40歲,博士,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員,博士生導師。 2008年入選中國科學院“引進國外傑出人才”(“百人計畫”)回國,回國前在日本農業環境技術研究所和日本筑波大學任特別研究員。2001年獲國際“START”青年科學家獎。1999年於中國科學院生態環境研究中心獲生態學專業博士學位。已在國內外重要學術期刊發表論文60多篇,其中國際SCI核心期刊收錄論文30多篇,EI收錄論文10多篇。參加編輯出版專著3部。Open Forest Science Journal、ISRN Meteorology、«中國農業氣象» 等國內外學術期刊編委。研究領域和研究方向:
率先開展了氣候變化影響的機率評價和預測研究。在大尺度作物模型的發展和氣候變化影響評價研究的不確定問題上取得重要突破。研究論文被Nature, PNAS等國際知名期刊和IPCC等國際重要報告廣泛引用和高度評價。
Tao Fulu, Z. Zhang. 2011. Dynamic Response of Terrestrial Hydrological Cycle and Plant Water Stress to Climate Change in China. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12, 371-393, doi: 10.1175/2010JHM1314.1
Tao, Fulu, Z. Zhang. 2011. Impacts of climate change as a function of global mean temperature: maize productivity and water use in China. Climatic Change, 105,409-432.
Tao Fulu, Z. Zhang. 2010. Dynamic responses of terrestrial ecosystems structure and function to climate change in China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115: G03003, doi:10.1029/2009JG001062.
Tao Fulu, Z. Zhang. 2010. Adaptation of maize production to climate change in North China Plain: quantify the relative contributions of adaptation options. European Journal of agronomy, 33, 103-116.
Tao, Fulu, Z. Zhang, J. Liu. 2009. Modeling the Impacts of Weather and Climate Variability on Crop Productivity over a Large Area: A New Super-ensemble-based Probabilistic Projection. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149, 1266–127.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, Z. Zhang. 2009. Modeling the Impacts of Weather and Climate Variability on Crop Productivity over a Large Area: A New Process-based Model Development, Optimization, and Uncertainties Analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149, 831–850.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, J. Liu, Z. Zhang. 2009. Climate change, land use change, and China’s food security in the twenty-first century: an integrated perspective. Climatic Change, 93, 433–445.
Tao, Fulu, Y. HAYASHI, M. Yokozawa, Z. Zhang, T. Sakamoto. 2008. Global Warming, Rice Production and Water Use in China: Developing a Probabilistic Assessment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 94–110.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, J. Liu, Z. Zhang. 2008. Climate-crop yield relationships at province scale in China and the impacts of recent climate trend. Climate Research, 38, 83–94.
Tao, Fulu, Yokozawa, M., Zhang, Z., Hayashi, Y., Ishigooka, Y. 2008. Land surface phenology dynamics and climate variation in the North East China Transect (NECT), 1982–2000. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 29, 5461–5478.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, Y. Xu, Y. Hayashi, Z. Zhang. 2006. Climate changes and trends in phenology and yields of field crops in China, 1981–2000. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 138, 82–92.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, Z. Zhang, Y. Xu, Y. Hayashi. 2005. Remote Sensing of Crop Production in China by Production Efficiency Models: Models Comparisons, Estimates and Uncertainties. Ecological Modelling, 183, 385–396.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, Y. Hayashi, E. Lin. 2005. A Perspective on Water Resources in China: Interactions between Climate Change and Soil Degradation. Climatic Change, 68, 169–197.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, Z. Zhang, Y. Hayashi, H. Grassl, C. Fu. 2004. Variability in climatology and agricultural production in China in association with East Asia monsoon and EL NIÑO southern oscillation. Climate Research, 28: 23–30.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, Y. Hayashi, E. Lin. 2003. Changes in soil moisture in China over the last half-century and their effects on agricultural production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 118, 251–261.
Tao, Fulu, M. Yokozawa, Y. Hayashi, E. Lin. 2003. Future climate change, the agricultural water cycle, and agricultural production in China. Agricultural Ecosystem & Environment, 95, 203─215.
Tao, Fulu, Y. Hayashi, E. Lin. 2002. Soil vulnerability and sensitivity to acid deposition in China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 140, 247─260.
Tao, Fulu, Z. Feng. 2001. Critical Loads of acid deposition for ecosystems in South China ─ Derived by a new method. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 1187─1192.
Tao, Fulu, Z. Feng. 2000. Critical Loads of SO2 dry deposition for ecosystems in South China and theirs exceedance. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 124, 429─ 438.
Tao, Fulu, Z. Feng. 2000. Terrestrial ecosystem sensitivity to acid deposition in South China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 118, 231─243.