主要的研究方向是納米生物學,乳腺癌、前列腺癌。包括運用納米技術於乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌的活體成像、納米生物感應器用於功能蛋白組學研究,DNA 和蛋白質高通量檢測技術,癌症的放射增強治療法和納米生物感應器的研發。所做的量子點細胞內定位的研究,2006年被列為加州大學勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室在納米研究方面的第三項重大成果,專利並被生物科技方面著名的Invitrogen公司購買。此外,2005成功領導完成用量子點合成納米條碼(Nanobarcode)的技術開發,現已作為商業產品由量子點公司(Quantum Dot Corp.)成功轉讓生物科技方面著名的Invitrogen公司。
過去兩年中,在世界頂尖的《自然》雜誌的〈納米科技〉分刊(Nature Nanotechnology《自然-納米科技》)創刊號以通訊作者名義發表文章一篇,開拓了納米分子尺這一全新的領域。在國際頂級納米學術雜誌之一Nano Letters以通訊作者名義發表文章5篇(2005年預估影響因子~10.0)。並有其他研究論文總計30餘篇,會議論文30餘篇,在申請中的專利近20項,其中進入美國國家專利商標局USPTO程式的有6項,進入國際PCT程式的有3項以上。
納米毒理、納米生物學、乳腺癌、前列腺癌。納米生物學、運用納米技術於乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌的活體MRI成像、納米生物感應器用於功能蛋白組學研究、癌症的放射增強治療法Radiosensitizer Cancer Therapy、量子點、金屬納米顆粒。
納米毒理學、納米技術(CdSe量子點,金屬納米顆粒、納米機械力感應器、納米光學感應器)、分子生物學、生物化學、蛋白化學、細胞生物學。高通量檢定系統的開發(High throughput assay )、生物晶片、生物信息學、Affymetrix GeneChip,Illumina、基因組學、生物微流儀器開發、納米生物材料 。

1. Eastman, P.S. et al. Qdot nanobarcodes for multiplexed gene expression analysis. Nano Letters 6, 1059-1064 (Berkeley NanoClub Prize 2006,伯克利納米俱樂部2006年獎) (2006).(2005年影響因子~10.0)(通訊作者)。
2. Chen, F. in Nanomaterials for Cancer Therapy and Diagnosis, Vol. In preparation. (ed. C. Kumar) (Wiley VCH Publishing, 2008). (通訊作者)。
3. Yu, Y. et al. A comparative study of using comet assay and gH2AX foci formation in the detection of N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced DNA damage. Toxicology In Vitro 20 (2006).
4. Chin, K. et al. Associations of genomic and transcriptional aberrations with human breast cancer pathophysiologies. Cancer Cell 10, 529-541 (2006). (影響因子18.725)。
5. Liu, G.L. et al. Nanoplasmonic molecular ruler for nuclease activity and DNA footprinting. Nature Nanotechnology 1, 47-52 (Premiere issue, corresponding author) (《自然-納米科技》創刊號,通訊作者)(2006). (通訊作者)。
6. Liu, G.L. et al. Detection of Proteolytically Active PSA Using Single Nanocrescent SERS Probe. Nat. Material submitted. (2006). (影響因子13)。
7. Zhou, C. et al. DNA damage evaluated by gH2AS foci formation by a selective group of chemical/physical stressors. Mutation Res. -DNa repair 604, 8-18 (2006). (2005年影響因子~5.016)
8. Zhang, T. et al. Cellular Effect of high doses of silica-coated Qdot profiled with high throughput gene expression analysis and high content cellomics measurements. Nano Letters 6, 800-808 (2006). (2008年預估影響因子>10.0)(通訊作者)。
9. Kannan, B., Castelino, K., Chen, F.F. & Majumdar, A. Lithographic Techniques and Surface Chemistries for the Fabrication of PEG-passivated Protein Microarrays. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 21, 1960-1967 (2006). (2005年影響因子 3.463)。
10. Ding, L. et al. Molecular characterization of the cytotoxic mechanism of multiwall carbon nanotubes and nano-onions on human skin fibroblast. Nano Letters 5, 2448-2464 (2005). (2008年預估影響因子>10.0)(另外得到美國華盛頓郵報與NanoToday的特別追蹤報導) (通訊作者)。
11. Shingyoji, M., Gerion, D., Pinkel, D., Gray, J.W. & Chen, F. Quantum Dots-based Reverse Phase Protein Microarray. TALANTA 67, 472-478 (2005). (通訊作者)。
12. Rizki, A. et al. Identification of functionally significant changes in transition from premalignant to malignant phenotype. Cancer Reseaerch In press. (2008). (影響因子~15)。
13. Huang, Y., Yang, J., Shen, J., Chen, F.F. & Yu, Y. Sphingolipids are involved in N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced epidermal growth factor receptor clustering. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 330, 430-438 (2005).
14. Huang, Y. et al. A lipidomic study of the effects of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine on sphingomyelin metabolism. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) 37, 515-524 (2005).
15. Ding, L.H. et al. Gene expression profiles of normal human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation: a comparative study of low and high doses. Radiat Res 164, 17-26 (2005).
16. Ding, L.H. et al. Gene expression changes in normal human skin fibroblasts induced by HZE-particle radiation. Radiat Res 164, 523-526 (2005).
17. Chen, F. & Gerion, D. Fluorescent CdSe Nanoparticle-Peptide Complexes for Long-term Imaging and Nuclear Targeting in Living Cells. Nano Letters 4, 1827-1832. (2004). (2005年影響因子~10.0)(通訊作者)。
18. Park, J.S. et al. Differential effects of equiaxial and uniaxial strain on mesenchymal stem cells. Biotechnol Bioeng 88, 359-368 (2004).
19. Gerion, D. et al. Room-temperature single-nucleotide polymorphism and multiallele DNA detection using fluorescent nanocrystals and microarrays. Anal Chem 75, 4766-4772 (2003). (2005年影響因子~5.635)(通訊作者)。
20. Omori, S. et al. Suppression of a DNA double-strand break repair gene, Ku70, increases radio- and chemosensitivity in a human lung carcinoma cell line. DNA Repair (Amst) 1, 299-310 (2002). (2005年影響因子~5.016)。
21. Zhang, H. et al. Identification of TNF-alpha-sensitive sites in HCMVie1 promoter. Exp Mol Pathol 71, 106-114 (2001).
22. Zhang, Z. et al. The three-dimensional structure of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of human Ku70. J Biol Chem 276, 38231-38236 (2001). (2005年影響因子~6.355)。
23. Chen, F., Crandall, J., Zhu, L., Gao, Q.D. & Vlassara, H. Overexpression of Human Recombinant Lysozyme by Macrophages Leads to Enhanced Glycotoxin Uptake and Clearance without Cell Activation; a New Model Approach for the Prevention of Diabetic Complications - huLZ. Diabetes 05/01 (2000.). (第一作者)。
24. Stitt, A.W., Burke, G.A., Chen, F., McMullen, C.B. & Vlassara, H. Advanced glycation end-product receptor interactions on microvascular cells occur within caveolin-rich membrane domains. Faseb J 14, 2390-2392 (2000). (2005年影響因子~6.8)。
25. Cary, R.B., Chen, F., Shen, Z. & Chen, D.J. A central region of Ku80 mediates interaction with Ku70 in vivo. Nucleic Acids Res 26, 974-979 (1998). (2005年影響因子~7.552)。
26. Peterson, S.R. et al. Characterization of two DNA double-stranded break repair-deficient cell lines that express inactive DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunits. J Biol Chem 272, 10227-10231 (1997). (2005年影響因子~6.355)。
27. Chen, F. et al. Cell cycle-dependent protein expression of mammalian homologs of yeast DNA double-strand break repair genes Rad51 and Rad52. Mutat Res-DNA repair 384, 205-211 (1997). (2005年影響因子~5.016)(第一作者)。
28. Chen, F. et al. Ku80 gene expression is Sp1-dependent and sensitive to CpG methylation within a novel cis element. Gene 199, 181-194 (1997).
29. Chen, F., Peterson, S.R., Story, M.D. & Chen, D.J. Disruption of DNA-PK in Ku80 mutant xrs-6 and the implications in DNA double-strand break repair. Mutat Res -DNA repair 362, 9-19 (1996). (2005年影響因子~5.016)(第一作者)。
30. Takiguchi, Y. et al. Genomic structure and chromosomal assignment of the mouse Ku70 gene. Genomics 35, 129-135 (1996).
31. Kurimasa, A. et al. Construction of 110 cosmid markers and a 4.5-Mb YAC contig on human chromosome 8p12-q11. Genomics 28, 147-153 (1995).
32. Tang, Y.J. et al. Charge-associated effects of fullerene derivatives on microbial structural integrity and central metabolism. Nano Letters., 7 (3), 754 -760 (2007). (2008年影響因子~10.0)(通訊作者)。
(PATENTS AND INVENTION DISCLOSURES) (Bold and italic ones are pending):
1. Fanqing Chen, David J. Chen Composite Densriner for use in biomolecule signal amplification – chemical denrimer-mediated nanoclustering of bioprobe with label molecules. Patent disclosure filed. LBNL Docket# IB-1822.
2. Fanqing Chen, Yuan Chen, Ziming Zhang, David J. Chen. Peptide Inhibitor for Ku70 Protein C-terminal Domain as Radiosensitizer for Cancer Radiotherapy. Patent disclosure filed. LBNL Docket# IB-2063.
3. Fanqing Chen and Daniele Gerion, Fluorescent Semiconductor Nanocrystal-Peptide Conjugates for Long-term, Nontoxic Imaging and Nuclear Targeting in Living Cells. U.S. Patent, pending. U.S. Application# 60-607286. LBNL Docket#IB-2045P. (Licensed by Quantum Dot Corp., later acquired by Invitrogen)。
4. Fanqing Chen and Daniele Gerion, Signal peptide-semiconductor nanocrystal conjugates. WIPO PCT patent (LBNL004310_PCT), pending. (Attorney Docket No, LBNL Docket No.: JIB-2045). U.S. Application# 60-607286. (Licensed by Quantum Dot Corp., later acquired by Invitrogen)。
5. Fanqing Chen, Daniele Gerion, Joe W. Gray, Thomas F. Budinger " Gd DOTA, Gd-DTPA-near Infrared Quantum Dot Nanocluster for In Vivo Targeted and Non-Targeted Imaging.", Patent disclosure filed. LBNL Docket#JIB-2075.
6. Fanqing Chen, Yuan Chen, Ziming Zhang, David J. Chen, Laura Ortega. Two sites on Ku80 Protein C-terminal Domain as Radiosensitizer Drug Target for Cancer Radiotherapy. Patent disclosure filed. LBNL Docket#IB-2076.
7. Fanqing Chen, Daniele Gerion, Joe W. Gray, Thomas Lowery, David Wemmer, Alex Pines. Xenon nanocage-coated quantum dots as a multi-modality imaging agent. Patent disclosure filed. LBNL Docket# JIB-2208.
8. Fanqing Chen, Multiwall carbon nanotubes and nanoonions and therapeutic uses thereof, USPTO, pending, US Application# 60/731,557, LBNL DOCKET#IB-2218P.
9. Fanqing Chen, Toxicology and cellular effect of manufactured nanomaterials, USPTO, pending, US Application# 60/792,171, (LBNL Docket#IB-2218PCT1). (In license negotiation with Nanotox Inc, and OptimaNano, Inc.)。
10. Fanqing Chen, Toxicology and cellular effect of manufactured nanomaterials, USPTO, pending, WIPO PCT patent pending, PCT Application#PCT/US06/60369 (LBNL Docket#IB-2218PCT1). (In license negotiation with Nanotox Inc, and OptimaNano, Inc.)。
11. Fanqing Chen, Gang L. Liu, Luke P. Lee. Detection of Proteolytically Active PSA using Single Nanoscrescent SERS Probe. USPTO, provisional, US Application# 60/797,525, LBNL Docket#JIB-2240P.
12. Fanqing Chen, Gregory Langland, Using non-homologous end-joining genes and p53 status as predictor for radiotherapy effectiveness for ovarian cancer. Patent disclosure filed. LBNL Docket# IB-2248.
13. Fanqing Chen, Gang L. Liu, Luke P. Lee Nanoplasmonic molecular ruler for nuclease activity and DNA footprinting. USPTO patent pending, US Application# 60/844,991. LBNL Docket# IB-2320.
14. Jun Li, Fanqing Chen, Joe W. Gray, Alan Cassell, Kinase Activity Profiling Using Carbon Nanotube Based Ultrasensitive Nanoelectrode Array. USPTO, provisional. Filed by NASA Ames. LBNL Docket#JIB-2340.
15. Fanqing Frank Chen, Gang L. Liu, Luke P. Lee, Jonathan A. Ellman. Protein kinase activity detection using peptide-conjugated nanoengineered SERS microarray. Disclosure. LBNL Docket# unassigned.
16. Gang L. Liu and Fanqing Frank Chen. Summary of the Invention on Non-invasive rapid permanent hair removal and skin treatment by light activated non-toxic nanoparticles. LBNL Docket# 2347。
17. Fanqing Chen, Jinming Gao, Elvin Blanco, Daniele Gerion. Micelle-coated Quantum dot-based nanobarcodes in the size range of 10-100nm, and compatible for cellular labeling. Disclosure. LBNL Docket# unassigned.
18. Yinjie Tang, Jay D. Keasling, Fanqing Chen. Bioremediation of toxic fullerene compounds Disclosure. USPTO, provisional. LBNL Docket# 2374。
19. Chen, Fanqing; Zhang, Xiang Time Resolved Single-Step Protease Activity Quantification using Nanoplasmonic Resonator (NPR) Sensor. USPTO, provisional. LBNL Docket# IB-2421。
20. Chen, Fanqing Size-Dependent Biological Effect of AuNanoparticles USPTO, provisional. LBNL Docket# IB-2419。
Nanoplasmonic molecular ruler for studying DNA-protein interactions and proteomic change. Material Research Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco Moscone Center, April 12, 2007。 2. Nanotoxicology, CalEPA, April 17, 2007(Invited). 3. Molecular Profiling of Nanomaterial Toxicity, Nanotoxicology 2007, Venice, Italy, April 19-21, 2007(Invited). 4. Toxicity Profiling of Nanomaterials, Society of Toxicology, Midwestern Regional Chapter Spring meeting, May 18, 2007(Invited). 5. Toxicity Profiling of Nanomaterials. International Science Forum on Computational Toxicology, US EPA, Research Triangle Park, May 23, 2007(Invited). 6. Predictive Methodology and Tools for Nanotoxicology, TechConnect Summit, Santa Clara, May 24, 2007(Invited). 7. Molecular Profiling of Nanomaterial Toxicity. International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON), June 5-7, 2007, Zurich(Invited). 8. Multimodality imaging nanoprobes. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, CARS Conference 2007, Berlin (Invited). 9. Nanotechnology, challenge and opportunity. Organizing committee and invited speaker. 3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Taiwan, August 29-Sept. 1, 2007(Invited). 10. International symposium on fine chemistry and functional polymers & 3rd IUPAC international symposium on novel materials and their synthesis, Shanghai, Oct. 17-23, 2007 (Invited)。 11. F.F.Chen. (Nov., 2006) Nano-bio hybrids. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory。 12. F.F.Chen. (Oct. 13) Peptide-Conjugated Hybrid SERS Probes for Real-time Detections of Enzymatic and Kinomic Reactions. Biomedical Engineer Society 2006 Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2006。 13. F.F.Chen (July 30-31) Chair, East Technology Forum, Nanotechnology and impact on environment and health policy. Shanghai China。 14. F.F. Chen (Oct., 2006) Biological Impact of Nanoparticles Assessed by Molecular Profiling. JEOM meeting, Nanotechnology and impact. Kunming, China。 15. F.F. Chen (Sept. 2006) Nanotechnology and Omics. 2006 International Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver (Invited). 16. F.F.Chen, (Sept. 7-8, 2006) Quantum dots and imaging applications. 2006 Workshop on Multiscale Biological Imaging, Data Mining & Informatics, Santa Barbara, CA (Invited)。 17. July 23-26, 2006 Use of nanobiotechnology in space. COSPAR Colloqium, Xi’an, China (Invited)。 18. July 16-19, 2006. Multimodality nanoparticles for in vivo imaging. InterProstateSPORE meeting. Invited speech. 19. F.F.Chen (May 25, 2006) Molecular ruler and nanoarray. Molecular Foundry Workshop. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley。 20. April 19, 2006. Invited seminar. Nanotoxicity and assessment strategies. Nanotox Inc. Houston。 21. F.F. Chen (March, 2006) Nano-bio hybrids. Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences. (Invited lecture). 22. F.F. Chen (Feb. 5-7, 2006 ) Multimodality quantum dots for in vivo imaging applications for prostate cancer. InterProstate SPORE meeting, Houston。 23. F.F.Chen, Nano-bio hybrids, Feb 4, 2006. UT Southwestern Medical Center, Invited Seminar. 24. D. Gerion, J.L.Herberg, E. Gjersing, R. Maxwll, F.F. Chen (Nov. 2005) Material Research Society Annual Meeting. Silanized quantum dots with MRI signatures: an integrated tiny probe for nanomedicine? (Invited Speech)。 25. F Chen (November 3, 2005) The International Conference on Environmental and Genentical Damage, and the 12th Congress of CEMS(Chinese Environmental Mutagen Society) . Toxic effects of nanomaterials, a new challenge to human health and the environment. (Invited Plenary lecture). 26. F. Chen (Aug. 19, 2005) UC Davis Biomedical Engineering Department, Nanotechnology and imaging-based early diagnosis of cancer (invited seminar). 27. F.Chen (July 29, 2005) UCSF Hematology-Oncology Division, Bioimaging from a nano viewpoint. (invited seminar). 28. F Chen (June 23, 2005) NASA Ames Nanotechnology Center. Nanoliter-scale enzyme activity profiling for cancer. (Invited seminar)。 29. F Chen (June 17, 2005) UCSF Stem Cell and nanotechnology workshop. Nanoparticle-based cell imaging and in vivo imaging。 30. F Chen (June 1, 2005) NASA 2005 Environmental Sentinel Meeting, Johnson Space Center, NASA. Nanotechnology-based single cell enzyme activity profiling (Invited keynote speech)。 31. F Chen (May 5, 2005) QB3-Genentech biotechnology symposium. Nanoplasmonic sensors and multimodality Qdot. 32. F.Chen (2005) Multimodality nanoparticle-based in vivo imaging reagent. NIBIB-DOE Nanotechnology Workshop, Bethesda, Maryland. 33. F.Chen. (Aug. 2004) Nanobiology and its applications in cancer research. NCI Nanomedicine new directions in "nano-biology" workshop. Half Moon Bay, California。 34. F. Chen (2004) Use of microarray analysis for space radiation health effect study. 15th Annual NASA Space Radiation Health Investigators’ Conference. Port Jefferson, New York。 35. F. Chen (2004) Analysis of gene expression of high LET radiation using microarray. 3rd International workshop on space radiation research. New York。 36. F.Chen. (2002) Use of nanotechnology and electronic microarray in multipathogen detection (Invited speech to VPs of Technology Development) Roche Diagnostics, USA。 37. F.Chen. (2002) Use of nanotechnology and electronic microarray in multipathogen detection (Invited speech to President of Bio-Rad, Dr . David Schwartz and senior managements) Bio-Rad Laboratory, California。 38. F. Chen (2000) Adenovirus-expressed human lysozyme (hLZ) gene transfer as a novel treatment for diabetic nephropathy. (Invited) American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, also published in Diabetes, May 2000 issue.。 39. F. Chen (1995) Role of DNA-PK complex in DNA double-strand break repair. 10th International Congress of Radiation Research, Würzberg, Germany。 40. F. Chen (1995) Disruption of the DNA-PK complex in DNA double-strand break repair mutants. 43rd Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, San Jose, California。
41. F. Chen (1994) Isolation of YAC clones from human chromosome 1q35, where the human radiation repair gene XRCC5 is mapped. 42nd Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Nashville, Tennessee。
1.Nanoplasmonic molecular ruler for studying DNA-protein interactions and proteomic change. Material Research Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco Moscone Center, April 12, 2007。 2. Nanotoxicology, CalEPA, April 17, 2007(Invited). 3. Molecular Profiling of Nanomaterial Toxicity, Nanotoxicology 2007, Venice, Italy, April 19-21, 2007(Invited). 4. Toxicity Profiling of Nanomaterials, Society of Toxicology, Midwestern Regional Chapter Spring meeting, May 18, 2007(Invited). 5. Toxicity Profiling of Nanomaterials. International Science Forum on Computational Toxicology, US EPA, Research Triangle Park, May 23, 2007(Invited). 6. Predictive Methodology and Tools for Nanotoxicology, TechConnect Summit, Santa Clara, May 24, 2007(Invited). 7. Molecular Profiling of Nanomaterial Toxicity. International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON), June 5-7, 2007, Zurich(Invited). 8. Multimodality imaging nanoprobes. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, CARS Conference 2007, Berlin (Invited). 9. Nanotechnology, challenge and opportunity. Organizing committee and invited speaker. 3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, Taiwan, August 29-Sept. 1, 2007(Invited). 10. International symposium on fine chemistry and functional polymers & 3rd IUPAC international symposium on novel materials and their synthesis, Shanghai, Oct. 17-23, 2007 (Invited)。 11. F.F.Chen. (Nov., 2006) Nano-bio hybrids. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory。 12. F.F.Chen. (Oct. 13) Peptide-Conjugated Hybrid SERS Probes for Real-time Detections of Enzymatic and Kinomic Reactions. Biomedical Engineer Society 2006 Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2006。 13. F.F.Chen (July 30-31) Chair, East Technology Forum, Nanotechnology and impact on environment and health policy. Shanghai China。 14. F.F. Chen (Oct., 2006) Biological Impact of Nanoparticles Assessed by Molecular Profiling. JEOM meeting, Nanotechnology and impact. Kunming, China。 15. F.F. Chen (Sept. 2006) Nanotechnology and Omics. 2006 International Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver (Invited). 16. F.F.Chen, (Sept. 7-8, 2006) Quantum dots and imaging applications. 2006 Workshop on Multiscale Biological Imaging, Data Mining & Informatics, Santa Barbara, CA (Invited)。 17. July 23-26, 2006 Use of nanobiotechnology in space. COSPAR Colloqium, Xi’an, China (Invited)。 18. July 16-19, 2006. Multimodality nanoparticles for in vivo imaging. InterProstateSPORE meeting. Invited speech. 19. F.F.Chen (May 25, 2006) Molecular ruler and nanoarray. Molecular Foundry Workshop. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley。 20. April 19, 2006. Invited seminar. Nanotoxicity and assessment strategies. Nanotox Inc. Houston。 21. F.F. Chen (March, 2006) Nano-bio hybrids. Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences. (Invited lecture). 22. F.F. Chen (Feb. 5-7, 2006 ) Multimodality quantum dots for in vivo imaging applications for prostate cancer. InterProstate SPORE meeting, Houston。 23. F.F.Chen, Nano-bio hybrids, Feb 4, 2006. UT Southwestern Medical Center, Invited Seminar. 24. D. Gerion, J.L.Herberg, E. Gjersing, R. Maxwll, F.F. Chen (Nov. 2005) Material Research Society Annual Meeting. Silanized quantum dots with MRI signatures: an integrated tiny probe for nanomedicine? (Invited Speech)。 25. F Chen (November 3, 2005) The International Conference on Environmental and Genentical Damage, and the 12th Congress of CEMS(Chinese Environmental Mutagen Society) . Toxic effects of nanomaterials, a new challenge to human health and the environment. (Invited Plenary lecture). 26. F. Chen (Aug. 19, 2005) UC Davis Biomedical Engineering Department, Nanotechnology and imaging-based early diagnosis of cancer (invited seminar). 27. F.Chen (July 29, 2005) UCSF Hematology-Oncology Division, Bioimaging from a nano viewpoint. (invited seminar). 28. F Chen (June 23, 2005) NASA Ames Nanotechnology Center. Nanoliter-scale enzyme activity profiling for cancer. (Invited seminar)。 29. F Chen (June 17, 2005) UCSF Stem Cell and nanotechnology workshop. Nanoparticle-based cell imaging and in vivo imaging。 30. F Chen (June 1, 2005) NASA 2005 Environmental Sentinel Meeting, Johnson Space Center, NASA. Nanotechnology-based single cell enzyme activity profiling (Invited keynote speech)。 31. F Chen (May 5, 2005) QB3-Genentech biotechnology symposium. Nanoplasmonic sensors and multimodality Qdot. 32. F.Chen (2005) Multimodality nanoparticle-based in vivo imaging reagent. NIBIB-DOE Nanotechnology Workshop, Bethesda, Maryland. 33. F.Chen. (Aug. 2004) Nanobiology and its applications in cancer research. NCI Nanomedicine new directions in "nano-biology" workshop. Half Moon Bay, California。 34. F. Chen (2004) Use of microarray analysis for space radiation health effect study. 15th Annual NASA Space Radiation Health Investigators’ Conference. Port Jefferson, New York。 35. F. Chen (2004) Analysis of gene expression of high LET radiation using microarray. 3rd International workshop on space radiation research. New York。 36. F.Chen. (2002) Use of nanotechnology and electronic microarray in multipathogen detection (Invited speech to VPs of Technology Development) Roche Diagnostics, USA。 37. F.Chen. (2002) Use of nanotechnology and electronic microarray in multipathogen detection (Invited speech to President of Bio-Rad, Dr . David Schwartz and senior managements) Bio-Rad Laboratory, California。 38. F. Chen (2000) Adenovirus-expressed human lysozyme (hLZ) gene transfer as a novel treatment for diabetic nephropathy. (Invited) American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting, also published in Diabetes, May 2000 issue.。 39. F. Chen (1995) Role of DNA-PK complex in DNA double-strand break repair. 10th International Congress of Radiation Research, Würzberg, Germany。 40. F. Chen (1995) Disruption of the DNA-PK complex in DNA double-strand break repair mutants. 43rd Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, San Jose, California。
41. F. Chen (1994) Isolation of YAC clones from human chromosome 1q35, where the human radiation repair gene XRCC5 is mapped. 42nd Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Nashville, Tennessee。
1. Erica Gjersing, Julie Herberg, Daniele Gerion, Robert Maxwell, Fanqing Frank Chen. (2005) MRI AND NMR INVESTIGATIONS OF GD3+ CONTRAST AGENT. Material Research Society Annual meeting.
2. Gregory T. Langland, Yinghui Guan, Steven M. Yannone, Masato Shingyoji1, Koei Chin, Wen-Lin Kuo, Rich Neve, Sydney Long, Lien Vonguyen, David J. Chen, Joe W. Gray, Fanqing Chen (2005) EVALUATION OF P53 AND THE DNA-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE AS PREDICTORS OF RADIATION-SENSITIVITY IN OVARIAN CANCER CELLS. 55th Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. Denver, Colorado
3. Heidi S. Feiler, Jian Jin, Fanqing Chen, Robert Nordmeyer, Jeremy Semeiks, Paul T. Spellman, Earl Cornell, Bahram Parvin, Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, Joe W. Gray. DEVELOPMENT OF AN AFFYMETRIX HIGH THROUGHPUT GENE EXPRESSION AND GENOTYPING SYSTEM AN AUTOMATED CELL CULTURE CORE. NCI Integrated Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) 2005 meeting, Berkeley, CA
4. F Chen et al (2005) MULTI-MODALITY NANOPARTICLE AS IMAGING REAGENT FOR ANTIBODY-BASED THERAPEUTICS. NIH CDP Symposium Moving Biosensors to Point-of-Care Cancer Diagnostics.
5. Fanqing Frank Chen , Daniele Gerion, Thomas Lowery, Julie Herberg, David E. Wemmer, Jonathan Ellman, Byron Hann, James D. Marks, Claude F. Meares, Thomas F. Budinger, Alex Pines, A. Paul Alivisatos, Joe W. Gray (2005) MULTI-MODALITY NANOPARTICLE AS IMAGING REAGENT FOR ANTIBODY-BASED THERAPEUTICS. NIBIB-DOE Nanotechnology Workshop, Bethesda, Maryland.
6. Fanqing Frank Chen, Gang L. Liu, Daniele Gerion, Yadong Yin, A. Paul Alivisatos, Joe W. Gray and Luke P. Lee (2005) SINGLE NANOPARTICLE MOLECULAR RULER-BASED NANOPLASMONIC DETECTION OF ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY WITH SUB-NANOMETER PRECISION. NIBIB-DOE Nanotechnology Workshop, Bethesda, Maryland.
8. F.Chen. (2004) NANOBIOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN CANCER RESEARCH. NCI Nanomedicine 1st workshop on new directions in "nano-biology". Half Moon Bay, California
9. F.Chen (2004) USE OF MICROARRAY ANALYSIS FOR SPACE RADIATION HEALTH EFFECT STUDY. 15th Annual NASA Space Radiation Health Investigators’ Conference. Port Jefferson, New York
10. F. Chen (2004) ANALYSIS OF GENE EXPRESSION OF HIGH LET RADIATION. 3rd International workshop on space radiation research. New York
11. F.Chen (2004) . Fanqing Chen, Sandeep Burma, Nicholai Boubnov, and David, J. Chen (2002) KU80 CORE DOMAIN MEDIATES DNA END BINDING, KU70 STABILIZATION, AND V(D)J RECOMBINATION. 52th Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
12. F. Chen (2000) ADENOVIRUS-EXPRESSED HUMAN LYSOZYME (hLZ) GENE TRANSFER AS A NOVEL TREATMENT FOR DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY. (Invited oral presentation) American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting
13. F. Chen, Cai, W., Zeng, F., Vlassara, H. (1999) ADENOVIRUS-EXPRESSED HUMAN LYSOZYME (hLZ) GENE TRANSFER AS A NOVEL TREATMENT FOR DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY. American Society of Nephrology 32nd Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida
14. F. Chen, D. L. Ludwig, S. R. Peterson, A. Nussenzweig, G. C. Li, D. J. Chen (1997) METHYLATION CONTROLLED, SEQUENCE-SPECIFIC KU BINDING WITHIN THE KU80 PROMOTER. Gordon Research Conference-Mammalian DNA Repair, Ventura, CA
15. F. Chen, R. B. Cary, S. R. Peterson, D. J. Chen (1996) CHARACTERIZATION OF KU70 STABILITY AND KU70 C-TERMINAL DNA END-BINDING ACTIVITY. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana
16. F. Chen, A. J. Nastasi, Z. Shen, H. Crissman,, D. J. Chen (1996) CELL-CYCLE DEPENDENT EXPRESSION OF HUMAN HOMOLOG OF RAD51. 44th Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Chicago, Illinois
17. F. Chen, S. R. Peterson, D. J. Chen (1995) ROLE OF DNA-PK COMPLEX IN DNA-DOUBLE-STRAND BREAK REPAIR. 10th International Congress of Radiation Research, Würzberg, Germany
18. F. Chen, S. R. Peterson, D. J. Chen (1995) DISRUPTION OF THE DNA-PK COMPLEX IN DNA-DOUBLE-STRAND BREAK REPAIR MUTANTS. 43rd Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, San Jose, California
19. F. Chen, S. R. Peterson, D. J. Chen (1995) INVOLVEMENT OF THE DNA-PK COMPLEX IN DNA DOUBLE-STRAND BREAK REPAIR. 1995 Keystone Symposia, Taos, New Mexico
20. F. Chen, P. Purtymun, N. Doggett, D. J. Chen (1994) ISOLATION OF YAC CLONES FROM HUMAN CHROMOSOME 2Q35, WHERE THE HUMAN RADIATION REPAIR GENE XRCC5 IS MAPPED. 42nd Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Nashville, Tennessee
American Chemical Society
Radiation Research Society
Biomedical Engineering Society
Environmental Mutagen Society
Material Research Society
SPIE (the International Society for Optical Engineering)
審核委員會(Review responsibilities)
加利福尼亞州生物科技發展基金審核委員會成員California State Discovery Fund, reviewer for biotechnology study section
英國醫學研究委員會納米科技審核委員會成員Reviewer for nanotechnology study group, Medical Research Council (MRC), UK
美國國家衛生院NIAID/NIH Special Emphasis Review Panel 特別審核委員會成員(2006, 2007,2008)
美國能源部審核委員會成員review panelist DOE SBIR Grants (2004)
美國國防部審核委員會成員Nanotechnology, DOD (2006),香港研究資助局審核委員會成員Research Grant Council, Hong Kong (2007)