

韓曉軍,1975年生, 哈爾濱工業大學 教授,博士生導師, 新世紀優秀人才;哈爾濱工業大學化工學院生物分子與化學工程系主任。 主持承擔國家自然科學基金等基金項目7項。迄今在Adv.Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Adv. Funct. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等刊物上發表了48篇SCI論文,其中第一作者(含通訊作者)論文25篇;第一作者論文影響因子之和大於110,所有文章影響因子之和大於200。影響因子大於10的3篇,大於9的1篇,大於5的12篇;論文總引次數為750餘次,其中第一作者論文被引用400多次,第一作者單篇引用次數最高102次; H-指數=14。此外撰寫了三部專著中的三章,另有8項國家發明專利正在受理當中。



1994年-1998年, 就讀于吉林大學,本科。

1998年-2003年,中國科學院長春套用化學研究所, 碩博連讀。


2005-2006年,瑞士Paul Scherrer Institute。




任國際期刊Journal of Biophysical Chemistry 編委。

任國際期刊OA Biochemistry編委。

Editorial board of Journal of Biophysical Chemistry。

Editorial board of OA Biochemistry 。






截至2012年,在主持承擔國家自然科學基金項目2項、教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫、哈爾濱工業大學引進人才科研啟動基金項目、哈工大985青年學者能力培養項目、哈爾濱市留學歸國人員基金等6項科研項目。2009年 入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫。有5項國家發明專利正在受理當中。


截至2012年,發表了40篇SCI論文,其中第一作者(含通訊作者)論文19篇;第一作者論文影響因子之和大於90,所有文章影響因子之和大於160。影響因子大於10的2篇,大於9的1篇,大於5的8篇;論文總引次數為670餘次,其中第一作者論文被引用370多次,第一作者單篇引用次數最高102次; H-指數 = 14。此外撰寫了三部專著中的三章。


在表面生物功能化領域取得一系列研究成果,在Adv. Mater. Chem. Euro. J., Anal. Chem.等雜誌上發表論文34篇,影響因子之和大於100,被引用超過400次。


Xiaojun Han, Jilin Tang, Jianguo Wang and Erkang Wang.Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid by Norepinephrine Embedded in Lipid Cast Film at Glassy Carbon Electrode.Electrochim. Acta., 46 (2001), 3367 – 3371。

Xiaojun Han,Yonghai Song, Zhengyan Wu, Bailin Zhang and Erkang Wang.Induction effect of Caon ion-channel behavior of supported phospholipid membranes.Chem. J. Chinese U.,22 (2001), 1298-1300。

Xiaojun Han*,Guodong Qi,Xingtao Xu and Lei Wang. Lipid Bilayer Membrane Arrays: Fabrication and Applications, Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol., 2013, 131, 121-152. Springer。

Erkang Wang and Xiaojun Han. Electrochemical study of the bilayer lipid membrane. Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes. 2 (2005) 261-303. Elsevier。

汪爾康,韓曉軍,唐紀琳,模擬生物膜體系的生物電化學研究,分析化學新進展, 2003 年1月,pp3-13,科學出版社。

Hongmei Bi, Dingguo Fu, Lei Wang, and Xiaojun Han*,Lipid Nanotube Formation Using Space Regulated Electric Field above Interdigitated Electrodes, ACS nano, 2014, 8 (4), pp 3961–3969。

Ying Zhang, Xuejing Wang, Lei Wang, Miao Yu and Xiaojun Han*, Interactions of the baicalin and baicalein with bilayer lipid membranes investigated by cyclic voltammetry and UV-Vis spectroscopy, Bioelectrochemistry, 2014,95, 29–33。

J. He, L. Wang, Z.J. Wei,Y.L. Yang, C.Y. Wang, Xiaojun Han, Z.H. Nie*, Vesicular self-assembly of colloidal amphiphiles in microfluidics, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 2013, In Press。

Zhenxing Yu, Na Zhang, Zhongping Yao, Xiaojun Han and Zhaohua Jiang*,Synthesis of hierarchical dendritic micro-nano structure CoxFe1−x alloy with tunable electromagnetic absorption performance,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C3TA12840G。

Lei Wang, Shenghua Ma, Xuejing Wang, Danqing Liu, Shaoqin Liu and Xiaojun Han*, Electrochemiluminescent TiO2/CdS nanocomposites for efficient immunosensing of HepG2 cells, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013,1, 5021-5027。

Hongmei Bi, Xiaojun Han*, Fabrication and functionalization of lipid tubular microstructures, OA Biotechnology, 2013, Jan 31, 2(1), 7。

Shenghua Ma, Xuejing Wang and Xiaojun Han*, Hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on the direct electrochemistry of hemin in egg-phosphatidylcholine films, Chinese J. Anal. Chem. Accepted。

Hongmei Bi, Bin Yang, Lei Wang, Wenwu Cao and Xiaojun Han*, Electroformation of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles Using Interdigitated ITO Electrodes, J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1, 7125-7130。

Ying Zhang, Lei Wang, Xuejing Wang, Guodong Qi, and Xiaojun Han*, Forming Lipid Bilayer Membrane Arrays on Micropatterned Polyelectrolyte Film Surfaces, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201204419。

Zhenxing Yu, Zhongping Yao, Na Zhang, Zhijiang Wang, Chunxiang Li, Xiaojun Han, Xiaohong Wu and Zhaohua Jiang*,Electric Field-induced Synthesis of Dendritic Nanostructure α-Fe for Electromagnetic Absorption Application, J. Mater. Chem. 1 (2013), 4571-4576。

J. He, Z. J. Wei, L. Wang, Z. Tomova, T. Babu, C. Y. Wang, Xiaojun Han, J.T. Fourkas, Z. H. Nie*, Hydrodynamic-driven self-assembly of giant vesicles of metal nanoparticles for remotely triggered release, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52 (2013), 2463-2468。

Xuejing Wang, Xiaojun Han*,Forming Bilayer Lipid Membranes on Polyaniline Surface and Its Application on Potassium-ion Sensor,Nanosci. Nanotech. Let.,2013, 5, 643-647。

Xuejing Wang, Lei Wang, Xiaojun Han*, Changjun Guo*, Migration of Charged Species in Lipid Bilayer Membranes Under an Electric Field, Nano,8 (2013) 1230006。

Lei Wang, Danqing Liu, Xuejing Wang, Xiaojun Han*,Mixing enhancement of novel passive microfluidic mixers with cylindrical grooves,Chem. Eng. Sci. 81(2012) 157-163。

Xiaojun Han*, Lei Wang, Xuejing Wang, Fabrication of Chemical Gradient Using Space Limited Plasma Oxidation and its application on droplet motion, Advanced Functional Materials, 22(2012)4533–4538。

Xiaojun Han, Cees van Berkel, James Gwyer, Lorenzo Capretto, Hywel Morgan, Microfluidic Lysis of Human Blood for Leukocyte Analysis Using Single Cell Impedance Cytometry, Anal. Chem. 84 (2012) 1070-1075。

M. Cheetham, J. Bramble, D. Millan, L. Krzeminski, Xiaojun Han, B. Johnson, R. Bushby, P. Olmsted, L. Jeuken, S. Marritt, J. Butt S.D. Evans. Concentrating Membrane Proteins using Asymmetric Traps and AC Electric Fields. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113 (2011) 6521- 6524。

Hongyuan Jiang, Yukun Ren, Xiaojun Han, Ye Tao, Shanshan Li. Manipulation of gold coated microspheres by electrorotation. Sci. China Tech. Sci. 54 (2011) 643-649。

Xiaojun Han*, Guodong Qi, Xingtao Xu, Lei Wang, Formation of Lipid Bilayer Microarrays on Photo-Oxidized Polystyrene Surfaces, Chem. Eur. J. 17 (2011) 14741-14744。

Xiaojun Han, Ammathnadu S. Achalkumar, Matthew R. Cheetham, Simon D. Connell, Benjamin R. G. Johnson, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. A Self-assembly Route for Double Bilayer Lipid Membrane Formation, Chemphyschem. 11 (2010) 569-574。

Panida Prompinit, Ammathnadu S. Achalkumar, Xiaojun Han, Richard J. Bushby, Christoph Walti and Stephen D. Evans. Improved Photoreaction Yields for Soft Ultraviolet Photolithography in Organothiol Self-Assembled Monolayers, J. Phys. Chem. C,113 (2009) 21642-21649。

André Studer, Xiaojun Han, Fritz K. Winkler, Louis X. Tiefenauer. Formation of individual protein channels in lipid bilayers suspended in nanopores, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 73 (2009) 325-331。

Xiaojun Han, Ammathnadu S. Achalkumar, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. A Cholesterol-based Tether for Creating Photopatterned Lipid Membrane Arrays on both a Silica and Gold Surface, Chem. Eur. J. 15 (2009) 6363-6370. Cover paper, VIP (Very Important Paper)。

Xiaojun Han, Matthew Cheetham, Khizar Sheikh, Peter D. Olmsted, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. Manipulation and charge determination of proteins in photopatterned solid supported bilayers. Integr. Biol., 1 (2009) 205-211。

Lars J.C. Jeuken, Nikolaos N. Daskalakis, Xiaojun Han, Khizar Sheikh, Andreas Erbe, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. Phase separation in mixed self-assembled monolayers and its effect on biomimetic membranes. Sensors and Actuators B, 124 (2007) 501–509。

Xiaojun Han, Singh N. D. Pradeep, Kevin Critchley, Khizar Sheikh, Richard J. Bushby, and Stephen D. Evans. Supported bilayer lipid membrane arrays on photopatterned self-assembled monolavers. Chem. Eur. J., 13 (2007) 7957–7964。

Xiaojun Han, Kevin Critchley, Lixin Zhang, Singh N. D. Pradeep, Richard J. Bushby, and Stephen D. Evans. A novel method to fabricate patterned bilayer lipid membranes. Langmuir, 23 (2007) 1354-1358。

Xiaojun Han, André Studer, Harald Sehr, Isabelle Geissbühler, Marco Di Berardino, Fritz K. Winkler, and Louis X. Tiefenauer. Nanopore Arrays for Stable and Functional Free-Standing Lipid Bilayers. Adv. Mater., 19 (2007) 4466–4470。

Xiaojun Han, Zhiquan Zhang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Facilitated ion-transfer of sodium cation by (anthraquinone-1-yloxy) methane-15-crown-5 across the micro water/1,2-dichloroethane interface. Electroanalysis, 16 (2004), 1014-1018。

Jilin Tang, Bingquan Wang, Zhengyan Wu, Xiaojun Han, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Lipid membrane immobilized horseradish peroxidase biosensor for amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide. Biosens. Bioelectron., 18 (2003) 867-872。

Weimin Huang, Jianbo Jia, Zheling Zhang, Xiaojun Han, Jilin Tang, Jianguo Wang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on microperoxidase-11 entrapped in lipid membrane. Biosens. Bioelectron., 18 (2003) 1225-1230。

Jianguo Wang, Li Wang, Shaoqin Liu, Xiaojun Han, Weimin Hang and Erkang Wang. Interaction of K7FeP2V17O62H2 with supported bilayer lipid membranes on platinum. Biophys. Chem., 106 (2003) 31-38。

Weimin Huang, Zheling Zhang, Xiaojun Han, Jilin Tang, Jianguo Wang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Bioelectrochemistry, 59 (2003) 21-27。

Li Wang, Yonghai Song, Xiaojun Han, Bailin Zhang and Erkang Wang. Growth of cationic lipid toward bilayer lipid membrane by solution spreading: scanning probe microscopy study. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 123 (2003) 177-185。

Wenlong Cheng, Xiaojun Han and Erkang Wang. Interdigited Phospholipid/Alkanethiol Bilayers Assembled on APTMS-Supported Gold Colloid Electrodes Electroanalysis, 16 (2004), 127-131。

Yuehong Tong, Xiaojun Han and Erkang Wang. Study of the Ion Channel Behavior of BLM Stimulated by PF6, Chin. J. Chem., 21 (2003), 62-65。

Weimin Huang, Xiaojun Han and Erkang Wang. Defects Formation Induced by PAMAM Dendrimers on Pt Supported Bilayer Lipid Membranes Investigated by Electrochemistry. J. Electrochem. Soc., 150 (2003), E 218-221。

Yuehong Tong, Xiaojun Han, Yonghai Song, Junguang Jiang and Erkang Wang. Characterization and Properties of DNA-incorporated BLM. Biophys. Chem.,205 (2003) 1-9。

Xiaojun Han, Li Wang, Bin Qi, Xiurong Yang and Erkang Wang, A strategy for constructing a hybrid bilayer membrane based on a carbon substrate. Anal. Chem., 75 (2003) 6566-6570。

Weimin Huang, Zheling Zhang, Xiaojun Han, Jilin Tang, Jianguo Wang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Ion Channel Behavior of Amphotericin B in Sterol-Free and Cholesterol- or ErgosterolContainting Supported Phosphatidylcholine Bilayer Model Membranes Investigated by Electrochemistry and Spectroscopy. Biophys. J., 83 (2002), 3245–3255


Xiaojun Han


Xiaojun Han,


Xiaojun Han*,Guodong Qi,Xingtao Xu and Lei Wang. Lipid Bilayer Membrane Arrays: Fabrication and Applications, Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol., 2013, 131, 121-152. Springer。


Erkang Wang and Xiaojun Han. Electrochemical study of the bilayer lipid membrane. Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes. 2 (2005) 261-303. Elsevier。


汪爾康,韓曉軍,唐紀琳,模擬生物膜體系的生物電化學研究,分析化學新進展, 2003 年1月,pp3-13,科學出版社。


Hongmei Bi, Dingguo Fu, Lei Wang, and Xiaojun Han*,Lipid Nanotube Formation Using Space Regulated Electric Field above Interdigitated Electrodes, ACS nano, 2014, 8 (4), pp 3961–3969。


Ying Zhang, Xuejing Wang, Lei Wang, Miao Yu and Xiaojun Han*, Interactions of the baicalin and baicalein with bilayer lipid membranes investigated by cyclic voltammetry and UV-Vis spectroscopy, Bioelectrochemistry, 2014,95, 29–33。


J. He, L. Wang, Z.J. Wei,Y.L. Yang, C.Y. Wang, Xiaojun Han, Z.H. Nie*, Vesicular self-assembly of colloidal amphiphiles in microfluidics, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 2013, In Press。


Zhenxing Yu, Na Zhang, Zhongping Yao, Xiaojun Han and Zhaohua Jiang*,Synthesis of hierarchical dendritic micro-nano structure CoxFe1−x alloy with tunable electromagnetic absorption performance,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C3TA12840G。


Lei Wang, Shenghua Ma, Xuejing Wang, Danqing Liu, Shaoqin Liu and Xiaojun Han*, Electrochemiluminescent TiO2/CdS nanocomposites for efficient immunosensing of HepG2 cells, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013,1, 5021-5027。


Hongmei Bi, Xiaojun Han*, Fabrication and functionalization of lipid tubular microstructures, OA Biotechnology, 2013, Jan 31, 2(1), 7。


Shenghua Ma, Xuejing Wang and Xiaojun Han*, Hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on the direct electrochemistry of hemin in egg-phosphatidylcholine films, Chinese J. Anal. Chem. Accepted。


Hongmei Bi, Bin Yang, Lei Wang, Wenwu Cao and Xiaojun Han*, Electroformation of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles Using Interdigitated ITO Electrodes, J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1, 7125-7130。


Ying Zhang, Lei Wang, Xuejing Wang, Guodong Qi, and Xiaojun Han*, Forming Lipid Bilayer Membrane Arrays on Micropatterned Polyelectrolyte Film Surfaces, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201204419。


Zhenxing Yu, Zhongping Yao, Na Zhang, Zhijiang Wang, Chunxiang Li, Xiaojun Han, Xiaohong Wu and Zhaohua Jiang*,Electric Field-induced Synthesis of Dendritic Nanostructure α-Fe for Electromagnetic Absorption Application, J. Mater. Chem. 1 (2013), 4571-4576。


J. He, Z. J. Wei, L. Wang, Z. Tomova, T. Babu, C. Y. Wang, Xiaojun Han, J.T. Fourkas, Z. H. Nie*, Hydrodynamic-driven self-assembly of giant vesicles of metal nanoparticles for remotely triggered release, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52 (2013), 2463-2468。


Xuejing Wang, Xiaojun Han*,Forming Bilayer Lipid Membranes on Polyaniline Surface and Its Application on Potassium-ion Sensor,Nanosci. Nanotech. Let.,2013, 5, 643-647。


Xuejing Wang, Lei Wang, Xiaojun Han*, Changjun Guo*, Migration of Charged Species in Lipid Bilayer Membranes Under an Electric Field, Nano,8 (2013) 1230006。


Lei Wang, Danqing Liu, Xuejing Wang, Xiaojun Han*,Mixing enhancement of novel passive microfluidic mixers with cylindrical grooves,Chem. Eng. Sci. 81(2012) 157-163。


Xiaojun Han*, Lei Wang, Xuejing Wang, Fabrication of Chemical Gradient Using Space Limited Plasma Oxidation and its application on droplet motion, Advanced Functional Materials, 22(2012)4533–4538。


Xiaojun Han, Cees van Berkel, James Gwyer, Lorenzo Capretto, Hywel Morgan, Microfluidic Lysis of Human Blood for Leukocyte Analysis Using Single Cell Impedance Cytometry, Anal. Chem. 84 (2012) 1070-1075。


M. Cheetham, J. Bramble, D. Millan, L. Krzeminski, Xiaojun Han, B. Johnson, R. Bushby, P. Olmsted, L. Jeuken, S. Marritt, J. Butt S.D. Evans. Concentrating Membrane Proteins using Asymmetric Traps and AC Electric Fields. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113 (2011) 6521- 6524。


Hongyuan Jiang, Yukun Ren, Xiaojun Han, Ye Tao, Shanshan Li. Manipulation of gold coated microspheres by electrorotation. Sci. China Tech. Sci. 54 (2011) 643-649。


Xiaojun Han*, Guodong Qi, Xingtao Xu, Lei Wang, Formation of Lipid Bilayer Microarrays on Photo-Oxidized Polystyrene Surfaces, Chem. Eur. J. 17 (2011) 14741-14744。


Xiaojun Han, Ammathnadu S. Achalkumar, Matthew R. Cheetham, Simon D. Connell, Benjamin R. G. Johnson, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. A Self-assembly Route for Double Bilayer Lipid Membrane Formation, Chemphyschem. 11 (2010) 569-574。


Panida Prompinit, Ammathnadu S. Achalkumar, Xiaojun Han, Richard J. Bushby, Christoph Walti and Stephen D. Evans. Improved Photoreaction Yields for Soft Ultraviolet Photolithography in Organothiol Self-Assembled Monolayers, J. Phys. Chem. C,113 (2009) 21642-21649。


André Studer, Xiaojun Han, Fritz K. Winkler, Louis X. Tiefenauer. Formation of individual protein channels in lipid bilayers suspended in nanopores, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 73 (2009) 325-331。


Xiaojun Han, Ammathnadu S. Achalkumar, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. A Cholesterol-based Tether for Creating Photopatterned Lipid Membrane Arrays on both a Silica and Gold Surface, Chem. Eur. J. 15 (2009) 6363-6370. Cover paper, VIP (Very Important Paper)。


Xiaojun Han, Matthew Cheetham, Khizar Sheikh, Peter D. Olmsted, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. Manipulation and charge determination of proteins in photopatterned solid supported bilayers. Integr. Biol., 1 (2009) 205-211。


Lars J.C. Jeuken, Nikolaos N. Daskalakis, Xiaojun Han, Khizar Sheikh, Andreas Erbe, Richard J. Bushby, Stephen D. Evans. Phase separation in mixed self-assembled monolayers and its effect on biomimetic membranes. Sensors and Actuators B, 124 (2007) 501–509。


Xiaojun Han, Singh N. D. Pradeep, Kevin Critchley, Khizar Sheikh, Richard J. Bushby, and Stephen D. Evans. Supported bilayer lipid membrane arrays on photopatterned self-assembled monolavers. Chem. Eur. J., 13 (2007) 7957–7964。


Xiaojun Han, Kevin Critchley, Lixin Zhang, Singh N. D. Pradeep, Richard J. Bushby, and Stephen D. Evans. A novel method to fabricate patterned bilayer lipid membranes. Langmuir, 23 (2007) 1354-1358。


Xiaojun Han, André Studer, Harald Sehr, Isabelle Geissbühler, Marco Di Berardino, Fritz K. Winkler, and Louis X. Tiefenauer. Nanopore Arrays for Stable and Functional Free-Standing Lipid Bilayers. Adv. Mater., 19 (2007) 4466–4470。


Xiaojun Han, Zhiquan Zhang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Facilitated ion-transfer of sodium cation by (anthraquinone-1-yloxy) methane-15-crown-5 across the micro water/1,2-dichloroethane interface. Electroanalysis, 16 (2004), 1014-1018。


Jilin Tang, Bingquan Wang, Zhengyan Wu, Xiaojun Han, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Lipid membrane immobilized horseradish peroxidase biosensor for amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide. Biosens. Bioelectron., 18 (2003) 867-872。


Weimin Huang, Jianbo Jia, Zheling Zhang, Xiaojun Han, Jilin Tang, Jianguo Wang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on microperoxidase-11 entrapped in lipid membrane. Biosens. Bioelectron., 18 (2003) 1225-1230。


Jianguo Wang, Li Wang, Shaoqin Liu, Xiaojun Han, Weimin Hang and Erkang Wang. Interaction of K7FeP2V17O62H2 with supported bilayer lipid membranes on platinum. Biophys. Chem., 106 (2003) 31-38。


Weimin Huang, Zheling Zhang, Xiaojun Han, Jilin Tang, Jianguo Wang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Bioelectrochemistry, 59 (2003) 21-27。


Li Wang, Yonghai Song, Xiaojun Han, Bailin Zhang and Erkang Wang. Growth of cationic lipid toward bilayer lipid membrane by solution spreading: scanning probe microscopy study. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 123 (2003) 177-185。


Wenlong Cheng, Xiaojun Han and Erkang Wang. Interdigited Phospholipid/Alkanethiol Bilayers Assembled on APTMS-Supported Gold Colloid Electrodes Electroanalysis, 16 (2004), 127-131。


Yuehong Tong, Xiaojun Han and Erkang Wang. Study of the Ion Channel Behavior of BLM Stimulated by PF6, Chin. J. Chem., 21 (2003), 62-65。


Weimin Huang, Xiaojun Han and Erkang Wang. Defects Formation Induced by PAMAM Dendrimers on Pt Supported Bilayer Lipid Membranes Investigated by Electrochemistry. J. Electrochem. Soc., 150 (2003), E 218-221。


Yuehong Tong, Xiaojun Han, Yonghai Song, Junguang Jiang and Erkang Wang. Characterization and Properties of DNA-incorporated BLM. Biophys. Chem.,205 (2003) 1-9。


Xiaojun Han, Li Wang, Bin Qi, Xiurong Yang and Erkang Wang, A strategy for constructing a hybrid bilayer membrane based on a carbon substrate. Anal. Chem., 75 (2003) 6566-6570。


Weimin Huang, Zheling Zhang, Xiaojun Han, Jilin Tang, Jianguo Wang, Shaojun Dong and Erkang Wang. Ion Channel Behavior of Amphotericin B in Sterol-Free and Cholesterol- or ErgosterolContainting Supported Phosphatidylcholine Bilayer Model Membranes Investigated by Electrochemistry and Spectroscopy. Biophys. J., 83 (2002), 3245–3255


