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陳傳峰,中國科學院化學研究所研究員、博士生導師,中國科學院分子識別與功能實驗室學術帶頭人 ,中國科學院大學研究生導師 。2000年入選中科院“百人計畫”,2006年獲國家傑出青年基金,2010年獲北京市科學技術獎二等獎。



陳傳峰[中國科學院化學研究所研究員] 陳傳峰[中國科學院化學研究所研究員]

1982-1986年 安徽師大化學系,本科;

1986-1989年 杭州大學化學系,碩士;

1991-1994年 南京大學化學系,博士。

1994-1996年 中科院化學所,博士後;

1996-1998年 中科院化學所,副研究員;

1998-2001年 美國新墨西哥大學化學系,訪問學者。


本課題組成立於2001年,建組以來,我們一直致力於具有結構與功能特色的合成主體分子體系的建立與發展、以及有機功能分子的設計合成與套用研究工作,在包括杯芳烴化學、基於蝶烯新型合成主體的超分子化學、多氫鍵分子組裝、以及螺旋手性分子(螺旋摺疊體、螺烯)的合成與套用(分子識別與細胞成像、分子組裝、有機發光材料、不對稱催化)等方面取得了系列研究結果。建組以來已在包括Chem. Rev., Acc. Chem. Res., J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACIE等雜誌上發表論文二百餘篇,撰寫中英文著作各1本,其他中英文著作6章節,譯著2章節。近年來,課題組承擔了國家自然科學基金委、科技部、科學院、分子科學中心等多個科研項目。









Li-Li Zhou, Meng Li, Hai-Yan Lu,* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Benzo[5]helicene-based conjugated polymers: synthesis, photophysical properties, and application for the detection of nitroaromatic explosives,Polym. Chem.2016,7, 310–318.

Han-Xiao Wang, Zheng Meng, Jun-Feng Xiang, Yu-Xiang Xia, Yihua Sun, Shu-Zhen Hu, Hui Chen,* Jiannian Yao and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Guest-dependent directional complexation based on triptycene derived oxacalixarene: formation of oriented rotaxanes,Chem. Sci.2016,7, 469–474.

Ying Han,* Zheng Meng and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Acid/base controllable complexation of a triptycene-derived macrotricyclic host and protonated 4,40-bipyridinium/pyridinium salts,Chem. Commun.2016,52, 590-593.

Ying Han, Tong-Ling Liang, Xiang Hao and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Solid-state “Russian doll”-like capsules based on a triptycene-derived macrotricyclic host with paraquat derivative and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,CrystEngComm,2016, 10.1039/c6ce00204h.

Geng-Wu Zhang, Peng-Fei Li, Zheng Meng,Han-XiaoWang, Ying Han, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Triptycene-Based Chiral Macrocyclic Hosts for Highly Enantioselective Recognition of Chiral Guests Containing a Trimethylamino Group,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016,55(17), 5304-5308.

Huaning Zhu, Meng Li, Jiangpu Hu, Xian Wang, Jialong Jie, Qianjin Guo,Chuanfeng Chen*, Andong Xia*,Ultrafast Investigation of Intramolecular Charge Transfer and Solvation Dynamics of Tetrahydro[5] helicene-based Imide Derivatives,Sci. Rep.2016, SREP-15-38400A.

Zheng Meng, Jun-Feng Xiang, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Directional Molecular Transportation Based on a Catalytic Stopper-Leaving Rotaxane System,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016,138(17), 5652–5658.

Jing Li, Meng Li, Li-Li Zhou, Shuang-Yan Lang, Hai-Yan Lu, Dong Wang,* Chuan-Feng Chen,* and Li-Jun Wan*, Click and Patterned Functionalization of Graphene by Diels-Alder Reaction,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016, accepted

Xiaohong Yang, Ying Han, Meiling Qi,* Chuanfeng Chen,* Iptycene-based stationary phase with three-dimensional aromatic structure for highly selective separation of H-bonding analytes and aromatic isomers,J. Chromatography A,2016,1445, 135–139.

Han-Xiao Wang, Shu-Zhen Hu, Zheng Meng, Ying Han and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Synthesis and Structures of Triptycene-Derived Oxacalixarenes with Expanded Cavities: Tunable and SwitchableComplexation Towards Bipyridinium Salts,Chem. Asian J.2016, 10.1002asia.201600419.

Fei Zeng,Ying Hanand Chuan-Feng Chen*,Self-sorting behavior of a four-component host–guest system and its incorporation into a linear supramolecular alternating copolymer,Chem. Commun.2015,51(17),3593–3595.

Fei Zeng and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Synthesis of a novel water-soluble cylindrical macrotricyclic host and its complexation withN-methylquinolinium andN-methyliso- quinolinium salts: formation of 1:2 complexes in water,Org. Biomol. Chem.,2015,13(7), 1988–1991.

Ying-Xian Ma, Zheng Meng, Chuan-Feng Chen*, Synthesis of Substituted Iptycenes,Synlett2015,26, 6–30.

Ying Han, Yi Jiang, Chuan-Feng Chen*, Cryptand-based hosts for organic guests,Tetrahedron,2015,71, 503–522.

Ying Han, Ya-Kun Gu, Jia-Bin Guo, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Linker-Length-Dependent Complexation of a Triptycene-Derived Macrotricyclic Polyether with π-Extended Viologens,Eur. J. Org. Chem.2015, 1257–1263.

Xiao-Jun Li, Meng Li, Wei Yao, Hai-Yan Lu*, YongSheng Zhao* and Chuan-Feng Chen*,Dialkoxybenzo[j]fluoranthenes: synthesis, structures, photophysical properties, and optical waveguide application,RSC Adv.2015,5, 18609–18614.

Zheng Meng, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, A molecular pulley based on a triptly interlocked [2]rotaxane,Chem. Commun.2015,51, 8241-8244.

Peng-Fei Li, Ying Han, Chuan-Feng Chen*,Synthesis and structures of triptycene-derived Tro¨ ger’s base molecularclips,Chin. Chem. Lett.2015,26, 839–842.

Ya-Kun Gu, Ying Han and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Guest-dependent complexation of triptycene-derived macrotricyclic host containing one anthracene moiety with paraquat derivatives: construction of [2]rotaxanes,Supramol. Chem.2015,27(5-6), 357-363.

Xiao-Jun Li, Meng Li, Hai-Yan Lu* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, A dinaphtho[8,1,2-cde:2’,1’,8’-uva]pentacene derivative and analogues: synthesis, structures, photophysical and electrochemical properties,Org. Biomol. Chem.2015,13, 7628–7632.

Meng Li, Yingli Niu, Hai-Yan Lu,* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Tetrahydro[5]helicene-based dye with remarkable and reversible acid/base stimulated fluorescence switching properties in solution and solid state,Dyes and Pigments,2015,120, 184-189.

Jun-Dao Chen, Lei Fang and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Recent Progress in BINOL Mediated Asymmetric Reactions,Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry,2015,12(4), 310-327.

Zheng Meng, Ying Han, Li-Na Wang, Jun-Feng Xiang,* Sheng-Gui He,* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, The Stepwise Motion in a Multivalent [2](3)Catenane,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2015,137, 9739−9745.

韓瑩,孟征,陳傳峰*,三蝶烯衍生大三環主體與π-延展雙吡啶鹽之間絡合性質的研究,化學學報,2015,73, 1147-1152.

Hong Zhang, Junfeng Xiang, Haiyu Hu, Yan Liu, Fengmin Yang, Gang Shen,Yalin Tang*, Chuanfeng Chen*, Selective recognition of specific G-quadruplex vs.duplex DNA by aphenanthroline derivative,Inter. J. Biol. Macromol.2015,78, 149–156.


Li-Li Zhou, Meng Li, Hai-Yan Lu,* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Benzo[5]helicene-based conjugated polymers: synthesis, photophysical properties, and application for the detection of nitroaromatic explosives,Polym. Chem.2016,7, 310–318.


Han-Xiao Wang, Zheng Meng, Jun-Feng Xiang, Yu-Xiang Xia, Yihua Sun, Shu-Zhen Hu, Hui Chen,* Jiannian Yao and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Guest-dependent directional complexation based on triptycene derived oxacalixarene: formation of oriented rotaxanes,Chem. Sci.2016,7, 469–474.


Ying Han,* Zheng Meng and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Acid/base controllable complexation of a triptycene-derived macrotricyclic host and protonated 4,40-bipyridinium/pyridinium salts,Chem. Commun.2016,52, 590-593.


Ying Han, Tong-Ling Liang, Xiang Hao and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Solid-state “Russian doll”-like capsules based on a triptycene-derived macrotricyclic host with paraquat derivative and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,CrystEngComm,2016, 10.1039/c6ce00204h.


Geng-Wu Zhang, Peng-Fei Li, Zheng Meng,Han-XiaoWang, Ying Han, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Triptycene-Based Chiral Macrocyclic Hosts for Highly Enantioselective Recognition of Chiral Guests Containing a Trimethylamino Group,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016,55(17), 5304-5308.


Huaning Zhu, Meng Li, Jiangpu Hu, Xian Wang, Jialong Jie, Qianjin Guo,Chuanfeng Chen*, Andong Xia*,Ultrafast Investigation of Intramolecular Charge Transfer and Solvation Dynamics of Tetrahydro[5] helicene-based Imide Derivatives,Sci. Rep.2016, SREP-15-38400A.


Zheng Meng, Jun-Feng Xiang, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Directional Molecular Transportation Based on a Catalytic Stopper-Leaving Rotaxane System,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016,138(17), 5652–5658.


Jing Li, Meng Li, Li-Li Zhou, Shuang-Yan Lang, Hai-Yan Lu, Dong Wang,* Chuan-Feng Chen,* and Li-Jun Wan*, Click and Patterned Functionalization of Graphene by Diels-Alder Reaction,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016, accepted


Xiaohong Yang, Ying Han, Meiling Qi,* Chuanfeng Chen,* Iptycene-based stationary phase with three-dimensional aromatic structure for highly selective separation of H-bonding analytes and aromatic isomers,J. Chromatography A,2016,1445, 135–139.


Han-Xiao Wang, Shu-Zhen Hu, Zheng Meng, Ying Han and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Synthesis and Structures of Triptycene-Derived Oxacalixarenes with Expanded Cavities: Tunable and SwitchableComplexation Towards Bipyridinium Salts,Chem. Asian J.2016, 10.1002asia.201600419.


Fei Zeng,Ying Hanand Chuan-Feng Chen*,Self-sorting behavior of a four-component host–guest system and its incorporation into a linear supramolecular alternating copolymer,Chem. Commun.2015,51(17),3593–3595.


Fei Zeng and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Synthesis of a novel water-soluble cylindrical macrotricyclic host and its complexation withN-methylquinolinium andN-methyliso- quinolinium salts: formation of 1:2 complexes in water,Org. Biomol. Chem.,2015,13(7), 1988–1991.


Ying-Xian Ma, Zheng Meng, Chuan-Feng Chen*, Synthesis of Substituted Iptycenes,Synlett2015,26, 6–30.


Ying Han, Yi Jiang, Chuan-Feng Chen*, Cryptand-based hosts for organic guests,Tetrahedron,2015,71, 503–522.


Ying Han, Ya-Kun Gu, Jia-Bin Guo, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Linker-Length-Dependent Complexation of a Triptycene-Derived Macrotricyclic Polyether with π-Extended Viologens,Eur. J. Org. Chem.2015, 1257–1263.


Xiao-Jun Li, Meng Li, Wei Yao, Hai-Yan Lu*, YongSheng Zhao* and Chuan-Feng Chen*,Dialkoxybenzo[j]fluoranthenes: synthesis, structures, photophysical properties, and optical waveguide application,RSC Adv.2015,5, 18609–18614.


Zheng Meng, and Chuan-Feng Chen*, A molecular pulley based on a triptly interlocked [2]rotaxane,Chem. Commun.2015,51, 8241-8244.


Peng-Fei Li, Ying Han, Chuan-Feng Chen*,Synthesis and structures of triptycene-derived Tro¨ ger’s base molecularclips,Chin. Chem. Lett.2015,26, 839–842.


Ya-Kun Gu, Ying Han and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Guest-dependent complexation of triptycene-derived macrotricyclic host containing one anthracene moiety with paraquat derivatives: construction of [2]rotaxanes,Supramol. Chem.2015,27(5-6), 357-363.


Xiao-Jun Li, Meng Li, Hai-Yan Lu* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, A dinaphtho[8,1,2-cde:2’,1’,8’-uva]pentacene derivative and analogues: synthesis, structures, photophysical and electrochemical properties,Org. Biomol. Chem.2015,13, 7628–7632.


Meng Li, Yingli Niu, Hai-Yan Lu,* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Tetrahydro[5]helicene-based dye with remarkable and reversible acid/base stimulated fluorescence switching properties in solution and solid state,Dyes and Pigments,2015,120, 184-189.


Jun-Dao Chen, Lei Fang and Chuan-Feng Chen*, Recent Progress in BINOL Mediated Asymmetric Reactions,Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry,2015,12(4), 310-327.


Zheng Meng, Ying Han, Li-Na Wang, Jun-Feng Xiang,* Sheng-Gui He,* and Chuan-Feng Chen*, The Stepwise Motion in a Multivalent [2](3)Catenane,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2015,137, 9739−9745.


韓瑩,孟征,陳傳峰*,三蝶烯衍生大三環主體與π-延展雙吡啶鹽之間絡合性質的研究,化學學報,2015,73, 1147-1152.


Hong Zhang, Junfeng Xiang, Haiyu Hu, Yan Liu, Fengmin Yang, Gang Shen,Yalin Tang*, Chuanfeng Chen*, Selective recognition of specific G-quadruplex vs.duplex DNA by aphenanthroline derivative,Inter. J. Biol. Macromol.2015,78, 149–156.








