國際能源署將電機產品定義為:電動機、風機、泵、壓縮機。工業電機占全球用電60%左右,用電量大,節能潛力也很大, 電機產品的節能具有具有指標性意義。電機系統用電量占全美用電量的50%,占其工業用電量的70%。電機系統占歐盟總用電量的42%,占其工業用電量的69%。電機系統耗電約占我國用電量的60% 以上。歐盟、美國、中國等國家制定了電機產品節能減排的政策法規,例如:歐盟的ErP指令(能源相關產品指令)、美國能源法案、中國的《節能減排法》。這些法律法規的實施,都需要能效標準和檢測技術作為支撐。在中國,“十一五”期間,我國節能減排取得顯著成效,“十二五”規劃顯示,加強資源節約和管理,大力推進節能降耗,推動電機系統節能是我國“十二五”節能工程的重點。
出版社:英國伍德海德出版社(woodhead Publishing)
國際標準書號(ISBN:978 0 85709 077 5)
Electrical Motor Products: International Energy Efficiency Standards and Testing Methods
1. Preface: The Importance of Energy Efficiency for Electrical Motor Products.
1.1 The application of electrical motor products.
1.2 The History of the electrical motor products.
1.3 Energy efficiency is considered as a top priority.
1.4 Conclusion.
2. Classification: electric motors, pumps, fans.
2.1 Definition of electric motors.
2.2 Working principles of induction motor
2.3 Types of induction motors.
2.3.1 Single phase induction motors.
2.3.2 Three phase induction motors.
2.4 Definition of pumps.
2.5 Working principles of pumps.
2.6 Types of rotodynamic pumps.
2.7 Definition of fans.
2.8 Working principle of fans.
2.9 Types of fans.
2.10 Conclusion.
3 Energy Efficiency Technical Measures System for Electrical Motor Products.
3.1 The framework of energy efficiency technical measures for electrical motor products.
3.2 Regulations and agreements.
3.3 Energy efficiency standards.
3.4 Energy efficiency labels.
3.5 Energy efficiency testing methods.
3.6 Conclusion.
4 Energy Efficiency Standards of the Electrical Motor Products.
4.1 Electric motor
4.2 Pumps.
4.3 Fans.
4.4 Conclusion.
5 Measurement Errors and Uncertainties.
5.1 Classification of measurements errors.
5.2 Trueness and precision.
5.3 Uncertainties in measurements.
5.4 The sources of uncertainties.
5.5 The evaluation of measurement uncertainties.
5.6 Conclusions.
6 Testing Methods for Electric Motor
6.1 Motor losses and efficiency expression.
6.2 The status of the efficiency testing methods for IM..
6. 3 IEEE 112-2004 B method.
6.4 IEC 60034-2-1:2007.
6.5 Eh-Star test
6.6 GB/T 9651.
6.7 Energy efficiency test rig for electric motors.
6.8 Conclusion. 126
7 Efficiency Testing Methods for centrifugal Pumps.
7.1 Efficiency of pumps.
7.2 ISO 9906:1999.
7.3 GB/T 3216-2005.
7.4 Testing rig for pumps.
7.5 Conclusion.
8 Efficiency Testing Methods for Centrifugal fans.
8.1 Efficiency of fans.
8.2 ISO5801:2008.
8.3 AMCA 210-2007.
8.4 GB/T 1236-2000.
8.5 Testing rig for fan performance.
8.6 Conclusion.
9 The Way to Improve the Energy Efficiency for the Electrical Motor Products.
9.1 Energy efficiency improving ways for the electric motors.
9.2 Energy efficiency improving ways for the pumps.
9.3 Energy efficiency improving ways for the fans.
9.4 Conclusion.
10 Modern Control methods for the Induction Motor
10.1 Why need adjustable speed for the induction motors.
10.2 The development of the modern control for the electric motors.
10.3 Mathematic models of three-phase AC machines.
10.4 Speed control using variable voltage and variable frequency.
10.4 Field oriented control
10.5 Direct Torque control
10.6 Loss Minimization control
10.7 Conclusion.