







課程名稱 課程類別 周學時 屆數 學生總人數
固體物理學 專業基礎課 3 4屆 113人
大學物理(理) 基礎課 4 2屆 118人
熱力學統計物理 專業基礎課 4 2屆 116人
磁學理論 碩士生課程 4 5屆 53人





指導畢業論文 4屆 5人/屆總人數 20人。

指導課程設計 2屆 學生總人數 58人。

指導實習 3屆 學生總人數 89人。










教學研究論文 及主編教材:

凝聚態物理專題 中南大學出版社 2009年 副主編。








1. Guang-hua Guo, Hai-bei Zhang. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy and spin reorientation transition of compound. J. Alloys Compd.,2007,429,46-49.

2. Guang-hua Guo, Hai-bei Zhang. The spin reorientation transition and first order magnetization process of compound. J. Alloys Compd.,2007,doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.10.027

3. 秦江,郭光華,張海貝。化合物 的磁晶各向異性及自旋重取向相變研究。功能材料,2007,38 (3),

4. 張臘梅,郭光華,韓念梅。磁性納米線矯頑力隨角度變化規律的微磁學研究。中國有色金屬學報,2006,16(8),1400-1404。

5. 郭光華,張海貝。化合物 的磁晶各向異性及自旋重取向相變研究。物理學報,2005,54 (12), 5879-5883。

6. 郭光華,張海貝。化合物 的磁性和磁相變。中國有色金屬學報,2005,15(10), 1489-1492.

7. 張臘梅,郭光華,劉正方。磁性納米線反磁化機制的微磁學模擬與研究。中國有色金屬學報,2005,15(5),787~792。

8. 郭光華,張海貝,張劍。 化合物的磁性和磁相變的分子場理論研究。稀有金屬,2003,27(5), 574-576.

9. Guo Guang-Hua, Zhang Hai-Bei and R. Z. Levitin. Magnetic properties and magnetic phase diagrams of intermetallic compound . Chinese Physics, 2003, 12(6), 655-660.

10. Guo Guang-hua. Exchange interactions and magnetic properties of intermetallic compounds. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2003, 13(1), 1-5.

11. Guo Guanghua, N. P. Kolmakova, R. Z. Levitin, A. Yu. Sokolov and D. A. Filippov. Peculiarities of Magnetic Properties in Ferrimagnets with Antiferromagnetic Intra-Sublattice Exchange Interaction. The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2002, Vol.93 Suppl.1, S1-S7.

12. Guo Guanghua, M. V. Eremin, N. P. Kolmakova, A. S. Lagutin and R. Z. Levitin. Magnetic Properties of the HoMn2Ge2 Intermetallic Compound. Phys. Solid State, 2002, 44(11), 2091-2094.

13. Guo Guang-Hua, Wu Ye, Zhang Hai-Bei, D.A. Filippov, R.Z. Levitin and V.V. Snegirev. Magnetic phase transition and the corresponding magnetostriction of intermetallic compounds (R=Sm, Gd). Chinese Physics, 2002, 11(6), 608-612.

14. 郭光華,吳燁。化合物 (x=0.06, 0.07)中場誘導的反鐵磁→鐵磁一級磁相變。中國有色金屬學報,2002,12(2), 213-216.

15. Guo Guanghua, M. V. Eremin, A. Kirste, N. P. Kolmakova, A. S. Lagutin, R. Z. Levitin, M. von Ortenberg and A. A. Sidorenko. Magnetic Phase Transitions and Phase Diagrams of . J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 2001, 93(4), 796-804.

16. Guo Guanghua, R.Z. Levitin, V.V. Snegirev and D.A. Filippov. Magnetostriction of and intermetallic compounds. Phys. Solid State, 2001, 43(3), 496-500.

17. 郭光華, R.Z. Levitin。金屬間化合物 的自發磁相變和場誘導的磁相變。物理學報,2001,50 (2), 313-317.

18. Guo Guanghua, R.Z. Levitin, A,Yu. Sokolov, V.V. Snegirev and D.A. Filippov. Study of ferrimagnets with negative interaction within one of the sublattices: magnetic phase diagram of intermetallic compounds. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2000, 214, 301-308.

19. Guo Guang-hua, R.Z.Levitin, N.P.Kolmakova. Field-induced Magnetic Phase Transitions in Ferrimagnet : H-T Magnetic Phase Diagrams. J. Cent. South Univ. Technol., 2000, 7 (2), 107-110.

20. Guo Guanghua, R.Z. Levitin, V.V. Snegirev, D.A. Filippov, A,Yu. Sokolov. Magnetic phase diagram of the intermetallic compounds and the effect of a field on transitions of the Mn subsystem from the antiferromagnetic into the ferromagnetic state. J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 2000, 90 (6), 979-986.

21. 郭光華,R.Z.Levitin。金屬間化合物 (R=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb和Y)中的自發磁相變及相變時的磁彈性異常。物理學報,2000,49 (9), 1838-1845.

22. А.Yu.Sokolov, Guo Guanghua, S.А.Granovsky, R.Z.Levitin, H.Wada, М.Shiga, Т.Goto. Spontaneous and field-induced magnetic phase transitions in the intermetallic compounds . J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 1999, 89 (4), 723-733.

23. I,Yu.Gaidukova, Gou Guanghua, S.А.Granovsky, I.S.Dubenko, R.Z.Levitin, A.S.Markosyan, V.E.Rodimin. X-ray studies of magnetic phase transitions in the intermetallic compounds (R=La, Sm, Gd, Nd, Tb and Y). Phys. Solid State, 1999, 41 (11), 1885-1890.

24. Guo Guanghua, Filippov D.A. Kolmakova N.P, Levitin R.Z., Sidorenko A,A, Kirste A., von Ortenberg M., Puhlman N., Stolpe I., Morkevtsev I.M., Platonov V.V., Tatsenko O.V., Magnetic Phase H-T Diagram of GdMn2Ge2. 6th International Symposium on Research in High Magnetic Fields. Porto, Portugal, p.28 (2000).

25. Guo Guanghua, N.P.Kolmakova, R.Z.Levitin, A.A.Sidorenko, D.A.Filippov, Novel features in magnetic phase diagrams of . 8th European Magnetic Materials and Applications Conference, 7-10 June 2000, Kyev, Ukraine, p.301.

26. Guo Guanghua, N.P.Kolmakova, R.Z.Levitin, M,Yu.Nekrasova, A,Yu.Sokolov, D.A.Filippov, “Ferrimagnets with antiferromagnetic intra-sublattice exchange interaction: the system ”, The Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism. Moscow, Russia (1999), 133-136.

27. Guo Guanghua, N.P.Kolmakova, R.Z.Levitin, M,Yu.Nekrasova, A,Yu.Sokolov, “Spontaneous and field induced phase transitions in ferrimagnets with intra-sublattice antiferromagnetic exchange interaction”, The European Conference “Physics of Magnetism 99”, June 21-25, 1999, Poznan, Poland, 157.


Irreversible magnetic exchange-spring processes in antiferromagnetic exchange- coupled bilayer systems. Applied Physics Letters, 2008.9


湖南省本科生精品課程《固體物理學》 2010年 湖南省教育廳 課程負責人。

師德先進個人 2003年 中南大學。

教學質量優秀獎 2006年,2008年 中南大學。


