



2003年7月至2007年7月,就讀於南開大學生命科學學院生物技術專業,獲理學學士學位;2007年9月,免試進入南開大學生命科學學院生物化學與分子生物學系,2012年6月獲理學博士學位;2012年7月加入南開大學藥學院工作。主要研究方向為針對重大傳染性疾病與癌症相關的靶點蛋白,利用X射線衍射晶體學的方法,探求其結構生物學基礎與分子機制,並進行相關創新藥物的開發。研究成果已發表在Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Protein Cell, J Virol.等知名國際期刊上。




1. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus nucleoprotein reveals an endonuclease activity in theGuo, Wenming Wang, Wei Ji, Maping Deng, Yuna Sun, Honggang Zhou, Cheng Yang, Fei Deng, Hualin Wang, Zhihong Hu, Zhiyong Lou and Zihe Rao. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012 Mar 27; vol.109(13)pp.5046-51

2. A structural view of the antibiotic degradation enzyme NDM-1 from Guo, Wang J, Niu G, Shui W, Sun Y, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Yang C, Lou Z, Rao Z. Protein Cell. 2011 May;2(5):384-94.

3. Crystal structure and mutagenesis analysis of chitinase CrChi1 from the nematophagous fungus Clonostachys rosea in complex with the inhibitor caffeine.Yang J, Gan Z, Lou Z, Tao N, Mi Q, Liang L, Sun Y, Guo Y, Huang X, Zou C, Rao Z, Meng Z, Zhang KQ. Microbiology. 2010 Dec;156(Pt 12):3566-74. Epub 2010 Sep 9.

4. A novel non-radioactive assay for HIV-RT (RdDp) based on pyrosequencing for high-throughput drug screening.Zhang C, Wu Y, Sun Y, Hong C, Xiang K, Guo Y, Bartlam M, Lou Z. Protein Cell. 2010 Mar;1(3):284-90.

5. The crystal structures of two cuticle-degrading proteases from nematophagous fungi and their contribution to infection against nematodes.Liang L, Meng Z, Ye F, Yang J, Liu S, Sun Y, Guo Y, Mi Q, Huang X, Zou C, Rao Z, Lou Z, Zhang KQ. FASEB J. 2009 Dec 18.

6. Crystal structure of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus leader protease Nsp1alpha.Sun Y, Xue F, Guo Y, Ma M, Hao N, Zhang XC, Lou Z, Li X, Rao Z. J Virol. 2009 Nov;83(21):10931-40.

7. Nucleoside monophosphate complex structures of the endonuclease domain from the influenza virus polymerase PA subunit reveal the substrate binding site inside the catalytic center.Zhao C, Lou Z, Guo Y, Ma M, Chen Y, Liang S, Zhang L, Chen S, Li X, Liu Y, Bartlam M, Rao Z. J Virol. 2009 Sep;83(18):9024-30.

8. Preliminary crystallographic study of two cuticle-degrading proteases from the nematophagous fungi Lecanicilliumpsalliotae and, Liang L, Mi Q, Yang J, Lou Z, Sun Y, Guo Y, Meng Z, Zhang K. ActaCrystallogr Sect F StructBiolCrystCommun. 2009 Mar 1;65(Pt 3):271-4.

9. Structural basis of beta-catenin recognition by Tax-interacting protein-1.Zhang J, Yan X, Shi C, Yang X, Guo Y, Tian C, Long J, Shen Y. J Mol Biol. 2008 Dec 5;384(1):255-63. Epub 2008 Sep 21.


