

趙雲鵬 ,工學博士,中國礦業大學副教授。 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金1項、中國國家博士後科學基金面上項目1項、中央高校基本科研業務費專項中國礦業大學青年科技基金1項(A類)。參與973計畫“中低階煤分級轉化聯產低碳燃料和化學品的基礎研究”和多項國家自然基金面上項目研究工作。目前在讀研究生7名,已畢業研究生6名。主講《化工設計》、《化工流程模擬與最佳化》和《化工原理》等課程。


2001年9月~2005年7月 鄭州大學 化工學院 學士;

2005年9月~2010年12月 大連理工大學 化工與生命科學學部 碩士、博士;

2011年1月~現在 中國礦業大學 化工學院 講師;

2014年1月 中國礦業大學 化工學院 副教授

2014年12月~2015年12月 美國猶他大學 訪問學者







[1] Zhao Y P , Hu H Q*, Jin L J, Wu B, Zhu S W. Pyrolysis behavior of weakly reductive coals from northwest China. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(2): 870-875.

[2] Zhao Y P, Hu H Q*, Jin L J, He X F, Zhu S W. Pyrolysis behavior of macerals from weakly reductive coals. Energy Fuels, 2010, 24 (12): 6314-6320.

[3] Zhao Y P, Hu H Q*, Jin L J, He X F. Pyrolysis behavior of vitrinite and inertinite from Pingshuo coal by TG-MS and in a fixed bed reactor. Fuel Process. Technol., 2011, 92 (4): 780-786.

[4] Zhao Y P*, Zhu W W, Wei X Y, Fan X, Cao J P, Dou Y Q, Zong Z M, Zhao W. Synergic effects of methanol and water on pine liquefaction. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 142: 504-509.

[5]Ding M, Zhao Y P*, Zhu Y Y, Zong Z M, Wei X Y, Fan X. The identifacation of soluble nitrogen-containing organic species in two Chinese lignites. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2014, 36(14): 2027-2032.

[6]Ding M, Zhao Y P* , Dou Y Q, Wei X Y, Fan X, Cao J P, Wang Y L, Zong Z M. Sequential extraction and thermal dissolution of Shengli lignite. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 135(7):20-24.

[7] Zhao Y P*,Tian Y J, Man Ding, Dou Y Q, Wei X Y, Fan X, He X F, Zong Z M. Difference in molecular composition of soluble organic species from two Chinese lignites with different geologic ages. Fuel, 2015, 148(5):120-126.

[8] Zhao Y P*, Xiao J, Ding M, Eric G. Eddings, Wei X Y, Fan X, Zong Z M. Sequential extraction and thermal dissolution of Baiyinhua lignite in isomeric CS2/acetone and toluene/methanol binary solvents. Energy Fuels, 2016, 30(1):47-53.

[9]Yang H D, Zhao Y P*, Li S F, Fan X, Wei X Y, Zong Z M. Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by calccined Zn/Al-LDHs. Water Science & Technology, 2016, 74(1): 229-235.

[10]Zhao Y P*, Zhang D, Tian Y J, He X F, Lu H, Fan X, Cao J P, Wei X Y, Zong Z M. Molecular composition of soluble organic species in Baiyinhua lignite and their evolution profiles during pyrolysis. Fuel, 2017, 148: 120-126.

[11]Xiao J, Zhao Y P*, Fan X, Cao J P, Kang G J, Zhao W, Wei X Y. Hydrogen bonding interactions between the organic oxygen/nitrogen monomers of lignite and water molecules: A DFT and AIM study. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 168(1): 58-64.

[12]Du J J, Zhao Y P*, Tian Y J, Fan X, Cao J P, Liu J P, Wei X Y. Co-alcoholysis of white pine sawdust and Shenmu sub-bituminous coal in sub- and supercritical ethanol. Journal of the Energy Institute, in press,


[1] Zhao Y P*, Ding M, Dou Y Q, Fan X, Wang Y L, Wei X Y. Comparative study on the pyrolysis behaviors of corn stalk and pine sawdust using TG-MS. Tianjin Univ, 2014, 20(2): 91-96.

[2] Zhao Y P*, Zong Z M, Li J N, Wang Y L, Fan X, Wei X Y. Oxidation of Lingwu coal extraction residue in aqueous sodium hypochlorite under mild conditions. Trans. Tianjin Univ, 2015, 21(1): 19-25.

[3]閆潔, 趙雲鵬 *,肖劍,田由甲. 勝利褐煤和小龍潭褐煤在甲醇中的熱溶及熱溶物分析. 燃料化學學報,2016, 44(1): 15-22.

[4]杜嬌嬌,趙雲鵬*,田由甲,張迪. 白音華褐煤可溶有機質的組成和結構特徵. 燃料化學學報,2017, 45(1): 9-14.

[5]Xiao J, Zhao Y P*, Ding M, Wei X Y, Zong Z M. Composition and structural characteristics of nitrogen-containing species in the soluble organic species of Xianfeng lignite. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology. 2017, 45(4): 385-393.





