菜系及功效:肺調養食譜 氣血雙補食譜 滋陰食譜 清熱解毒食譜 胃炎食譜
1. 銀耳用溫水泡軟後洗淨,加水適量,隔水蒸熟。阿膠提前熔化。
2. 加地榆、白花蛇舌草煎煮後取汁液。
3. 將阿膠汁、地榆、白花蛇舌草汁調勻,與銀耳混合後同服。
1. 此菜具有清肺,益氣的功效。
2. 西醫認為本菜營養豐富,含蛋白質、糖類、無機鹽、維生素B、脂肪、粗纖維等成分,具有益氣、活血、潤腸之功效,能增強人體免疫力,對肺癌患者有療效。
3. 中醫認為銀耳性平,味甘、淡,能滋陰潤肺、養胃生津;白花蛇舌草性寒,味苦、甘,能清熱、利濕、解毒。小帖士-食物相剋:
Cuisine and effect: lung nursed back to health recipes recipe yin qi and blood fill gastritis recipes recipes recipes Qingrejiedu
Flavors: original flavor
Technology: stew
Tremella stew diffusa production materials:
Ingredients: Tremella (dry) 25 grams, 20 grams Sanguisorba, diffusa 30 grams, 12 grams gelatin
1. Tremella after the wash with warm water till soft, add water, adequate and steam cooked. Ejiao early melting.
2. Plus Burnet, Hedyotis diffusa obtained after boiling the juice.
3. The donkey-hide gelatin juice, Burnet, Hedyotis diffusa juice and mix thoroughly, and mix with the services Tremella.
Small posts disabilities - Health Tip:
1. This menu with clearing the Lungs, the effect of qi.
2. Western view that the food nutritious, containing protein, carbohydrate, mineral, vitamin B, fat, crude fiber and other components, with Qi, activating blood circulation and easing the effect, can enhance human immunity, effect on lung cancer patients .
3. TCM Tremella nature, sweet, light, can Yin and lungs, Yang Wei Sheng Jin; diffusa of cold, bitter, sweet, to heat, dampness, detoxification. Small posts disabilities - Food with g:
Ejiao: Ejiao Wei rhubarb