中文名:蒂迪·波納米生日: October 25, 1986
家鄉: Knoxville, TN
目前居住城市:Los Angeles, CA
Didi Benami 沉浸在爵士樂、布魯斯、南方搖滾、民謠、鄉村、藍調和流行音樂之中。在貝爾蒙特大學,她遇到人生中最好的知己 Rebecca Joy Lear。她倆的相遇真是上帝的安排。儘管 Didi 很想追求音樂,但她在貝爾蒙特大學時並沒有這么做。Rebecca 是一位來自來自堪薩斯州威奇托的歌手,她開始幫助 Didi 掌握並提高歌唱的能力,同時把歌唱表達和音樂寫作結合起來。Rebecca 重新點燃了 Didi 追求音樂事業的願望,希望與她對自己最熱愛的事情堅持到底。沒過多久她們意識到彼此是知心姐妹。於是她們一致決定堅持下去,繼續從事音樂。可悲的是,2005年12月聖誕前不久,Rebecca 因車禍喪生。這讓 Didi 意識到生命太過短暫,不能浪費自己喜歡做音樂的機會。意外失去 Rebecca 的 Didi 決定搬到 LA ,繼續追求自己的音樂夢想。
"音樂是如此美麗,歌詞是如此讓人心醉。Rebecca 是一位了不起、令人難以置信的作曲家。如此年輕的她就這樣帶著自己的音樂離開了這世界。如果這是我做的最後一件事,那么我希望幫她完成她的音樂夢想。"
2010年2月3日 周三 好萊塢周海選表演曲目: " Hey,Jude "
Randy: 我覺得很好聽,你的音域很寬。你的聲音有自己的特點,我很喜歡你。
2010年2月9日 周二 好萊塢周第一輪
表演曲目: " terrified " (kara dioguardi)
Simon: I hate to admit it ,but I really like that song. I thought that was terrific. I think she's cool.
Randy: I like her.
2010年2月16日 周三 好萊塢周第四輪
表演曲目: " angel " (Sarah Mclachlan)
Simon says she’s not the most consistent, but she makes it through
Didi Benami 進入 24 強。
2010年2月23日 周二 24 進 20
表演曲目: " The Way I Am " (Ingrid Michaelson)
Simon: I think you are a good singer. My problem tonight is too many people try to sound like Adele or Duffy. The song was dreary. What I am missing is a spark -- something that excites me. In the real world, that was quite dull. Take that to one side. I do like you and think you have a good voice.
Kara: I agree and disagree with him. I think the song is a good song because it is a singer/songwriter thing. You at least made some changes to the original recording that shows you are creative. You are showing another level than just trying to sound like someone else.
Randy: Where is the star factor? I see no outward oomph. The song is cool. I love the song. You sounded great, but it was so sleepy.
Ellen: I think if you were doing a show and it was one song in a set, but for the first night to reach out to a million people, for that first impression it was low key.
2010年3月3日 周三 20 進 16
表演曲目: " Lean On Me " (Bill Withers)
Randy: I would not have chosen a deep-rooted soul song for you. It showed your imperfections more than it heightened what you do.
Ellen: First of all, I love your voice. You have a great voice. I wish it woud've be Withers' "Lovely Day" .I don't know that was a great song choice.Hopefully, people will see through the song and vote for you.
Kara: It really wasn't good. You said you are a singer/songwriter and wanted to do something different. It felt like a karaoke bar. We lost the uniqueness of your voice and vocal stylings that got you to this point. I am still a fan of yours even though this wasn't good.
Simon: It was all over the place. It was screechy. It is frustrating because you get this fantastic opportunity to sing in front of millions and then you do something generic -- a wasted opportunity.