沈微,諸葛斌,陳獻忠,方慧英*,諸葛健. 利用綠色螢光蛋白研究產甘油假絲酵母胞漿3-磷酸甘油脫氫酶基因CgGPD啟動子的功能. 微生物學報,2008,48(8):1013-1018

18. 劉愛玲, 饒志明*, 馬正, 諸葛斌, 方慧英, 諸葛健*. 新一代產甘油重組菌的構建及其初步發酵. 生物工程學報. 2009, 25(6): 946-952

19. 許虹, 竇文芳, 許泓瑜, 張曉梅, 饒志明, 許正宏. 不同供氧水平對l-精氨酸分批發酵過程的影響. 化工學報, 2008,59 (9): 2295-2301

20. 陶帥, 竇文芳, 張曉梅, 許泓瑜, 饒志明, 許正宏. 高產精氨酸的鈍齒棒桿菌在高低供氧條件下的差異蛋白質組學初步研究. 化工學報,2011,已經接收.

21. 徐美娟,張顯,饒志明*,楊娟,竇文芳,金堅,許正宏*,鈍齒棒桿菌N-乙醯鳥氨酸轉氨酶的克隆表達分析及其對發酵產精氨酸的影響.生物工程學報. 生物工程學報,2011,已經接收



1、 教育部新世紀優秀人才項目:微生物高效合成丁二醇代謝工程及其發酵調控(NO.NCET-10-0459);

2、 國家863項目“低能耗高產精氨酸代謝工程研究”(NO. 2007AA02Z207);

3、 國家基金項目“以葡萄糖為底物產PDO酵母代謝工程研究”(NO. 20676053);

4、 國家基金項目“酵母甘油合成關鍵酶催化分子機理研究”(NO.30970056);

5、 江蘇省青年科技創新人才基金項目“一步法產1, 3-丙二醇酵母工程菌的構建” (BK2006504);

6、 中央高校基本科研專項項目“四碳生物基平台化合物綠色高效製備”(JUSRP31001);

7、 企業委託項目“胺基酸高產菌株選育及發酵調控”

8、 企業委託項目“ADD高產菌株選育及發酵工藝”













