Sleep Alone
Thousands of cities from home
Wander into the unknown
Chances are here I was told
Crossing the footsteps of new and of old
Recurring smiles in the air
Sky bule and life full of cheer
Stories of people unfold
All and we'd imagined is here
Travel on into the dawn
Where memones grow
Sway along with all the names
That this life may hold
It's the little things little things
Laugh through the night
Through the crowd
Till the end of the road
Travel on beyond the dawn
Where everyone knows
Faces familiar
A place I'd call home
If there's anything anything
I'd ask about in the end
Where will I wake up tomorrow
Travel on into the dawn
Where memones grow
Sway along with all the names
That this life may hold
It's the little things little things
Laugh through the night
Through the crowd
Till the end of the road
Travel on beyond the dawn
Where everyone knows
Faces familiar
A place I'd call home
If there's anything anything
I'd ask about in the end
Where will I wake up tomorrow
《陪你度過漫長歲月》是電影《陪安東尼度過漫長歲月》的主題曲,由葛大為填詞、 黎曉陽與謝國維作曲,陳奕迅演唱。
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Sleep Alone[陳奕迅演唱歌曲]
《Sleep Alone》是電影《陪安東尼度過漫長歲月》的英文版主題曲,由Stephen Mok填詞,黎曉陽、謝國維譜曲,C.Y.Kong(江志仁)編曲...
』EP ;11月,創作並演唱治癒系電影《陪安東尼度過漫長歲月》主題曲...就讀於台北縣私立光仁高級中學音樂班。1989年創作班級畢業歌曲,同時也創...》 ;擔任L.A.BOYS歌曲《BABY COME TO ME》MTV...
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+A”再度攜手推出『謝謝』EP;11月,創作並演唱治癒系電影《陪安東尼度過...;2013年主演電影《明天記得愛上我》 ;2016年,擔任《中國好歌曲第三季...就讀於台北縣私立光仁高級中學音樂班。 1989年創作班級畢業歌曲,同時也創...
簡介 早年經歷 演藝生涯 代表作品 為他人創作 -
,創作並演唱治癒系電影《陪安東尼度過漫長歲月》主題曲《同步...高級中學音樂班。1989年創作班級畢業歌曲,同時也創作了《自言自語》這首歌...L.A.BOYS歌曲《BABY COME TO ME》MTV 女主角...
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Sleep Alone
英文歌詞 Thousands of cities from home Wander into the unknown Chanc...
英文歌詞 中文歌詞